The French believe that hands are the most truthful part of a woman, because they can tell about their mistress what her tongue will never tell. The same can be said about nails. Their condition often displays the lifestyle and bad habits of the person they belong to.

Nail problems
Children often have white dots and stripes on their nails. In this case, it is a manifestation of a lack of vitamins. It is enough to balance the diet and include more fresh vegetables and herbs in the diet or drink a course of complex vitamins. It is worse if longitudinal or transverse convex stripes appear on the nail plates. This may signal serious pathologies.
Longitudinal stripes
Why do longitudinal stripes sometimes appear on the nails?The causes are most often associated with impaired blood circulation, and hence nutrition in the area of \u200b\u200bnail growth. This is a signal that something is wrong in the body. Such defects of the nail plates can occur in two ways. In one case, they can be single and located on only one nail. Another option is that longitudinal stripes are observed on each nail plate and cover their entire surface. In this case, the reason, most likely, lies in the pathology of the internal organs. Some representatives of the fair sex are trying to disguise the longitudinal stripes that have appeared on the nails under the varnish. This is not worth doing. It would be better to find out the cause of their appearance and correct the situation. And if you can’t cope on your own, then you need to consult a trichologist or dermatologist.

Longitudinal stripes on nails: reasons
Let's take a closer look at what this problem may indicate.
- If longitudinal stripes appear on the nails, the reasons may be hidden in the improper processing of the cuticle. If the nail growth zone, which is located just below it, is violated, similar stripes form. In this case, the nutrition of the nail is disturbed, and such protruding strips are formed.
- Improper nutrition or metabolic disorders are the following reasons. Grooves on the nails may indicate a lack of B vitamins, iron or zinc in the body. Excessive consumption of carbohydrates and a lack of fresh vegetables and fruits leads to a similar defect in the nails.
- These unevengrooves along the nail can cause serious diseases of the internal organs. For example, problems with the endocrine system. People with diabetes or who are overweight can find such nails.
- If longitudinal stripes appear on the nails, the reasons may lie in the incorrect functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
- The next reason is a violation of the functions of the central nervous system or any damage to the spinal cord. It could be, for example, a herniated disc or a tumor.
- Fungal or skin diseases (psoriasis, lichen planus) are also quite common causes. The grooves on the nails in this case are most often accompanied by brittleness and delamination of the nail. In addition, there may be such unpleasant sensations as redness, itching and burning. With such manifestations, it is necessary to contact a dermatologist as soon as possible.
- Cardiovascular disease can also cause nail streaks.
- Rheumatoid arthritis can cause these abnormalities.
- Impaired peripheral circulation can lead to a defect in the nail plate.
- Stressful situations, emotional overstrain also have a bad effect on the condition of nails and hair.
- Women who have nail extensions or false nails may also develop longitudinal streaks on their nails. The reasons in this case are the harmful external effects of chemicals that corrode the elastic structure of the nail. The nail plate with constant such exposure canbecome significantly depleted.

What to do?
Why do longitudinal stripes appear on the nails? We have listed the reasons for their appearance. Now you need to establish which one became the source of the problem in each case. If it was not possible to identify the cause on your own, you need to consult a doctor. Perhaps, some studies will be assigned to identify pathologies of internal organs, for example, ultrasound, FGDS, biochemical blood test.
Longitudinal stripes on the nails of the hands: reasons. Treatment
Most often, a specialist will prescribe a complex treatment.
- If the cause of the appearance of irregularities on the nail plates is associated with a disease of the internal organs, then the main therapy will be aimed at treating the disease that caused such external manifestations. Only after complete recovery will it be possible to restore he althy nails. In parallel with the main treatment, a complex of vitamins is prescribed.
- If the appearance of such a defect as longitudinal stripes on the nails, the causes lie in fungal diseases, then antifungal agents are prescribed. Along with such treatment, it is necessary to balance the diet. A good result is ensured if the therapy is accompanied by daily consumption of a large amount of vegetables, and especially greens.
- Overweight people are more likely to have a metabolic disorder. Particular attention should be paid to carbohydrate metabolism. You need to give up sweets and muffins. It would be a good idea to check the blood sugar level at the same time.blood.
- For the duration of treatment, it is necessary to abandon nail extensions and false plates. Poor quality nail care products should be replaced with quality ones.
Why longitudinal grooves appear on the nails, we discussed the causes and methods of treatment. Now let's talk a little about the prevention of such a manifestation.

Prevention methods include proper hand and nail care, as well as a balanced diet.
- If you prefer to do your own manicure, be especially careful with the cuticle. If you damage the nail growth zone, which is just in this place, then there will be problems with the nails, because the blood supply is disturbed, and therefore the nutrition of the nail plate.
- If you can't make a quality manicure with your own hands, use the services of a professional. When choosing a nail salon, preference should be given to a well-proven one. Make sure your tools are sanitized, or bring your own. But do not forget that your own manicure tools also need to be disinfected after each use.
- Care products must be of high quality. For nail defects, it is best not to use varnish for some time.
- Fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs must be present in the diet. But it is better to refuse sweet and starchy foods. Fatty meals should also be limited.
- At least twice a year it is necessary to take a course of complexvitamins. This will improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

Homemade nail care
In conclusion, some folk tips for nail care:
- It is useful to do warm baths for nails with a solution of sea s alt at least twice a week. This advice is especially useful for those who have weak nail plates.
- It is useful to wipe your nails with a slice of lemon. This product will help whiten your nails.
- If you wipe your hands and nails daily with olive oil, this will also give positive results.

These simple tips will help keep your nails he althy.