Sometimes a person feels an unpleasant sensation in the region of the heart. And it can be provoked by stressful situations or heard bad news. As a rule, such a symptom does not always indicate the presence of a serious defect, but in any case, you should still visit a specialist, since there is a possibility of a serious illness.
When is the right time to sound the alarm?

The most accurate description of what he feels can only be given by the person himself. Therefore, in order for the therapy to be effective, when visiting a specialist, it is necessary to describe everything exactly, without missing any trifles, but at the same time you should not embellish your condition. It is important to understand that a detailed description is the key to a correct diagnosis.
When a person makes a visit to a specialist, the doctor will ask the following questions during the history taking:
- If a person is worriedan unpleasant sensation in the region of the heart, then when it came, during meals or after eating. During exercise or at rest.
- What does the pain feel like - is it stabbing, cutting or aching.
- For how long does the pain persist or, conversely, at what points does it completely disappear.
All this is very important information, because thanks to the data received, the specialist will be able to determine in advance what is bothering the person. There are often unpleasant sensations in the region of the heart with VVD (vegetative-vascular dystonia).
What affects?
For example, stressful situations or nervous breakdowns directly affect the state of the main motor of our body. So, these unpleasant factors can speed up the pulse and raise blood pressure, which, in tandem with other possible ailments, provokes painful sensations in the heart area. Therefore, in order to avoid the manifestation of such an unpleasant symptom, it is necessary to completely exclude the culprits that provoke discomfort in the region of the heart in the evenings.
Another provocateur that can cause pain is physical activity. Pain in the region of the heart can disturb even a perfectly he althy person if he lifts an unnecessarily heavy burden. In this case, there will be pain along with tingling in the region of the heart.

It is worth noting that often such pain can radiate to the following areas:
But at the same time, a feeling of heaviness in the heart area can also indicate the presence of toxic substances in the body or occur with a common cold.
Often discomfort in the chest can occur if the heart muscle does not receive the nutrition it needs to function normally. Even problems with the gastrointestinal tract can provoke pain. Especially in cases where a person eats fatty and spicy foods, and also drinks alcohol excessively.
Unpleasant feeling in the region of the heart - causes
The reasons why the heart can hurt are varied. Often the pain that appears in the area of \u200b\u200bour main motor does not mean that the problem is in it. Therefore, doctors divided all such unpleasant sensations into categories, and this is what happened:
heart defects;
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
toxic effects;
great stress on the heart muscle;
respiratory system defects;
defects of large veins and arteries;
injured nerve trunks;
bone tissue injury;
muscle injury;
skin injury

As a rule, it is these ailments that provoke pain that occurs in the region of the heart. But in this case, the question of how to timely distinguish pain caused by the heart, and not by another system of our body, remains relevant.
Unpleasant feeling in the heart area or paincompressive character - the first sign of hypoxia of the heart muscle. With exertional angina, compressive pain will also be reflected behind the sternum and given to the left shoulder blade and arm.
Basically, this type of pain is typical for people suffering from heart rhythm disturbances. In addition to these pains, often a person has a manic fear of death and an uneven pulse.
If a person has an angina attack, then the pain will also have a squeezing character, while you need to monitor the duration of pain. The fact is that a prolonged attack gives a signal about the beginning of the development of thrombosis or a sharp stenosis of the coronary vessels. It is worth noting that in this case, taking nitroglycerin will not work, with such pain, you should immediately call a cardiological emergency.
Myocardial infarction

With a sharp pain that appeared suddenly, you should also urgently call an ambulance, as this is the first sign of myocardial infarction. In addition to sharp pain, a person has trembling in the hands, severe sweating and lack of oxygen.
In addition, in myocardial infarction, pain can be shifted to the abdomen and resemble intestinal colic. In this case, a person may experience severe nausea and vomiting. And in some situations, memory loss with uncontrolled urination.
Gastrointestinal diseases
If the culprit is a defect in the esophagus and stomach, then pain will also bedeploy in the area of the heart muscle. And such a symptom will be expressed by a sharp pain, flies in the eyes and dizziness. Basically, these sensations can occur after eating and in the evenings.
It is also worth noting that a person may bleed and lose consciousness. Therefore, you should not wait at home when it becomes easier, you should immediately seek help.
With pulmonary embolism, the pain will intensify and be of a pressing nature, while the person's blood pressure drops and even fainting may occur. The main sign of the development of this particular defect is panic attacks and a feeling of intense fear of death.
When a rib is broken, a person may also experience a sharp pain in the region of the heart, gradually developing into gnawing or aching. Such a symptom may either increase or become less pronounced, but at the same time, pain in the region of the heart will disturb even when inhaling.
If a person regularly lifts heavy weights, then later he may be disturbed by a pressing or dull pain in the region of the heart. By itself, such pain will not last long, and most often it worries only during weight lifting.
Neurocircular dystonia
If a person is concerned about stabbing and irregular pain in the region of the heart, but no circulatory disorders were noticed, then such a sign is not considered dangerous. Basically, this symptom manifests itself when a person has neurocircular dystonia. This defect is characterizedinsufficient rate of constriction and expansion of blood vessels. In this case, you will need to visit a doctor and undergo the necessary examination to prescribe adequate treatment.
It is worth noting that sometimes an unpleasant sensation in the region of the heart, weakness can also occur with tachycardia.
Why else might it occur?

But in the overwhelming majority of cases, such a symptom occurs against the background of the following processes:
in inflammation;
when hypothermia;
when stretching muscle tissue;
with intercostal neuralgia;
for shingles
In such cases, heart pain can be felt during coughing or inhalation.
With severe pain in the region of the heart, it is often possible to determine a heart attack. In this case, a person will be disturbed by very strong, even unbearable pain, panic and fear of death may also begin.
If aching pains began to disturb, then this may indicate a constant stressful state of the patient. Often the main symptom is "painful infringement of the heart." This symptom was classified as "cardioneurosis". It provokes discomfort in the region of the heart. Shortness of breath is also a fairly common symptom. And to cope with such a problem, sometimes it is enough for a person to visit a good psychotherapist. As a rule, it is this specialist who manages to completely save a person from this trouble.
What should be the patient's actions with such symptoms?

When a person experiences discomfort in the area of the heart, the most correct thing would be to visit a therapist or a cardiologist. At the doctor's appointment, you should tell in detail about all the unpleasant sensations that began to bother the person. Then the doctor will prescribe an additional examination in the form of such manipulations as:
blood and urine tests;
ECG with mandatory interpretation;
ECHO cardiopsy
It is worth noting that the doctor may prescribe additional studies that he considers necessary.
Such an examination will help to exclude the development of real myocardial diseases or will guarantee that the current state of the patient is not associated with the risk of this pathology. Perhaps pain is the result of stressful situations that fall on a person every day, so the specialist will recommend a good psychotherapist who will help to cope with the moral burden that causes such a symptom. There are unpleasant sensations in the region of the heart from experiences.
It is worth noting that, as described above, pain can be triggered by the development of defects in another system of the human body, so a specialist will identify them with the help of an examination, which will allow timely treatment. Sometimes discomfort develops in the region of the heart after eating. This may indicate a stomach disease.

Pain in the heart -this is an unpleasant symptom that can also be dangerous. For this reason, it is not worth delaying a visit to the doctor. It is important to understand that the heart is our main engine and our overall well-being depends on how he althy it is. Therefore, if you have unpleasant symptoms, be sure to see a doctor, it will never be superfluous to play it safe.