Epilepsy is considered a very dangerous disease of the nervous system, occurring in about one percent of the population. There are many prerequisites for its occurrence, as well as a large number of therapeutic methods. In this article, we will talk about whether epilepsy is curable, as well as find out the main causes of its occurrence, methods of treatment and forecasts for the future. Read the information provided carefully in order to protect and arm yourself as much as possible. So let's get started.
What is epilepsy
Before answering the question of whether epilepsy is curable, you need to figure out what this disease is.

Epilepsy is a special chronic pathology of the nervous system, which makes itself felt in the form of episodic seizures, accompanied by loss of consciousness, convulsions and other manifestations. At the same time, between attacks, a person is absolutely normal, no different from other people. At the same time, keep in minda single seizure does not indicate the presence of this disease.
Accurate diagnosis can only be made after the patient has had at least two seizures. People have known about this disease since ancient times. Now it has another name, namely "falling". Most often, pathology makes itself felt when a person enters adolescence and the hormonal background changes. However, the development of the disease in childhood and adulthood is not excluded. Once the disease begins to develop, attacks can be very rare, with long intervals. However, over time, their number can increase significantly.
Causes of epilepsy
A lot of people are wondering if epilepsy is curable. In fact, everything depends on so many factors, so doctors do not have an exact answer to this question today.
Neurologists and psychotherapists distinguish between primary and secondary epilepsy. The first type of pathology is considered congenital and is quite often inherited. Usually it begins to manifest itself in early childhood or in adolescence. Such a disease is characterized by a change in the electrical activity of neurons, but the structures of the brain do not change their state.
Secondary epilepsy usually does not occur on its own, but is only a consequence of some disease. Consider, in the presence of which diseases pathology can occur:

- Epilepsy can make itself felt afterthe patient suffered severe head injuries.
- The disease can also occur as a result of inflammatory and infectious processes occurring in the brain.
- The disease can occur against the background of ischemic processes in the brain, as well as in the presence of tumors, or after a patient has experienced a stroke.
- Also, the disease can make itself felt if a person actively abuses alcohol and drugs.
Whether epilepsy is curable is a question that worries all people suffering from this pathology. Scientists say that everything depends on the patient himself. However, no one can give a 100% guarantee for a full recovery.
Development of epilepsy
Epilepsy of the brain can manifest itself in different ways. There are several varieties of the disease. Each of them is characterized by the presence of certain seizures. Consider the main types of seizures:
Simple partial seizures
Characterized by the occurrence of convulsions in various parts of the body. For example, cramps can begin in the hands, feet, corners of the mouth, and gradually spread throughout the body. Moreover, such seizures do not always end in fainting.

Complex partial seizures
In this case, the patient during an attack not only has convulsions, but also clouding of consciousness occurs. The person does not understand what is happening to him. In the mind of the patient, hallucinations, a feeling of deja vu and intense fear may occur. Such seizures are usuallyexert very strong moral pressure on the patient.
The occurrence of epilepsy in adults occurs for many reasons. Most often, such a disease will be accompanied by generalized seizures with loss of consciousness for several minutes, as well as convulsions of the whole body. After an attack, a person falls asleep, or tries to restore in his mind a series of events that have occurred. After the attack, the patient usually has a severe headache and there is considerable fatigue and emptiness, but eventually the state of he alth returns to normal.
There are also seizures called absences
They occur without loss of consciousness, as well as without convulsions, and most often occur in childhood. A person freezes for a few seconds, so from the outside it may seem that he was simply distracted by something. Such attacks are sometimes accompanied by physical activity. For example, the child begins to twitch the eyelid or his muscles twitch. Sometimes it is very difficult to understand that you just had a seizure.
Seizure duration
We have already said that the causes of epilepsy in adults are different. Depending on the type of epilepsy, a seizure can last from one second to several minutes. If the patient has a series of seizures that lasts more than five minutes, and between these attacks the patient cannot fully regain his consciousness, then we are talking about epileptic status. This condition is considered extremely dangerous and can be fatal.
What can trigger seizures
So many patientsInterested in the question of whether epilepsy is curable at all. It is impossible to give an exact answer, because even after ten years of complete absence of seizures, seizures may begin to recur. There are factors that increase the risk of seizures.

Excessive emotional stress, stress, change in climatic conditions, the use of alcohol-containing drinks, as well as substances that can stimulate the activity of the central nervous system can provoke a seizure. The stimulus can be lack of sleep, overheating and hypothermia, as well as many other factors. That is why patients with epilepsy need to be especially responsible for their state of he alth.
How the diagnosis is made
Unfortunately, there is no exact answer to the question of whether adult-onset epilepsy is curable. After the first seizure, it is very important for a person to go to the hospital for medical help and to accurately confirm the diagnosis. To begin with, the doctor will talk to the patient and conduct a visual examination. Next, the patient will be asked to do an EEG, computed tomography, and, if necessary, undergo neuropsychological testing.
Features of first aid
It is very important to be able to provide first aid to a patient suffering from epilepsy. If your child has this disease, be sure to alert their teachers at school so they are armed with the necessary information.
Is epilepsy in children completely curable? This is only possible ifthe disease is acquired. Hereditary pathology is usually not completely curable.

So, let's look at what to do if a person has a seizure accompanied by loss of consciousness.
Do not under any circumstances crack his teeth, do not attempt artificial respiration. So you can only complicate the whole situation. Lay the person on their right side, while putting something under their head. In no case do not put a person on his back, as in this position he may choke on his own saliva. Fetal position is considered ideal.
Then the patient begins to gradually regain consciousness. He begins to rush somewhere, to do things that are familiar to him. All that is required of you is to speak softly to him and try to explain that the best solution at the moment is to lie in bed for a while. Usually the patient's condition begins to improve within twenty minutes.
Is epilepsy completely curable
Let's try to answer this question. Many parents worry about whether epilepsy in children is curable. It all depends on the origin of the disease. Sometimes epilepsy progresses only in childhood, after which it disappears on its own, without the use of any therapeutic measures. Of course, each person has their own individual characteristics. Based on them, as well as on the factors that provoke the disease, it is possible to determine whether it is realistic to completely cure epilepsy.
Of course, there is a possibility that the diseasewill disappear completely. However, in the presence of severe cases, this is simply not possible.

Epilepsy cannot be cured with conditions such as:
- meningoencephalitis;
- epileptic encephalopathy;
- the presence of dangerous and serious damage to brain structures.
It is also very important to start the treatment right. To a very large extent this will determine whether epilepsy in children is curable.
If patients are engaged in self-treatment at home, then you should not count on positive results. Treatment should be started on time, taking into account the specifics of the disease.
Features of the treatment
In the international classification of diseases, epilepsy code is G40. There are several treatments for this disease. Which one is right for you, only your doctor can tell you based on a huge number of different diagnostic tests.
The most commonly used conservative methods of treatment, but in some cases, surgery is recommended. Alternative treatment also helps to achieve good results. Consider what each of them is.
Medicated treatment
Most often, neuropathologists prescribe medication for epilepsy. This method involves the use of anticonvulsant and neurotropic substances that can reduce the frequency and severity of seizures, and sometimes completely eliminate them. At the same time, the treatmentmedication should be long-term. The dosage of the medicine is reduced very gradually, otherwise the attacks may resume.
Usually, surgery is prescribed in cases where the patient has a cyst or tumor in the brain that provokes the development of seizures. Most often, after surgery, the patient's condition gradually returns to normal, and the seizures disappear.
Auxiliary Treatment
First of all, you should pay attention to nutrition. Doctors strongly recommend following a ketogenic diet, which allows you to actively burn fats instead of carbohydrates. In addition, very good results can also be achieved by taking various decoctions and infusions. Very well restores nerve cells tincture of mistletoe leaves. Decoctions of lavender, valerian, tansy and lily of the valley also showed themselves well.
Reduce the frequency of attacks can fresh onion and juice from it. Try to eat this vegetable regularly.
Alcoholic epilepsy
Some patients wonder if alcoholic epilepsy is curable. Such a disease occurs when a patient has been heavily poisoning his body with alcohol for several years. Alcoholic epilepsy is accompanied by convulsions and loss of consciousness. If a sick person does not stop drinking, then the disease will only gain momentum. However, if the patient becomes completely abstinent from alcohol, then his condition will improve significantly, and attacks will no longer occur.
Preventive measures
Depending on what kind of lifestyleleads a person suffering from epilepsy, his future life will depend. Can I drink alcohol, drive a car, or engage in activities that involve increased concentration of attention with epilepsy? The unequivocal answer is no.

However, in addition to this, there are some preventive measures that every patient with epilepsy should adhere to, namely:
- Proper nutrition. Eating enough vegetables, fruits, and other he althy foods.
- The correct alternation of work and rest. Sleep deprivation should be completely eliminated.
- Sports must be present in the patient's life.
Work in a circle where you trust everyone and everyone knows about your illness. Be sure to tell them what to do if you suddenly pass out.
Compliance with preventive measures, as well as proper and timely treatment will help to significantly reduce the number of seizures, and sometimes completely rid you of this dangerous pathology.
Don't forget that your he alth is in your hands. So take care of him and take care of yourself.