Thanks to the coordinated work of all systems, we are protected from the harmful effects of all kinds of pathogenic microbes. Leukocytes are fearless soldiers, the first to fight back pathogens that try to enter our body. In this article, we will talk about what leukocytes are, what should be their norm. It will also be considered what a decrease in leukocytes in the blood means, the reasons for a sharp decrease in their level.
The role of leukocytes in the blood
From English the word "leukocyte" is translated as "white blood cell". However, this is not quite true. If you look under a microscope, you can see that white blood cells have different shades: bluish, purple, pinkish. They differ in function and form, but they are all united by the presence of a nucleus. Leukocytes are formed in the bone marrow and lymph nodes, have an irregular or rounded shape. Their sizes range from 6 to 20 microns.
The main function of leukocytes is to protect the bodyfrom possible harmful agents and providing immunity. The protective property of cells is based on the fact that they are able to move through the walls of capillaries and enter the intercellular space. Here phagocytosis occurs - the absorption and digestion of foreign particles.
The phenomenon of phagocytosis was discovered by the Russian scientist Ilya Mechnikov. For this he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1908.
The mechanism of action of phagocytes is similar to inflating balloons. Absorbing harmful microorganisms, the cell swells like a balloon. When it runs out of the ability to absorb elements of alien origin, the particle bursts like a balloon heavily filled with air. When phagocytes are destroyed, substances are released that cause inflammation in the body. Other leukocytes immediately rush to the lesion. They are dying in large numbers in an attempt to restore the "line of defense".
As previously noted, leukocytes have different functions. While some of them are directly involved in the destruction of viruses and bacteria, others produce antibodies.

Types of white blood cells
The German biologist Paul Ehrlich at the beginning of the 20th century discovered several types of leukocytes: lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes, basophils. The scientist also divided these cells into two groups: granulocytes and agranulocytes.
Large nucleus, granular structure, special granules in the cytoplasm have substances of the first group (basophils, neutrophils, eosinophils). To the secondthe group includes non-granular leukocytes (lymphocytes and monocytes), they do not have granules in the cytoplasm. It is worth considering each species in detail.
They are stab and segmented in their form. The latter got their name due to constriction-segments located in the nucleus of mature cells. The nucleus elongates and takes on the form of a rod in immature cells - hence the name stab. Both forms have the ability to chemotaxis (movement to the lesion), have adhesiveness.
Segmented neutrophils predominate over stab ones in number. The intensity of hematopoiesis is judged by the ratio of both. With significant blood loss, the body needs more of these cells. Neutrophils do not have time to fully mature in the bone marrow, so they enter the bloodstream immature. Phagocytosis is the main function of neutrophils. 12 microns is the size of these cells. No more than eight days is their lifespan.
There are three groups of lymphocytes according to their functions. Outwardly, their representatives are similar, but differ from each other in function. For example, B cells produce antibodies when they recognize foreign structures. The production of antibodies is stimulated by T-killers, they are responsible for immunity. NK-lymphocytes are responsible for innate immunity, they reduce the risk of the onset and development of tumor diseases. Together, all these cells provide human immunity.
In an adult, the rate of leukocytes is up to 40%, and in children - up to 50%. Of this amount, the proportion of T-killers reaches 80%. Remaining 20%accounts for NK- and B-lymphocytes.

These are large macrophages with one nucleus. Thanks to pseudopodia - outgrowths of the cytoplasm, these cells move quite quickly. Having reached the place where the inflammatory process occurs, they begin to release active substances - interleukin-1, which provides antiviral protection. In the role of macrophages, monocytes absorb foreign microorganisms and particles of destroyed cells. This is their function. These white blood cells are up to 20 microns in size.
Their function is aimed at combating foreign objects that cause allergies. Their amount in the blood is insignificant, however, it increases with the occurrence of an allergic disease. They belong to microphages, that is, they can absorb small harmful particles. Their norm in the blood is from 120 to 350 pieces per 1 microliter.
These are the largest leukocytes, which are only up to 1% in the blood. Their cytoplasm contains histamine and peroxidase - they recognize inflammation that causes an allergic reaction. They are also called scout cells, as they help other leukocytes detect harmful particles. Basophils can move, but their ability is very limited. In addition to all of the above functions, basophils also regulate blood clotting.
For the normal functioning of human life, it is necessary that the content of leukocytes in the blooddid not go beyond the norm. A general blood test allows you to identify their number. The reference values of leukocytes in the blood depend on the age of a person. In the absence of diseases and pathologies, the number of leukocytes may fluctuate depending on the time of day and the state of the body.

Leukocyte formula
Leukocyte formula is the percentage of all types of white blood cells. To make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment, the amount of each type of leukocyte in the blood is studied. Since each of them performs a certain function, serious changes in their total number and a deviation in the number of leukocytes in the blood from the norm may indicate that a failure has occurred in the body. For example, from 1 to 6% should be in the blood of stab neutrophils, from 47 to 72% - segmental, from 19 to 40% - lymphocytes. The number of monocytes (of the total number of leukocytes) should be from 3 to 11%, and basophils and eosinophils - a very small proportion.
What is pus
With the active struggle of cells with foreign microflora that has penetrated into the body, white blood cells die in large numbers. Pus is large collections of dead white blood cells. It remains at the site of inflammation.
Leukocytic decussation
This is a blood test method for children. In an adult, although the leukocyte index changes, it is insignificant, and in babies, due to the formation of children's immunity, quite strong fluctuations occur. Especially the jump is observed in the number of neutrophils and lymphocytes. If you depict their readings as curves, then there will be intersections at 3-5 days of a child's life and between three and six years. Such a cross cannot be attributed to a deviation, so parents can feel calm and not worry about their child.
Sometimes the analysis shows low white blood cells. What does it mean? The presence of a disease is always indicated by a reduced number of white blood cells.
As previously identified, the level of leukocytes can change throughout life. Under the influence of various factors, even in he althy people, a slight increase in their level can be observed. If the white blood cells are low, this is always a cause for concern. In this case, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination and perform a detailed blood test.
Leukopenia or a decrease in leukocytes in the blood in men, women, children is a condition in which the leukocyte balance in the body is disturbed towards a decrease. This deviation cannot be caused by physical activity or food intake. A decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood means that a person has a certain pathology. Doctors observe in patients an increase in lymph nodes, spleen, tonsils. The reasons for this phenomenon may be different.
Why is this happening
To date, doctors have identified three main reasons for the decrease in leukocytes in the blood:
- A person does not have enough vitamins that are necessary for the formation of white bodies. This reason is the most common. Evolve this deviationmay be due to malnutrition or the occurrence of problems associated with poor absorption of vitamin substances. In this case, other blood counts will also be reduced. Most often, patients have a lack of vitamin B, severe anemia, low levels of folic acid and copper.
- White blood cells actively fight infection, which is present in the body in chronic diseases. At the same time, the blood cells leave the bloodstream and the affected tissues become the place of their localization. It is important to determine the level of neutrophils in the blood in this state of affairs. With intoxication, a decrease in leukocytes in the blood can also occur. In this case, the patient will be found to have a deficiency of not only mature, but also young neutrophils.
- The reason for the decrease in leukocytes in the blood may also be problems that have arisen in the work of the bone marrow. This can happen as a result of poisoning the body with drugs, chemicals (for example, benzene), as well as radiation sickness.

Symptoms of leukopenia
When there is a decrease in leukocytes in the blood, no characteristic signs of this pathology are observed. According to the general state of he alth, it can be suspected that the leukocytes are below normal. The patient has chills, rapid pulse, fever, headache, fatigue, lack of appetite.
With a long-term deviation, a person is more likely to be exposed to all kinds of infectious diseases. This happens due to the fact that leukocytes perform a protective function. If athe person noticed that he began to get sick more often, and a common cold lasts for more than a week, he should take a blood test for leukocytes. This study will accurately determine the level of each type of cell that performs protective functions, as well as their ratio to the total number of leukocytes. According to the results obtained, the doctor can establish an initial diagnosis. If necessary, additional diagnostics are carried out.
Possible diseases
Low white blood cells are observed in any chronic inflammatory diseases. Also, a decrease in the total number of these cells can be justified by the presence of such ailments:
- Viral diseases (rubella, chickenpox, flu).
- Oncological diseases (especially blood cancer).
- Thyroid disease.
- Illnesses caused by any infection (tuberculosis, brucellosis, sepsis).
- Presence of parasites.
- Diseases of the autoimmune system.
- Liver disease.
- Intestinal diseases.
- Congenital pathologies.
- Bone marrow disease.
- Pathologies of the spleen.
In addition, there is a decrease in leukocytes in the blood after chemotherapy or radiation therapy, which are used to treat cancer. There is also a decrease in immunity in people who live in adverse environmental conditions.
Dangerous deviations
Doctors consider a dangerous decrease when the total level of leukocytes in a blood test is below the 4 g limitper liter of blood. A patient with such indicators urgently needs to conduct additional examinations and identify the cause of the deviation. This condition is especially dangerous for children, since their body is quite susceptible to attacks by infections and viruses. Decreased immunity can lead to long-term and severe illness. Of particular importance is also the control of the level of these cells in pregnant women. A decrease in white blood cells in the blood of a future mother indicates a danger to her and her unborn baby. For this reason, gynecologists regularly monitor these indicators in the analyzes.

What can be learned from a blood test
A doctor always judges a patient's he alth by a combination of leukocyte counts. What blood tests say:
- Decrease in platelets and erythrocytes along with a decrease in the level of leukocytes. As a rule, this condition is a signal of a violation in the work of the bone marrow. Such pathologies can be caused by poisoning, radiation, impaired hematopoietic tissue.
- Reduced lymphocytes. This deviation most often speaks of congenital pathologies, autoimmune diseases, mutations. With some of them, one of the types of leukocytes may be completely absent.
- The total level of leukocytes in the blood is lowered, but against this background, monocytes are increased. Such tests are most often seen in people who have recently had a viral or infectious disease. The following indicators indicate the onset of the recovery phase. Sometimes, but very rarely, these results maymanifest about the development of tuberculosis or cancer.
- Against the background of an increase in lymphocytes, neutrophils are reduced. The total level of leukocytes is also lowered. Such results are observed in patients with lymphocytic leukemia, lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis.
When detecting a small number of leukocytes in the blood, it is necessary to find the cause of this deviation. Positive results can only bring therapy of the underlying disease. If the reducing factor remains unknown, the whole body should be additionally examined.
May have a low white blood cell count in the early stages of a serious bone marrow or blood disorder.
It is worth knowing that a diagnostic blood test is an extremely important event in pediatrics. If the child had a normal indicator earlier, and at the next examination it decreased, it is necessary to urgently identify the cause.

In the treatment of leukopenia, the drugs of choice are:
- "Leukogen".
- "Etaden".
- "Pentoxyl".
- "Batilol".
- "Pyridoxine".
Prevention of leukopenia. How to increase white blood cells
There are no specific measures to prevent this deviation. However, there are some general recommendations for promoting he alth. We discussed above that sometimes tests show low white blood cells. What does it mean. This is evidence of suppression of the immune system in the child andadult. With the wrong lifestyle and a lack of certain vitamins, the rate of these blood cells can also decrease.

How to increase the number of leukocytes in the blood? First, you need to watch your diet. Food should be he althy, natural and varied. A properly formulated diet will help replenish the missing vitamins, which will lead to increased immunity.
Also, do not neglect outdoor walks, sports. Stress must be avoided. People working in hazardous industries need to take vouchers to sanatoriums. Addiction to bad habits can also be the cause of a decrease in white blood cells. It is worth giving up alcohol and nicotine, accustom yourself to drinking he althy herbal teas, taking vitamin complexes, including fermented milk products, fruits, fish, meat, and vegetables in your diet.