Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. This truth seems hackneyed to many, but this does not make it less relevant, especially with regard to such a serious disease as chronic bronchitis. It may be the result of the flu or SARS, but it may also have other causes.
Prevention of chronic bronchitis is precisely aimed at eliminating the factors that provoked this disease.
Basic information
Chronic bronchitis is an inflammatory process in the bronchi, accompanied by a persistent unproductive cough (with little sputum).

Not every prolonged bronchitis can be considered chronic, but only such a disease in which symptoms are observed for at least three months a year for at least two years. And, of course, it is important to make sure that these signs do not indicate other diseases of the respiratory system.
All bronchitis are dangerous in that pathological phenomena can spread to the lungs, leading tothe development of diseases such as pneumosclerosis or emphysema.
Causes of development, treatment
Prevention and treatment of chronic bronchitis is impossible unless the causes of this disease are established. These reasons include:
- prolonged exposure to bronchial irritants, such as dust, carbon dioxide, various harmful substances at work;
- recurrent respiratory infections, most often of a viral nature, although they can also be caused by pathogenic microorganisms (pneumococci);
- constant dry air in the room;
- prolonged exposure to cold (when a person inhales cold air).
Chronic bronchitis can also be caused by a genetic predisposition, but this is relatively rare. In addition, the presence of predisposing factors should be taken into account, which include chronic inflammatory processes in the organs of the respiratory system, a decrease in the body's immunity, and an unfavorable environmental situation.
Treatment of chronic bronchitis directly depends on the cause that caused it. It is possible to take antiviral drugs (for example, Novirina), antibiotics, bronchodilators (theophylline).

At home, inhalations are made with essential oils of eucalyptus and juniper.
Primary prevention
All preventive measures taken to prevent chronic bronchitis can be divided into primary and secondary prevention. Differthey are at what stage of the disease the patient tries to prevent exposure to harmful factors.
Primary prevention of chronic bronchitis is a whole range of measures that are aimed at both preventing the development of this disease and preventing its progression. Basically, they should eliminate the causes listed above, which lead to inflammatory processes.

Partly the primary prevention of bronchitis must be taken in the workplace. It is about protecting workers from exposure to harmful production factors. In addition, companies must ensure that toxic substances do not enter the environment.
But both the prevention of the acute form of the disease and the prevention of exacerbations of chronic bronchitis largely depend on the patient himself. It is he who should consult a doctor in a timely manner if there are symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections, and carry out rehabilitation of chronic foci of infection (and for this, you need, among other things, to regularly visit the dentist, since caries can also play a negative role in the development of pathology).
Prevention of chronic bronchitis in the elderly may have its own characteristics. The fact is that they often go to the doctor later, since chronic bronchitis in them can develop asymptomatically for a long time. However, even as it develops, the symptoms will be uncharacteristic, since they mainly come down to tightness and burning in the chest, headaches, etc.

At the same time, for the elderly, this disease is dangerous because it can lead to heart failure. That is why at this age it is especially important to pay attention to breathing exercises and strengthening the immune system.
Prevention of complications of chronic bronchitis is aimed at restoring the function of not only the respiratory system, but also other internal organs that may suffer from lack of oxygen.
Influenza vaccination plays an important role. It eliminates one of the most common causes of chronic bronchitis. Vaccination is carried out every year at least a month before the onset of the SARS season with preparations that have been approved by WHO and contain strains of both the seasonal influenza characteristic of the area and the variety that is predicted for the coming season.
Prevention of acute and chronic forms: general principles
First you need to understand what is the prevention of acute and chronic bronchitis. In the first case, the cause of the disease is usually a viral and bacterial infection. Moreover, usually at first a person "catches" a viral disease, and on the second or third day a bacterial infection joins, and pathogenic microbes enter the bronchi.

Therefore, the prevention of acute bronchitis, which over time could turn into a chronic form, is reminiscent of preventive measures against influenza and SARS.
The rules are simple.
Public places
In the cold season whenimmunity is reduced, and viruses are active, large crowds of people should be avoided. Of course, complete isolation is impossible, because you have to travel to work by public transport.
In this case, you need to wear a medical mask. It also does not guarantee 100% protection, but it's still better than nothing. Just keep in mind that its protective effect is designed for about two hours, after which the mask needs to be changed.
Strengthening immunity
Immunity should be taken care of. Although today scientists say that the antiviral effect of ascorbic acid is greatly exaggerated, in fact, vitamins are very necessary for natural protection, especially in winter. It is not even necessary to take vitamin complexes, it is enough to balance the diet by including seasonal vegetables, citrus fruits, drinks from dried or frozen berries.
A lot of vitamin C is contained, for example, in blackcurrant, rose hips. Also, to strengthen immunity, it is important that the body receives enough protein, preferably of animal origin.
Hygiene must be observed. Viruses can persist for a long time not only on the skin of the hands or the nasal mucosa, but even on those things in which a person goes outside. Therefore, when leaving the house, it is worth taking wet wipes with you. And, of course, after visiting places where there are a lot of people at the same time, it is worth treating your hands with an antiseptic gel, rinsing your nose with sea water (sprays like "Aquamaris" will do), and sometimes you can rinse your throat.

Speaking of the simplest preventive measures, do not forget about wet cleaning. It must be regular. The apartment should be ventilated daily, even in winter.
It is very important that the air in the room is sufficiently humid. Due to the work of central heating systems in winter, it becomes very dry, and this acts irritatingly on the bronchi. Pharmacies sell special humidifiers, but they are quite expensive, so you can use cheaper methods - for example, just hang a wet towel on the radiator.
An important role in the prevention of acute and prophylactic bronchitis is exercise therapy - mainly a set of breathing exercises. If your he alth allows, you should pay attention to aerobic training, which improves the functioning of the respiratory system as a whole.
Secondary prevention
Secondary prevention of chronic bronchitis is aimed at preventing exacerbations in this disease. It also includes the active treatment of various respiratory infections. It all depends on the patient's lifestyle, on how much he himself is determined to change the situation.

The fact is that the most important thing he has to do is to give up bad habits, and in the first place - from smoking, since it is this that most often leads to such situations. It is not easy, only willpower and support from relatives is not enough here, most often medical assistance is required.
Besides, in order toto avoid exacerbations, you need to visit a doctor at least twice a year, even if the patient feels well and has no signs of chronic bronchitis.
At the first symptoms of poor breathing, it is all the more important to seek medical help. The sooner a person does this and starts taking the medicines prescribed by the doctor, the more likely they are to prevent a full-fledged exacerbation of the disease.
Therapeutic massage
Healing massage is useful. There are various types of it. For example, many experts recommend vibration massage.
Another effective method is postural drainage, when the patient spends 20 minutes twice a day in a certain position, in which the bronchi are freed from sputum residues.
S alt
For the prevention of exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, a s alt cave is recommended.
Such premises are equipped not only in resorts, but also in medical centers. Patients breathe s alt fumes, which relieve inflammation.
Therapeutic exercise as a preventive method
Prevention and treatment of chronic bronchitis necessarily include exercise therapy. Such gymnastics involves a complex of dynamic and static exercises, the goals of which are to normalize the drainage function of the bronchi, reduce inflammation, and increase natural immunity. Such gymnastics is contraindicated only in the presence of status asthmaticus or respiratory failure.
Respiratory gymnastics is done for acute bronchitis to prevent its transition tochronic form. Moreover, they begin it even during bed rest, approximately on the 3rd-5th day, lying or sitting on the bed.
Basically, it includes various breathing exercises (such as "hands up on inhalation, hands down on exhalation"), and only after a week you can move on to dynamic exercises, starting with the simplest - walking in place. Breathing exercises are not as easy as they seem. You need to learn a certain type of breathing, when inhaling is done through the nose, and exhaling strongly through the mouth.
Doctors recommend doing therapeutic exercises according to Kuznetsov. Remembering it is very simple: these are the already mentioned exercises with raising and lowering the arms, only they are done in a faster rhythm, and breathing should be the same as described - with increased exhalation through the mouth. There is also an effective Strelnikova technique, but for it you still need to master breathing using the abdominal muscles. In the absence of contraindications, you can practice yoga, but only under the guidance of an experienced instructor.
Doctors warn that a set of exercises for the prevention of chronic bronchitis in adults should be changed periodically. Doing the same movements day after day for several years is at least inefficient.