Atherosclerosis of the vessels is a dangerous disease for humans, belonging to the category of chronic pathologies. This problem is most relevant for the elderly, since in their body there is a thickening of the walls of the arteries and the growth of the main tissues that play the role of a connection. This is the process of plaque formation, which greatly narrows the vascular spaces and impairs blood circulation in important organs. An extremely dangerous complication of this disease is the formation of blood clots, often leading to the death of the patient.

Symptoms of atherosclerosis will be discussed in this article.
There are quite a few reasons for the appearance of problems with blood vessels, the main one is the lack of physical activity throughout life. In addition, the problem may appear due to the consumption of large amounts of sugar along with fatty, fried foods and unhe althy refined foods that containlarge amounts of cholesterol.
Severe vascular damage can also be associated with other common pathologies, such as diabetes, obesity or high blood pressure. Another equally common cause is heredity. The symptoms of atherosclerosis are of interest to many.
Signs of disease
Atherosclerosis is characterized by progressive and rapid thickening of blood vessels, and, in addition, their inner layers. This phenomenon is caused by the accumulation of harmful fats in the body. The main danger is the gradual formation of so-called blood clots, which interfere with normal blood supply.

Pathological processes can be localized in various vascular locations, for example, in the legs, brain, heart muscle, and sometimes in the intestines or in the spinal column.
Cerebral atherosclerosis is often observed. Its symptoms are sometimes difficult to identify. It is these vessels that are more vulnerable. Pathology must be treated in a timely manner, since damage to such important organs as the heart muscle and brain can cause serious disorders in the entire nervous system.
Very often the problems of atherosclerotic vascular lesions occur in patients who suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure or overweight. Problems with blood vessels often occur in smokers, and, in addition, in those who lead an inactive lifestyle. The hereditary and age factor is also a cause. dependingfrom the localization of damaged areas in the vessels, the general nature of the symptoms of atherosclerosis is determined.
In the event that a person has developed atherosclerosis, the symptoms will be as follows:
- Heart pain along with unpleasant bouts of painful angina.
- Appearance of dizziness, pain in the head along with loud noise, severe memory impairment, mental problems, outpouring of blood into the brain, development of hypertension.
- Severe emaciation, the appearance of pain in the limbs, and, in addition, in the lower back and in the back. There may be unexplained fatigue.
Localization of symptoms of atherosclerosis depends on the affected organ, it is also affected by the degree of development of the disease.

Medication treatment
Physicians in the process of developing treatment prescribe different groups of drugs to patients. Among the most effective pills, the following can be distinguished:
- Statins. The main components of these drugs are components such as atorvastatin, simvastatin and lovastatin. Such funds help to quickly reduce the flow of cholesterol into the arteries. The main effect is to reduce the risk of blood clots.
- Drugs with nicotinic acid. These drugs lower the level of cholesterol in the blood. The use of medicines based on nicotinic acid is not recommended for liver failure.
- Fibrate funds. These drugs increase the metabolic process,due to which all formed plaques disappear. This is a great remedy for those who are overweight.
- In the event that a patient with symptoms of cerebral atherosclerosis has intolerance to statins, the patient is prescribed drugs that effectively bind a large amount of bile acids. These drugs include Cholestide and Cholestyramine. No less effective are drugs designed to thin the blood. Among them are Plavix and Aspirin Cardio.
As part of the drug treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis, doctors prescribe the following drugs:
- Preparations, in whose general composition there is a large amount of he althy fats belonging to the category of polyunsaturated. These drugs have a strengthening and antioxidant effect on the human body. They normalize the level of dangerous cholesterol for humans.
- Anti-anxiety drugs containing valerian and chemicals such as sodium bromide.
- Indispensable in the treatment process are vitamin drugs of groups C and B.
Drugs to combat the symptoms of atherosclerosis of the vessels cannot guarantee optimal results in case of non-compliance with the rules of the daily diet.

Diet for vascular problems
The diet in the framework of therapy in combination with folk remedies helps to achieve a good result. The main thing is to eliminate from the dietfoods that contain cholesterol. Animal fats should be removed or at least limited, and, in addition, eggs, meat, cocoa, strong tea, chocolate and coffee.
Experts recommend including in the diet foods that contain a large amount of iodine, vitamins B and C. All this helps to quickly remove the fat layer from the surface of blood vessels. He althy foods include seaweed, legumes, eggplant, quince, nuts, watermelon, grapefruit, and so on.
With symptoms of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, grapefruit is recommended to be eaten on an empty stomach. This product contributes to the complete removal of plaques. Watermelon is classified as a diuretic. It is with urine that bad cholesterol is excreted. Treatment along with a similar diet can be a great solution.
Regular consumption of apples will be very beneficial. This fruit not only reduces the amount of cholesterol, but also protects against the appearance of the pathology itself. No less positive characteristics are green tea, you should drink it a lot and regularly.
How to get rid of the symptoms of atherosclerosis of the vessels with the help of folk recipes?
Folk recipes
You can supplement any treatment regimen using folk methods. Among them, the following effective recipes should be mentioned:
- Using birch buds. Take 5 grams of raw materials and pour a glass of plain water. Then, for fifteen minutes, the mass should be boiled over low heat, then insist for about an hour and strain. Accept the compositionhalf a glass four times a day immediately after meals.
- Use of hawthorn. Take 5 grams of flowers, which are poured with a glass of boiling water, then heated in a water bath for fifteen minutes. After cooling, the product is filtered. Take medicine for half a glass half an hour before meals.
- It is important for atherosclerosis of the vessels to drink at least one and a half liters of water daily. This allows you to quickly cleanse the circulatory system.

- Using buckwheat flowers. A spoonful of raw materials is brewed with two glasses of boiling water. All this is insisted for a couple of hours and filtered. Drink the composition of half a cup three times a day. A certain amount of cudweed is added to the resulting tea to soothe and reduce pressure.
- Use of elecampane. Take 30 grams of raw materials, add about 0.5 liters of vodka. The composition is insisted for forty days. Take the remedy twenty drops before meals. The advantage of this remedy is the ability to quickly relieve severe pain in the body and head.
- Using strawberry roots and leaves. Take a spoonful of dried root and pour a glass of boiling water. Next, the agent is boiled for fifteen minutes, after which it is insisted for about an hour. Drink the composition in three doses during the day. Leaves in the amount of 20 grams are poured with water and boiled for about ten minutes. Next, the remedy is insisted for two hours, after which they drink a spoonful three times a day. Strawberries have a diuretic effect, due to which harmful cholesterol is excreted.
- For treatment andgetting rid of the symptoms of atherosclerosis of the brain, you can also use onions. The juice of the product is taken in the same amount with honey and taken in a spoon five times a day.
- Using lemon balm. This herb perfectly eliminates nervous spasms, significantly improving brain function, and, in addition, removing dizziness. The plant is taken in the amount of one spoon and poured with a glass of boiling water. Drink the received medicine during the day. The advantage of lemon balm is the absence of any contraindications, so it can be used for a long time.
- Walnut perfectly helps in the fight against atherosclerosis. It can be eaten with one hundred grams of honey every day.
- For the treatment of atherosclerosis, doctors also advise using rose hips. Raw materials are carefully crushed and poured into a half-liter bottle. Next, the wild rose is poured with vodka and insisted for two weeks, constantly shaking. Drink the remedy in the amount of twenty drops daily.
In addition to the above methods of treatment, the use of garlic is no less popular.
Symptoms and treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis are interrelated.
Garlic treatment
As part of the treatment of atherosclerosis, garlic can be used. This is an excellent tool that quickly and effectively cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. There are several recipes for garlic treatment.

Among the most popular and effective recipes, the following methods should be mentioned:
- Using garlic oil. For its preparationtake a head of garlic, rub it thoroughly and put it in a jar, pouring unrefined sunflower oil. The resulting composition is insisted throughout the day, shaking regularly. Next, lemon juice is added, mixed and insisted in a cool place for another week. Take the resulting composition one spoonful before meals. The general course of treatment with this remedy is three months. After that, you need to take a short break, after which the course is repeated again.
- Using garlic tincture. Take about 300 grams of garlic, which must first be washed. Raw materials are placed in a container, which is filled to the top with alcohol. As soon as the remedy is infused for about three weeks, it can be taken in twenty drops, before being dissolved in a glass of milk. This tool perfectly helps in the treatment of atherosclerosis and belongs to the category of restorative recipes.
- Garlic vodka tincture. They take a half-liter bottle, which is half filled with chopped garlic, and then poured with vodka. Once the composition is infused for twelve days, it can be drunk five drops three times a day fifteen minutes before meals. In the process of infusion, the product should be shaken.
- Cooking garlic with honey. Garlic in this case is used in crushed form. The product is mixed with a small amount of honey, while the ratio should be one to two.
Frequently eating a product such as garlic helps to quickly cure atherosclerosis. This product is used to make specialmixtures and compositions, and, in addition, it is no less useful to use it in its pure form.
We reviewed the symptoms and treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis.
Helpful tips for treatment
In the process of treatment, it is necessary to adhere to a correct and well-organized daily diet. Patients are strongly advised not to eat foods that are high in cholesterol. As already noted, these products include animal fats along with pork meat, coffee, canned food, black tea, chocolate, and so on.
Doctors recommend increasing the daily intake of ascorbic acid, and, in addition, vitamins C and B. These vitamins help reduce the amount of cholesterol in the vessels, especially when they are consumed simultaneously with foods or preparations that contain iodine.
Among the most useful food, sea kale should be noted in combination with various nuts, fresh figs, raisins, vegetables, etc. After the age of forty, doctors recommend that people drink fresh potato juice daily. In order to prepare such juice, you need to grate one tuber at the same time as the peel. Next, the juice is squeezed through gauze and immediately drunk on an empty stomach. Such a composition should be drunk every day, at least two or three weeks in a row, when the first symptoms of atherosclerosis of the brain appear.

So, atherosclerosis is a rather dangerous disease, leading to the death of thousands of adults every year. It should be noted that the age of people who sufferatherosclerosis, every year becomes less. In this regard, medical professionals describe this pathology as one of the most serious problems for a person.
Against the background of this threat, people are required to undergo examinations in a timely manner. Atherosclerosis develops very slowly and imperceptibly. In order not to encounter this problem, one should not only undergo an examination in a timely manner, but also observe certain preventive measures.
It is equally important to establish a he althy lifestyle, move more, eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. It is also imperative to get rid of bad habits so that later you do not have to decide how to get rid of such a dangerous pathology as atherosclerosis of the vessels. Symptoms and treatment, as already mentioned, are closely related.
Before choosing a therapy for this disease, you must first consult with an experienced doctor in order to avoid possible complications and achieve positive results. Thus, a person should eat more garlic, stop smoking, avoid stress, and, in addition, get rid of extra pounds.
We got acquainted with the symptoms, treatment and consequences of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain and other organs.