More recently, this problem bothered mostly the elderly. But today the vascular spasm is "younger". Middle-aged people and even young people complain about it. What causes it? How to determine such a state? What symptoms should alert? How to provide first aid? What are the areas of diagnosis, treatment, prevention? You will receive answers to all these questions in the article.
What is this?
To begin with, let's get acquainted with the concept itself. Vasospasm (another name is angiospasm) is a pathological narrowing of the lumens of the blood supply vessels, both small and large. Accordingly, such a state disrupts the blood supply to the organ that feeds this vessel, causes oxygen starvation in its cells.
The nutrition of a certain area of tissue or even an entire organ is disrupted. It receives less oxygen, carbon dioxide is not removed from it. This, in turn, leads to a number of pathological consequences.
Why does this vasoconstriction occur? The reason is a rather strong and excessive contraction of the muscles of the vascular walls. I.eexcessive increase in their tone. The mechanism of this phenomenon is associated with a dysfunction of the membranes of smooth muscle cells, including blood vessels.
In turn, the cause of such a disorder is a violation of metabolic processes. In particular, the transport of calcium, potassium and sodium ions through these membranes. The result is a violation of the normal periods of muscle contraction and relaxation.

There are several types of vascular spasms. They are divided according to localization, various manifestations.
Spasm of peripheral vessels. There is paroxysmal ischemia of the extremities. The following states are grouped under this category:
- Raynaud's syndrome. This is a kind of spasm of peripheral vessels, in which three phases follow one after another: ischemia, cyanosis, hyperemia. In the first stage, a spasm of small vessels occurs, the gaps of the capillaries narrow. The second phase is accompanied by stagnation of blood in the venules, capillaries. In the third stage, there is a rapid, reactive expansion of the vascular walls. The patient also notes a decrease in sensitivity.
- Mesh livedo. It can be observed with a slight hypothermia of the body. A characteristic mesh pattern appears on the skin of the lower extremities, especially in the thigh area.
- Acrocyanosis. This is the cyanosis of the skin of the extremities. In particular, fingers, hands. Associated with exposure to extreme cold. The patient feels numbness in the affected areas. In some cases, increased sweating is observed in parallel.
- Rejuvenation. It can develop from exposure to both cold and dampness, strong winds. Dense swellings of red, cyanotic color appear. They feel itchy or burning.
Spasm of the great vessels affects the lower extremities. Legs turn pale, then turn blue. After the spasm is removed, redness is visible on the affected areas. Along with this, fatigue of the lower extremities is observed, intermittent claudication caused by pain, cold feet.
Spasm of the coronary vessels. It affects the vessels of the heart. The patient complains of pressing pain behind the sternum, most often occurring in the supine position or at night or in the early morning. Characteristic deviations are visible on the cardiogram. In this case, the coronary arteries are rarely blocked. And also there are no signs of oxygen starvation of myocardial tissues (heart muscle).
The most dangerous of the above is precisely the spasm of the cerebral vessels that supply the brain with blood. We will talk about it in more detail later. The symptoms here are very different: from headache, tinnitus to loss of consciousness. Often, spasm is associated with the presence of osteochondrosis. Here the patient will complain of burning pain in the neck, loss of sensation in both hands, uncontrolled fluctuations in the movement of the eyeballs. This is due to compression of the blood vessels supplying the brain by the cervical vertebrae.

Vascular spasm means a sharp decrease in the throughput of a particular part of the circulatory system. The one that directly feedshuman brain.
There are many reasons for vasospasm:
- Severe emotional shock, stress, which caused a disruption in the functioning of the system of vital organs.
- Both physical and mental overwork, followed by a malfunction of the brain and the circulatory systems that feed this organ.
- Deformation of the walls of the vessels themselves. Most often caused by age wear.
- Intoxication, poisoning with lead or carbon disulfide.
- Frostbite and subsequent re-hypothermia of the victim.
- Insufficient oxygen in the blood. This forces the body to increase the speed of blood flow by changing the diameter of the vessels.
- Abuse of various stimulant substances. For example, alcohol, nicotine, etc.
Spasm as a symptom
Spasms of blood vessels are most often observed in diseases, pathologies, which are accompanied by a pathological change in the structure of blood vessels, their nervous apparatus. Or in diseases that are fraught with a violation of the neurohumoral regulation of the tone of the vascular walls.
Thus, vascular spasm itself can act not only as an independent pathology, but also as a symptom of a number of serious diseases, such as:
- Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
- Heart failure.
- Vasculitis.
- Hypothalamic syndrome.
- Hypertension - high blood pressure.
- Aneurysms.
- Neuroses.
- Pathological course of menopause.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Atherosclerosis.
- The appearance of neoplasms in the tissues of the brain.
- VSD - vegetovascular dystonia.
- Violation of the internal organs (particularly the liver).
- Problems with the endocrine system (in most cases - with the thyroid gland).
This is a list of diseases that can cause vasospasm. But how do you define it?

Symptoms of vasospasm, regardless of the cause of this condition, are the same. A person suffers from the same manifestations as a result of stress, and due to hypertension, and in the case of a more serious condition.
The main symptoms of vasospasm are as follows:
- Acute headache.
- Dizziness.
- Flying "flies" before the eyes.
- Tinnitus. It can increase with increasing physical activity.
- Fatigue, which may appear on its own, not due to physical or mental overexertion.
- Chronic feeling of fatigue.
Acute Spasm
It is also important to know the symptoms of acute vascular spasm, which is a more dangerous pathological condition. In addition to the above, the patient complains of the following:
- Loss of coordination of movements.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Blurring consciousness, memory lapses.
- Loss of speech skills.
- The patient may lose orientation in space.
In this case, it is no longer the loss of consciousness that is dangerous ororientation in space, and the consequences of this state. Vascular spasm can flow into an ischemic stroke if the patient is not provided with full assistance in time. Therefore, everyone needs to know how to relieve vascular spasm in order to help both themselves and others.

Many people are interested in vasculitis: what kind of disease it is, the symptoms that are characteristic of it.
In general, vasculitis is a whole complex of diseases affecting several organs at once. At the heart of the pathology is inflammation of the walls of blood vessels. Not surprisingly, in this state of affairs, vascular spasms are not uncommon.
There are primary vasculitis, which are independent diseases. They are referred to the competence of rheumatologists. There are secondary ones, which in themselves are a consequence of other diseases - sepsis (blood poisoning), infections (meningitis, typhus, scarlet fever), skin diseases (psoriasis), malignant tumors.
The causes of the disease are mainly:
- Hereditary predisposition.
- Acute, chronic bacterial or viral infections.
- Individual body response to a vaccine injection.
- Severe overheating or hypothermia.
- Poisoning by chemical or biological poisons.
- Sunburns and other thermal skin lesions.
- Injuries of various localization and origin.
Vasculitis - what is this disease? The symptoms of this pathological condition are as follows:
- Swelling in the temporal areas.
- Generalmuscle weakness.
- Lack of appetite.
- Persistent muscle pain.
- Fever.
- Violation of the sensitivity of the skin.
- Skin rashes.

Risk groups
Let's also designate risk categories - groups of citizens who most often suffer from spasms:
- People who abuse alcohol, tobacco smoking.
- Patients with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, discirculatory encephaly or angina pectoris.
- People with hereditary predisposition. In particular, whose close relatives suffered either a heart attack or a stroke.
- Suffering from insomnia, sudden jumps in blood pressure.
- People who prefer strong coffee or tea.
First Aid
If you notice the above symptoms in yourself or your loved ones, treatment should be started without delay. Seek first aid for this condition:
- Wash your face, be sure to wet your feet with cold water.
- Take a blood-thinning aspirin.
- Take drugs that relieve vascular spasm - "Spazgan", "Nurofen". They are also painkillers - will help get rid of excruciating headaches. Effective for vasospasm "Noshpa".
- Take a sedative. For example, valerian tincture - 15-20 drops.
- Be sure to take a horizontal position - you can lie on the sofa, bed, and on the floor.
- Massage lightly with your lungsWhiskey in a circular motion. Smoothly move to the back of the head.
- Take medications to help oxygenate your blood faster.
If all these steps fail to relieve the symptoms, it is imperative to call for emergency medical care. In the same case, when the spasm has receded, you should not forget about it. It was only the first aid that eliminated the symptoms. Only a doctor is able to determine the causes of the spasm. Therefore, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor.

Treatment of vascular spasm is prescribed after a comprehensive diagnostic examination of the patient. It aims to identify the causes of this pathological condition:
- X-ray.
- Magnetic resonance examination of the area of the cervical vertebrae.
- Tomography of blood vessels supplying blood to the brain.
- Angiography. How is angiography done? This is the introduction of a contrast agent through a microscopic puncture into the vessel and further monitoring of its progress using modern medical devices.
- Duplex blood flow scan.
Further treatment, respectively, depends on the results of the diagnosis. Therapy is prescribed for those diseases that provoked a spasm. In most cases, this is a conservative treatment - taking medications prescribed by a doctor.
If the cause of the spasm is not in the disease, not in the pathology, then the patient will be prescribed a sparing regimen with a reasonable distribution of sleep and wakefulness, a decrease in both physical,and intellectual loads. A special diet plan may also be assigned.

To prevent such a dangerous condition as vascular spasm from bothering you again, you need to take serious prevention of the problem:
- Slowly increase physical activity on your body. Start with long walks outdoors. Then replace them with cycling in the park, jogging or swimming. These exercises just help to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
- Physical activity should be constant, systematic, but not burdensome. It is even dangerous to achieve the results of professional athletes here.
- Completely give up both alcoholic and highly carbonated drinks. If you smoke, you should definitely quit this habit. If there are reservations regarding alcohol, then tobacco should be categorically abandoned.
- Take care of proper nutrition. Eliminate foods containing refined fats from your diet. Significantly limit your intake of foods rich in animal fats.
- Turn to cereals, seafood, low-fat fish and seafood, as well as low-fat dairy and sour-milk products, legumes, fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Please note that a survivor of a vascular spasm is also prescribed to drink plenty of water - at least 2.5 liters per day. It can be purified water, fresh natural fruit drinks and juices.
- An inseparable part of prevention is a complete he althysleep at least 8 hours a day. It is advisable to purchase an orthopedic mattress, on which both the skeleton and muscles relax.
Spasm of blood vessels is a condition that should not be ignored. Both timely first aid and subsequent treatment and a set of preventive measures are important.