Stuffed up ears, headache: what to do?

Stuffed up ears, headache: what to do?
Stuffed up ears, headache: what to do?

Head pain is no longer a problem as it can be managed with just one pill. However, in combination with congestion in the ears, such pain can be an indicator of a disease. It can be connected not only with the work of the auditory analyzer, but also with the functioning of the central nervous system, heart and blood vessels. And if your ears are blocked, your head hurts, then you should consult a doctor to avoid possible serious consequences.

stuffy ear and headache
stuffy ear and headache

Possible causes

There are many reasons for headaches and stuffy ears, but they can all be grouped into two groups:

  • native, that is, natural;
  • reasons that require medical intervention.

Native causes

Diseases that were caused by a group of natural causes are distinguished by the fact that they pass very quickly on their own without outside intervention, without harming he alth. Suchproblems are usually accompanied by pressure in the hearing area, as well as pressure inside the head.

There are several reasons why the back of the head hurts and stuffy ears:

  1. A sharp change in atmospheric pressure.
  2. Water entering the ear canal, for example, while swimming in a river or pool.
  3. Changes in hormonal levels with sharp jumps due to the onset of pregnancy or menopause.

In the event of an increase in pressure in the atmosphere, no action should be taken, it will be enough to wait until the body adapts itself, and the condition returns to normal. If moisture gets into the ears, it is necessary to take a position that allows the water to flow out on its own, which will help get rid of discomfort. In case of hormonal imbalance, help will be provided by taking an anesthetic pill, followed by a consultation with a doctor to eliminate the cause of the pathology.

pain in the head and ear
pain in the head and ear

Diseases requiring intervention

If your head hurts for a long time, your ears are blocked, then you definitely need to visit a medical institution. This is necessary due to the fact that it is impossible to find out the cause of discomfort on your own at home. Both the head and the ears can hurt without even being dependent on each other. In addition, pain may be a consequence of the pathology of another organ.

What diseases can occur

Because the feeling of congestion in the ears and unpleasant pain in the occipital region may occur outsidedepending on each other, we can assume the possibility of the formation of pathologies in the area of the auditory canal, nervous system and heart. Let's take a closer look at these points.

ear stuffy head hurts how to treat
ear stuffy head hurts how to treat

Diseases of the auditory analyzer

The condition in which the ears are blocked, the head hurts, can be explained by the existence of a number of traumatic injuries, such as:

  • violation in the external organ of hearing;
  • get foreign bodies into the ear canal;
  • burn caused by chemicals;
  • prolonged exposure to freezing temperatures or frostbite;
  • obtaining barotrauma due to a sharp jump in atmospheric pressure (this is possible, for example, during takeoff and landing of an airplane).

In addition, according to statistics, about four million working people and about 800 thousand people of retirement age have a sulfur plug. Children are less susceptible to such diseases, but recently the number of such cases has been increasing among students.

How do ear plugs appear

stuffs ears in men what to do
stuffs ears in men what to do

Sulfur is produced through the work of specialized glands located in the auditory organ. The removal of sulfur also contributes to the utilization of bacteria and foreign bodies. This process mainly occurs when the jaw is in motion. However, if water gets inside the ear, due to non-compliance with hygiene rules, frequent and prolonged use of earphones, wax output does notoccurs, and it accumulates, blocking the access of sounds to the eardrum.

Inflammatory processes

Inflammatory processes can start in the ears of any person, however, according to official data, this most often occurs in preschool children. The main reason is improper ear cleaning technique or prolonged contact with liquid. The diseases of this group include:

  1. Mastoiditis.
  2. Qatar Eustachian tubes.
  3. Tit.
  4. Labyrinthite.
  5. Atresia of ear canals.

There is also the possibility of a neurinoma, a benign tumor that is formed due to accessory cells of the auditory nerves. Most often, this disease can be found in women over twenty years old. Additional symptoms include vomiting, jaw dysfunction, and dizziness.

ears stuffed up treatment
ears stuffed up treatment

Pathologies of the upper respiratory tract

If the otolaryngologist did not find pathologies in the work of the auditory analyzer, this does not mean that you need to stop searching and go home. It is possible that it hurts and dizzy, stuffy ears for the reason:

  • colds accompanied by runny nose;
  • acute sinusitis.

Rhinitis can cause a lack of oxygen, which can cause dizziness, and excess mucus interferes with the normal perception of sounds.

The consequences of sinusitis are much more serious, because the sinuses become inflamed under the influence of harmful bacteria. AsAdditional symptoms include a feeling of discomfort in the area of the visual analyzer, changes in the sound of the voice and pain during head movements. If you do not start adequate treatment on time, following all the instructions, then you can avoid serious consequences, involving the development of meningitis and other things. Otherwise, complications cannot be avoided.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

If no pathologies were found by an otolaryngologist, then you should also contact a cardiologist and do magnetic resonance imaging. If the ears are blocked, the head hurts and the temperature, then we can talk about the presence:

Vegetovascular dystonia. In fact, these are disorders in the area of the vegetative parts of the nervous system that prevent complete control of blood pressure, temperature, immunity, circulation, neurosis and the endocrine system. It is worth noting that despite the fact that this is an outdated name for the pathology, it is still used by doctors

Hypertension. This pathology occurs due to high blood pressure, which often precedes a stroke. Therefore, in case of constantly recurring attacks, you need to go to the hospital. Also, hypertension is a sign of the onset of a heart attack. In this case, dark spots appear under the eyes, a feeling of nausea, a pulsation in the temporal region, a feeling of pressure in the region of the heart, and weakness

It should be noted that an increase in pressure inside the skull is characterized by similar symptoms, but it is a harbinger of more serious consequences andproblems.


Headache and ears stuffed up? The cause of such symptoms may be hidden in the appearance and active progression of cervical osteochondrosis. This disease is characterized by damage to the discs between the vertebrae in the spinal column. Such disorders can lead to a violation of blood circulation and blood flow to the brain, further disability may occur.

The most common osteochondrosis among people under the age of thirty who spend a lot of time at the computer. Symptoms include a feeling of increased pressure in the head, pulsation of the veins in the temples, migraines and dizziness.

How to deal with the problem

headache stuffy ear what to do
headache stuffy ear what to do

If your head hurts, your ears are stuffed, your neck hurts, then it is better to see a doctor so that the diagnosis is made professionally, and the prescribed treatment is adequate. However, even in this case, you need to know some rules for providing first aid:

  • In case of symptoms due to colds or viral diseases, first of all, it is necessary to restore the respiratory function to normal. When the runny nose passes, the condition will return to normal.
  • If stuffy ears, headache, the cause may be pressure. In case of high blood pressure, you should take medications that dilate blood vessels (Vinpocetine, Berlition), otherwise drink coffee or tea.
  • To normalize the pressure between the middle ear and the Eustachian tube with the external organhearing and eliminate excess noise, you can use chewing gum.
  • To independently remove the plug from sulfur, you can use hydrogen peroxide. It is necessary to lie on your side and pour five drops into the ear, after ten minutes repeat the procedure with the other ear. If you experience discomfort, it is better to stop and consult a specialist. Repeat these manipulations for three days.
  • What to do, blocked ears, headache? You can resort to the use of a cold compress. To do this, apple cider vinegar and olive oil are mixed in equal proportions and, moistened in this mixture, apply a cotton swab to the desired area for 10-15 minutes. With the manifestation of migraine, it is worth applying cold and hot compresses in turn with a frequency of two minutes. In addition, they also use onion juice, wormwood tincture. Women should be especially careful with these treatments during pregnancy.
  • When the "ear shoots", you can resort to warming up. The main thing is not to use this procedure in the presence of such pathologies as sinusitis and purulent otitis media, otherwise you can complicate the situation and provoke a complication. For the procedure, place s alt in a cloth bag and heat to 35-40 degrees and apply to the sore ear for 15-20 minutes.
  • Massage for the head will help eliminate pain. Perform with fingers, making movements in a circle from the back of the head to the cranial base.
  • Gymnastics will be a good helper if your ears are blocked, your head hurts due to the presence of cervical osteochondrosis. It is recommended to perform exercises that do not require active swings or movements.heads. In this case, pressure is applied to a certain part of the patient's body, which he must resist by tensing his muscles. Such movements should be alternated with those where the head is directly involved. They should be done daily. However, you need to follow the instructions exactly or perform under the supervision of a specialist.

First aid

When asked what to do if your ears are stuffed up, your head hurts, the answer will be the following: go to the hospital, and before going to the doctor, you can try to improve your condition at home. For this you need:

  • take painkillers ("Nise", "Etodin Forte");
  • with a runny nose, use a drug that will get rid of mucus ("Sanorin", "Rinosol");
  • in case of hypertension, it is necessary to measure the pressure and take your medications to normalize the pressure ("Zocardis", "Verapamil");
  • with stuffy ears, pain in the head due to a pressure surge, you need to perform a series of swallowing movements that will relieve discomfort;
  • you can get rid of the sulfur plug with a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide or with special candles that can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Pain in the head area can contribute to ear congestion. This pattern also works in reverse. The main thing is to determine the cause in time and begin to eliminate it.

Use of folk remedies in treatment

stuffy ears and headache how to help
stuffy ears and headache how to help

Ifheadache, stuffy ears, sore throat, you must definitely consult a doctor to get advice and adequate treatment. In addition, alternative treatment methods can also be used as an addition to doctor's prescriptions. But before that, it is better to ask a doctor for advice on the appropriateness of using folk methods.

The following are the most popular ways:

  1. Solution prepared with one tablespoon of hawthorn and periwinkle tinctures. This mixture is poured with boiling water (1 cup) and placed in a water bath for thirty minutes. The resulting broth is left to cool, then it should be filtered and drunk on a spoon before eating.
  2. 2 tablespoons of chopped raspberry branches are placed in a saucepan, pour boiling water (1 liter) and drink for 3 weeks 3-4 times a day.
  3. To relieve inflammation in the ear canal, you can use a tincture made from anise seeds (10 g), rosehip oil (5 ml) and vodka (100 ml). It should be instilled in the ears at night


If you have a headache, stuffy ears, a sore throat, then you should immediately go to the hospital to get a doctor's consultation in order to avoid the appearance and development of dangerous diseases, since the above symptoms can be an indicator of serious pathologies. Do not try to heal yourself, so as not to cause complications.
