How dangerous is herpes in the mouth? How to treat this disease in a child? These questions concern every parent. To answer them, you should study the disease. Let's start with the fact that herpes or herpes infection is a disease that occurs as a result of infection with the herpes simplex virus. It is transmitted most often by vertical (transplacental route from mother to child), sexual or transmissible (through the blood) route. Occasionally, a contact method of transmission is possible by contact in the area of \u200b\u200bdamage to the skin.
The now popular opinion that the herpes virus is transmitted by airborne droplets in groups of children is fundamentally wrong. Pathology in a baby occurs from 1-2 years old, when the mother's immunoglobulins are just beginning to be replaced by their own, and this process lasts up to 4-5 years. Therefore, it is so necessary to start the correct treatment in time.
This virus is intracellular, it permanently integrates into the DNA of nerve ganglion cells, starting to multiply at a high speed. Remaining inactive, it does not cause disease. The transition to the active phase occurs due to the weakeningimmunity.
Pathology is characterized by a specific rash in the form of grouped vesicles, against the background of reddened skin with transparent liquid contents. Most women who have had herpes at least once before pregnancy give their child immunoglobulins that protect his body up to 1-2 years.
The reasons that activate HSV are hypothermia, lack of sleep, malnutrition, weakening of the immune system (decrease in the amount of interferons and other factors of humoral immunity, due to their increased consumption or insufficient production) due to the following factors:
- Severe or acute infections. It can even be SARS and almost all infectious diseases.
- Congenital or acquired immunodeficiency syndromes (like opportunistic infections in HIV).
- Autoimmune diseases.
- Secondary immunodeficiencies.
- Oncological diseases (leukemia, cancer, and others), radiation and chemotherapy.
- Cytostatic drugs have a powerful immunosuppressive effect.
- High dose steroid treatment.
- Asthma, atopic dermatitis.
- Diseases of the endocrine system, especially adrenal insufficiency.
To understand how to treat herpes in the mouth of a child, you need to find out its type. The family of such viruses is divided into subfamilies (alpha, beta, gamma), numbering about 90 strains of viruses, but only a few are dangerous to humans, regardless of age.
Herpes simplex virus (type 1) is characterizedthe appearance of a vesicular rash in combination with general malaise.

The second type of virus is called genital, because it appears in the genital area. The newborn is infected during childbirth.
Chickenpox is a type 3 virus (Varicella zoster) that almost all people carry in childhood, as it spreads by airborne droplets and is highly contagious. The result is lifelong immunity, but a different strain of the virus can make you sick at any age.
The fourth type of Epstein-Barr virus, it causes the disease infectious mononucleosis, which occurs with damage to the lymph nodes.
Herpes virus type 5 is caused by a cytomegalovirus infection, the occurrence of which is asymptomatic, but the acute form of pregnant women is dangerous for the fetus or is fraught with congenital diseases of the nervous system or even malformations.
Virus type 6 is an exanthema, akin to rubella, but still differs in the nature of the rash.
Herpetic stomatitis
Now let's move on to the actual topic of study. To answer how to treat herpes in the mouth of a child, you should understand its features. More on them later.
Herpetic stomatitis occurs when a characteristic vesicular rash appears in the mouth. It affects the cheeks, gums (gingivitis), tongue (glossitis) and palate, passes to the palatine tonsils, arches, back of the throat (pharyngitis). It is caused by both the first and second type of virus.
Course of disease:
- easy;
- moderate;
- heavy;
- latent.
- spicy;
- subacute.
Recurrence: remissions, exacerbations.
Symptoms of disease
Specific bubbles appear in the child's mouth, which quickly burst, reddening around them. It all bakes unbearably, burns, itches, hurts, accompanied by increased salivation.
The condition is usually moderate, sometimes severe. The thermometer shows febrile numbers, the temperature is 39-40 degrees, which lasts up to a week. Characterized by pain, sweating, moodiness and nervousness. The child refuses to eat, which further aggravates the severity of his condition.
High probability of joining a secondary infection, often streptococcal. Sometimes the process extends to the palatine tonsils and causes herpetic or streptococcal tonsillitis. This disease can also be complicated by herpetic tracheitis, when the infection spreads to the bronchi - bronchitis, and even herpetic pneumonia, that is, pneumonia. In some cases, there is a herpetic lesion of the organs of vision: corneal erosion, episcleritis, chorioretinitis, uveitis. In severe cases of generalized forms or severe complications, DIC, toxic hepatitis, and even toxic shock can develop. They require intensive care.
The younger the child, the more likely complications such as herpetic meningitis and encephalitis will occur if left untreated.
Herpetic pneumonia and encephalitis aredeadly. If a herpetic lesion occurs against a background of primary or secondary immunodeficiency, the course of the disease is especially severe and the likelihood of complications increases, and a secondary infection also joins.
Age features
There are age-specific features - neonatal or congenital herpes are isolated separately. It is transmitted from a mother with an acute course of herpetic infection and occurs, as a rule, in a generalized form with herpetic stomatitis. Pathology requires the immediate start of effective treatment, otherwise it is fraught with deadly complications.
In children under 3 years of age, the disease process can also be generalized, and necessarily proceeds with tonsillitis and rashes on the skin around the mouth, as well as a very high temperature that lasts 5-7 days. In children of preschool and school age, there is no tendency to generalization, the severity of the course, with the exception of severe immunodeficiency states.
Survey methods
Therapy is prescribed by a doctor. It implies the following:
- blood clinic with expanded leukocyte formula;
- determining the presence and amount of herpes simplex virus in the blood, as well as its type;
- level of immunoglobulins G and M;
- Scraping from burst bubbles and their virological examination.
Not everyone knows how to treat herpes in the mouth of a child and how to treat it (at a year or older). Therapy of this disease is pathogenetic, symptomatic and local. Apply:
- Antiviraldrugs. They are the basis of therapy, they are highly effective, but, unfortunately, they are not able to completely destroy the virus, since it is protected by the cell itself, on which it "parasites". But drugs greatly reduce the activity of the virus biochemically. For example, "Acyclovir", "Gerpevir". The drugs are administered orally or intravenously, drip. The dosage of "Acyclovir" is 45-60 mg / kg per day, divided into 2 injections. Antiherpetic drugs are also used topically, in the form of ointments, but they are more effective on the skin than on the mucous membranes.
- Immunoglobulin preparations, such as Pentaglobin or Intraglobin. They are used for generalized infections or severe cases.
- Drugs, as well as inducers of endogenous interferon. The latter is simply necessary, its deficiency in the body is compensated: nasal drops, sprays, tablets, suppositories.
- Antipyretic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are used at elevated temperatures and for the relief of pain. They also inhibit prostaglandins, cyclooxygenase and other inflammatory mediators, removing it.
- Antihistamine drugs, for example, Fenistil, Fenkarol. They can reduce itching and reduce the activity of the inflammatory response.
- Ascorbic acid and tocopherol. They perform a restorative function in the treatment of herpes. You can use injectable vitamins, as well as multivitamins in suspensions, dragees after 6 years. Vitamins A, E, D also have the strongest effect.
- Local treatment. A large number of ointments containing antiherpeticfacilities. They are also for conjunctiva. A vitamin E preparation can also be used topically to restore the integrity of damaged skin and mucous membranes.
- Hepatoprotectors. With long-term treatment with antiherpetic drugs, there is a need to protect liver cells. Therefore, doctor control is important.

Some people ask how to treat herpes in the mouth of a child at 1 year old and how to treat it. There are age-related features of the use of infection therapy methods. In newborns and young children up to 3 years, the dosage form of suppositories predominates. Immunomodulating drugs, for example, "Viferon" or "Laferobion" are fundamentally necessary, because immunity at this age does not yet function independently.

Until the age of 2-3 years, the child has mother's immunoglobulins, and after this age and in their absence, the introduction of immunoglobulins can be used.
Additional Therapy
Not knowing how to treat herpes in the mouth of a child and how to treat it at 2 years old, it is worth remembering that in order to avoid febrile seizures in children under 3 years old, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used in the treatment complex. For example, "Ibuprofen", "Paracetamol" in suppositories. In severe, complicated and generalized forms, drugs are administered intravenously.

Many do not know how to treat herpes in children in the mouth and around. Conduct infusion therapy according to treatment protocols and instructions. Duration 7-21 days. Atlong-term use of "Acyclovir" it is necessary to add hepatoprotectors to the treatment regimen, as it causes toxic damage to the liver.

Neonatal herpes, or herpes complicated by a bacterial infection, is treated with antibiotics. In combination with them, probiotics and even antifungal agents are also used.
Many are wondering how to treat herpes in the mouth of a child and how to treat at 5 years old. The main thing to understand is that for any suspicions, manifestations, a doctor's consultation is always necessary. At the age of 3-6 years, the disease is milder, but painful sensations of burning, itching and pain are more pronounced, because myelination of nerve endings develops and sensitivity increases. These sensations can disturb the baby's sleep. Therefore, it is simply necessary to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and antihistamine drugs that effectively relieve these painful sensations. Topical treatment from 3 years onwards may include preparations containing lysozyme, such as Lyzobact.

6-15 years old
Many people ask how to treat herpes in the mouth in a child of 9 years old. In children aged 6 to 15, there is an intensive growth and development of all systems and organs, skills and abilities. Therefore, medicines in the form of tablets are used.

At this age, it is necessary to use immunomodulators, which are also in tablets, for example, Cycloferon and vitamins.