Teeth grinding: causes and treatment

Teeth grinding: causes and treatment
Teeth grinding: causes and treatment

According to statistics, about 3% of the world's population suffers from involuntary grinding of teeth. And only a few are aware of the existence of such a problem until it is too late. It is difficult to disagree that a sleeping person can hardly control the unauthorized clenching of the jaws. Only those around you can tell about the trouble.

What are the causes of teeth grinding? What are the symptoms of a pathological phenomenon? What can be done to fix the problem? I would like to talk about all this in our publication.


teeth grinding cause
teeth grinding cause

Among the symptoms of the development of bruxism, it is worth noting, first of all, the habit of squeezing the jaw at night, which can be noted by the person's environment. Occasionally, the phenomenon is observed during the day.

A sign of a pathological condition is also a visual grinding of teeth. With the development of a negative process, peculiar platforms are formedon the enamel surface. Over time, various wedge-shaped bite defects are formed, bone thickenings and abnormal protrusions of hard tissue occur. Gradually, the teeth begin to crack and crumble.

People who are unaware of the problem of teeth grinding begin to experience pain in the joints of the lower jaw. Over time, the trouble begins to affect the muscles of the neck. The phenomenon may be accompanied by regular migraine attacks.


grinding teeth in sleep
grinding teeth in sleep

Main causes of bruxism:

  1. Teeth grinding in a child can be developed as a habit. For example, when a baby likes to chew on pencils, ballpoint pens, nails, has a passion for using chewing gum. The so-called muscle memory is gradually developed. The phenomenon becomes cyclical.
  2. Often, regular stress and moral shocks lead to the formation of bruxism. Strong squeezing of the jaws is a natural response of the brain to such manifestations. Clenching teeth, a person begins to feel some relief from nervous overexcitation.
  3. Anomalies in the structure of the jaw may be the cause of teeth grinding during sleep. First of all, we are talking about the wrong bite. Sometimes the problem occurs due to the absence of some teeth or the growth of abnormal bone tissue.
  4. An increased tendency to develop bruxism has been observed among people who suffer from Parkinson's disease.
  5. The cause of the pathological phenomenon is often insomnia. ProbabilityThe formation of the problem is noted among people whose night rest is characterized by frequent awakenings.
  6. Teeth grinding is suffered in the presence of mental illness. Such persons have an unstable state of the nervous system. The regular transition from a state of calm to arousal actually causes an unpleasant manifestation.
  7. The cause of the formation of bruxism may be a traumatic brain injury, which led to the infringement of nerve endings.

What is the danger of the phenomenon?

teeth grinding in sleep causes
teeth grinding in sleep causes

The jaws are set in motion by a group of muscles that are responsible for chewing food. The latter are among the strongest in our body. Given the above, you can imagine what happens during the grinding of teeth, which constantly rub against each other. First of all, tooth enamel suffers from this, the resource of which is constantly decreasing. If the causes of teeth grinding are not determined in time and the problem is not eliminated, abrasion of hard tissues can be observed up to the dentin. This will certainly be followed by the appearance of numerous foci of caries, inflammation will become more frequent.

Frequent involuntary compression of the jaws causes pathological changes in the tissues of the joints. Against the background of trouble, regular muscle pains make themselves felt. Over time, jaw pathologies form. To avoid such problems, it is important not to delay the fight against bruxism.

Which doctors should I go to for help?

If there is a grinding of teeth in a child’s sleep, first of all,It is recommended to make an appointment with a pediatrician. Such a doctor will determine who will subsequently deal with the treatment - a dentist or a neurologist. In some cases, the help of an allergist, gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist may be useful.


child grinding teeth
child grinding teeth

You can fix the problem by setting its specific nature. If the cause of the phenomenon is anomalies in the structure of the jaw and dentition, in this case, the course of therapy should be determined by a dentist, orthopedist or orthodontist. Bite correction and a targeted fight against pathological disorders make it possible over time to eliminate such a nuisance as teeth grinding.

Treatment for bruxism involves avoiding stress and nervous tension. An effective solution here can be leaving exhausting work and changing the type of activity. Sometimes it's enough just to take care of yourself, exercising your body or taking up an exciting hobby in your free time.

After consulting a doctor and confirming the diagnosis, a person suffering from bruxism may be prescribed pharmacological agents with a sedative effect. An excellent addition to the course of medication is a visit to the massage room.

An effective remedy for the treatment of gnashing of teeth is the use of special splints and caps that are superimposed on the teeth. Similar funds are used during sleep and rest. Such solutions potentially allow you to unlearn from closing your teeth for several months. Caps and tires allow the jaw muscles to be in a relaxed state. Among other things, they prevent abrasion of tooth enamel. These products are made individually for each patient.

In the most severe clinical cases, a bruxism patient may need the help of a hypnosis specialist. This option of therapy makes it possible to reprogram the mind and put into it thoughts that grinding teeth is an increased danger to he alth.

Folk methods

teeth grinding in adults
teeth grinding in adults

What herbal remedies have the potential to eliminate the problem of teeth grinding in adults and children? Among the most effective folk methods of treatment, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Decoctions of chamomile, motherwort, linden blossom, hawthorn. These herbal ingredients are brewed in boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Such drugs have a sedative, relaxing effect and are offered as a drink to those suffering from bruxism shortly before going to bed.
  2. Decoctions based on valerian root, motherwort, thyme. A few tablespoons of chopped herbs are poured with a liter of boiled water. Once the liquid has cooled, it is carefully filtered through a fine sieve. The resulting product is added to the bathroom when bathing. The use of such decoctions promotes nervous relaxation.
  3. Sea s alt - dissolves in water before taking a bath. The solution provides excellent relaxation during the procedure for 20-25 minutes.


grinding teeth in sleep
grinding teeth in sleep

Basica preventive solution that will avoid the effect of grinding teeth in a dream is relaxation and relieving nervous tension. For these purposes, doctors recommend daily resort to light physical activity. Playing sports is a great idea. Such actions provide an opportunity to release excess energy, as well as accelerate the production of endorphins in the body, which are known as hormones of joy.

Equally important in terms of prevention is the observance of a certain diet. Teeth grinding can be reduced by reducing the amount of sweets and simple carbohydrates consumed. It is better to replace the products of the presented nature with he althy food, in particular fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts.

In closing

gnashing of teeth
gnashing of teeth

As you can see, teeth grinding is not only a habit and a problem of a physical nature, but also a phenomenon that has a mental nature. The development of bruxism is dangerous for both the condition of the teeth and the masticatory muscles, jaw joints. The problems described in our publication must be eliminated in a complex. The sooner targeted therapy begins, the fewer troubles and complications you will have to face in the future.
