One of the rather rare, but insidious diseases is intestinal pneumatosis. It is diagnosed more often in young children and the elderly, and pregnant women are also at risk. The disease is caused by the formation of air cysts in the intestinal walls, that is, gases from the stomach do not pass through the mucous membrane and do not enter the circulatory system.

As a result of this, they linger in the gastrointestinal tract, and many cysts are formed, which significantly impede the work of the intestines. Sometimes the diameter of the cyst can be more than 1 cm! How to avoid such an unpleasant disease, how to correctly diagnose it and how to treat intestinal pneumatosis, we learn from this article.
What is this disease?
The cause may be intestinal obstruction due to polyps in the rectum, peristalsis disorders, infections, tumors, and other pathologies. In such cases, there are difficulties with the release of gases in a natural way, an excess of gases in the digestive tract, and as a result- the formation of a cyst. It has been observed that intestinal pneumatosis is most often diagnosed in the walls of the small intestine.
Causes of pathology
The exact causes of this disease, unfortunately, have not yet been established. But there is an assumption that three main factors contribute to its development:
- excess gas formation in the intestinal lumen, which occurs during the breakdown of sugars by bacteria;
- accumulation of gases due to impaired intestinal motility;
- gases penetrate the intestinal wall due to increased mucosal permeability.
Intestinal pneumatosis can be secondary, that is, be the result of intestinal infections, inflammatory and other diseases.

Symptoms of this disease
This disease is characterized by spasms of the large and small intestines, accompanied by bloating - as a result, there may be compression of the intestine, and in some areas there will be an increased content of gases! In the risk group, young children - the disease can complicate a number of infections and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract characteristic of infants, in addition, newborns move little, which also contributes to the progression of the disease. With pneumatosis of the intestine, treatment and nutrition should be selected by a doctor.
Forms of pathology
Classify three main forms of this disease:
- Initial or moderate pneumatosis - the nature of the lesions is small, perhaps only 1 cyst is present, the patient is not particularly bothered by the symptoms.
- Increased - several hitsections of the intestine, there are nodes, the symptoms are pronounced.
- Pronounced - a large area of damage, many cysts, intestinal inflammation.
Intestinal pneumatosis can also develop in a pregnant woman - during the gestation of the fetus, the organs are displaced, the fetus presses the intestines, and activity also decreases. And this is fertile ground for the symptoms of this disease. Pathology can be detected in a timely manner during a planned ultrasound, and treatment should be started immediately - during childbirth, a cyst can get into the baby's fragile body.

Important! Most often, pneumatosis develops against the background of an imbalance in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. And therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to regularly, 2-3 times a year, check the body for existing or developing diseases and get timely expert advice and recommendations for treatment.
What is intestinal pneumatosis in adults is now clear. But how to identify it?
How to recognize an ailment?
The difficulty of diagnosis lies in the fact that with severe intestinal pneumatosis, exactly the same symptoms appear as with other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
And since the disease is quite rare, it is not easy for specialists to accurately diagnose its symptoms. The main signs of the disease are diarrhea, bloating, colic, pain due to an excess of gases. In young children, vomiting, severe flatulence and deterioration in general well-being are also possible. If no action is taken, therethe threat of rupture of the intestine - the cysts begin to burst due to the ever-increasing pressure in the peritoneum. Peritonitis develops.
Urgent hospitalization in what cases is needed?
The following symptoms warrant immediate hospitalization:
- severe abdominal pain;
- a sharp deterioration in well-being;
- low blood pressure;
- pallor of the skin;
- complete or partial absence of peristalsis;
- state of shock.

In the absence of adequate treatment, complications such as intestinal obstruction due to a large number of cysts, increased intra-intestinal pressure and the formation of loops, the development of adhesions due to the growth of cysts, as well as the death of sections of the mucous membrane are possible. There is also pneumatosis of the intestine in infants.
Thus, it is very important to identify and start treatment in a timely manner - this will avoid serious complications and even death.
Methods for diagnosing pathology
Firstly, at the initial appointment, an experienced doctor can detect air bubbles by palpation of the abdominal region. In this case, the patient can feel how gas bubbles burst in the abdominal cavity. But this is possible if large areas of the intestinal wall are affected, and in practice it happens quite rarely.
Secondly, to clarify the diagnosis, radiography with a contrast agent is performed. This examination allows you to determine the location of the accumulation of gas bubbles and find out the sizecyst.
After further examination, the patient needs to undergo an endoscopy procedure, which is a very effective method for diagnosing this disease. A special device is placed in the intestinal cavity, with which the doctor can evaluate and visually examine the condition of cysts and other parts of the intestine. If more accurate studies are needed, the patient is prescribed an analysis of the tissues of the damaged intestine for a biopsy or is sent for computed tomography.
The causes of pneumatosis intestinalis must be determined prior to initiating therapy. Only then will it be effective.

Since pneumatosis is not an independent disease, but arising against the background of various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, the treatment should be aimed at eliminating the root causes that caused the malabsorption of gases. Therefore, it is very important not to self-medicate, but to contact a qualified specialist for the necessary recommendations.
First of all, intestinal motility needs to be restored - drugs such as Prepulsid or Cerucal can help with this.
The next step is to restore the intestinal microflora with the help of probiotics. If an intestinal infection is detected, the doctor will prescribe antibacterial or antiviral drugs, as well as immunostimulants. If there are signs of diarrhea, it is recommended to take the drugs "Motilium", "Imodium". In practice, inhalations with oxygen have proven themselves well, under the influence of whichimprovement and subsequent recovery. To relieve pain and spasms, analgesics and antispasmodics ("Drotaverin", "Baralgin") are prescribed.
The problem of constipation is solved by such drugs as Duphalac, Forlax, or folk methods, which, by the way, have proven themselves well in the treatment of pneumatosis - fruit decoctions are widely used: plums, apricots and apples are rich in useful fiber, and a decoction of parsley seeds and dill is the most commonly used infusion. Also, indoor plants are used for medicinal purposes - for example, aloe vera tincture relieves inflammation and activates peristalsis. To get rid of colic and pain, use a decoction or alcohol tincture of peppermint leaves.

Meteospasmil or Espumizan drugs reduce the process of gas formation, a diet with a low carbohydrate content is required.
Diet for intestinal pneumatosis in adults
Proper nutrition is an important point that must be observed without fail. It is recommended to eat frequently in small portions, in order to avoid stretching the injured areas of the stomach. Delicious but “harmful” food is removed from the diet: fried, fatty, s alty and spicy, coffee and alcoholic drinks. And you should also completely eliminate products that contribute to the appearance of gases. This is:
- carbonated drinks;
- gooseberries, grapes;
- radishes, cabbages, legumes, radishes, pears and green apples;
- sweets and pastries.
Dieting is not easy, buthe alth is more expensive! You can cook light vegetable soups or on a broth containing lean meat, boiled vegetables, cereals, and dairy products are also recommended. It is advised to drink a rosehip decoction, fruit jelly, milk or green tea.
Of course, there are advanced cases - and then, unfortunately, surgical intervention cannot be avoided - the affected area of the intestine is removed.
Prevention is better than cure
Any disease is treated much easier and faster with timely professional diagnosis. In this regard, it is necessary to undergo medical examinations at least 2 times a year, and if a disease is detected, undergo the entire prescribed course of treatment.
Intestinal pneumatosis has nonspecific symptoms and is difficult to diagnose. If signs of this disease are found, it is urgent to consult a doctor, and not to self-medicate. The use of traditional medicine is permissible only after a visit and consultation with a doctor.

In general, this disease is quite rare, so it is important to listen to your body, not to miss important symptoms and not bring the situation to a critical state.
And in order to minimize the risk of diseases, it is necessary to strive to lead a he althy lifestyle - eat right and fully, eliminate harmful bad habits, be friends with medicine, play sports or feasible physical activity. Stay he althy!