Most often with colds and flu, breathing through the nose is difficult, and a runny nose is observed. These seemingly banal symptoms are often overlooked. But in vain. They can cause not only common colds, but also very serious diseases. How to get rid of nasal congestion and runny nose? Before moving on to this question, let's consider what a runny nose is and the possible causes of this condition.

Rhinitis - what is it?
The condition when there is a discharge from the nose, in the language of doctors is called rhinitis. It occurs due to inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, they swell. Hence the difficulty in breathing through the nose, and the discharge, which can be mucous and purulent. Most often, the occurrence of a cold is provoked by viruses. Rhinitis may appearas an independent disease or be a symptom of another infection, such as influenza, diphtheria, measles, gonorrhea, HIV, etc.
Causes of rhinitis
- Sharp temperature changes, for example, when moving from a frost to a warm room. And we are not talking about pathology - this is a physiological reaction.
- Excessive consumption of spices. If there are spicy foods on the menu, nasal congestion can also occur, but usually there is no discharge.
- Exposure to tobacco smoke and other irritants.
- Changes in hormonal levels.
- Allergic reactions.
- Tumours, polyps and foreign bodies in the nasal passages.
- Kartagener Syndrome (rare hereditary disease).
- Vasomotor rhinitis.
- Sinusitis.
- Viral infections.
How to get rid of nasal congestion and runny nose? This will depend on the cause of the rhinitis.

How does rhinitis manifest itself?
The symptoms of acute rhinitis depend on the stage of the disease. There are three in total:
- First - at this stage, microorganisms have just entered the nasal cavity and began to have a negative impact on the mucous membrane. This is manifested by a sensation of tickling and dryness in the nose. Sometimes a headache and an increase in temperature to subfebrile may join. The duration of this period is from several hours to a day, sometimes a little more.
- The second stage is characterized by copious discharge of mucous fluid from the nose and difficultybreathing. Olfactory sensitivity is dulled. There may be tearing and congestion of the ears. This is because the nasal cavity is connected to the conjunctiva and the inner ear through separate small passages.
- The third stage usually begins on the 4-5th day from the moment the infection enters the nasal mucosa, and it is associated with the reaction of the immune system. Discharge from the nose becomes thick, mucopurulent, greenish or yellowish-greenish in color, sometimes has an unpleasant odor. Phagocytes and neutrophils (protective cells) fight bacteria that have fallen on the mucous membrane. They destroy the infection by capturing and digesting it, and they themselves die. This, in fact, is purulent discharge. After a few days, the discharge becomes less, the swelling subsides, the congestion disappears, and recovery begins.

How to get rid of a runny nose, congestion? Treatment will depend on the cause of the rhinitis. So, for example, if these symptoms are of an allergic nature, then it will be enough to take the antihistamines "Tavegil", "Diazolin", "Cetrin", etc. In allergic rhinitis, the third stage is usually absent.
How to get rid of nasal congestion? Simple recommendations
Uncomplicated coryza is easily treated at home. How to quickly get rid of a cold? We defeat the common cold with folk remedies. This treatment will help in the first stage of rhinitis:
- At the initial stage of the disease, sometimesit is enough to do a few hot foot baths lasting 10-15 minutes. They are done before going to bed, then put on warm socks and go to bed.
- A similar effect is exerted by the application of mustard plasters to the area of the sole and calf muscles.
- It is recommended to drink plenty of warm water, which is good to add lemon or raspberries.

How to get rid of nasal congestion? Medical treatment of the common cold
The following drugs are suitable for the treatment of rhinitis of the first stage:
- Local antiseptics, for example, it is recommended to instill 3-5% Protargol solution 2 times a day.
- Means that increase immunity, for example, Lysozyme or Interferon drops, have a good effect.
- If a headache bothers, analgesics are used: Solpadein, Tylenol, Analgin.
The second stage of the disease is characterized by purulent discharge from the nose, which means that a bacterial infection has joined. For treatment at this stage, it is recommended to use antibacterial agents, for example, Bioparox spray or Amoxicillin tablets.
How to quickly get rid of nasal congestion at this stage? Vasoconstrictors will help here, for example, Naphthyzin or Xylometazoline drops.
To facilitate the outflow of mucus from the nasal passages, a herbal preparation can be recommended"Sinupret". It comes in the form of drops and dragees.
Treatment of rhinitis in infants
How to get rid of nasal congestion and runny nose in infants? Such symptoms disturb babies and interfere with normal feeding. Babies are restless, can't breathe while feeding and therefore cry.

Immediately before feeding, they are advised to clear their nasal passages with a suction can. If crusts form in the baby's nose, then they are removed with a cotton turunda (a cotton swab twisted into a thin tube) dipped in sterile vegetable oil or petroleum jelly. So the crusts are easily softened. Then they are removed.
If you cannot do without medical treatment, and nasal breathing has not recovered, then a 0.05% solution of "Galazolin" ("Xylometazoline") is used before feeding.
A 2% Protargol solution is used between feedings, which reduces nasal discharge.
How to get rid of nasal congestion and runny nose in adults and young children, we now know. Consider measures to prevent this ailment.
Prevention of rhinitis

Measures to prevent the common cold include:
- Prevention of colds.
- Avoiding prolonged exposure to drafts.
- Proper nutrition, especially during periods of seasonal colds. It should be high in calories with sufficientamount of fresh vegetables and fruits. It is recommended to include onions, currants, citrus fruits, raspberries, honey in food. But it should be remembered that immediately after tea with honey or raspberries, you cannot go outside, at least 45 minutes must pass.
- Indoors, it is important to regularly carry out wet cleaning and ventilation.
- Be sure to observe personal hygiene measures: washing hands after the street, toilet and before eating.
- At the first signs of the disease, it is advisable to immediately consult a doctor to prevent the development of possible complications. This is especially true for young children.