Abdominal cramps are a common occurrence that can occur at any age in both men and women. As a rule, this is a sign of a developing pathological process, which may require urgent medical intervention.

There are a large number of pathological and physiological factors that can trigger the occurrence of pain in the abdomen. In addition to spasms, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, and fever may occur. Based on these symptoms, clinical examination and laboratory tests, a diagnosis is made, on which subsequent treatment depends.
Most common causes of spasm
As mentioned, there are a number of processes and conditions that can cause abdominal cramps. The reasons may be common to all or specific to women, men, children, the elderly.
Causes of spasm common to any gender and age include:
- inflammatory process in the appendix;
- intestinal obstruction;
- chronic constipation;
- inflammation of the liver andgallbladder;
- blockage of the bile duct;
- irritable bowel syndrome;
- dysbacteriosis;
- renal colic;
- indigestion;
- chronic form of pancreatitis;
- adhesive processes;
- diseases of the urinary system;
- lipid metabolism disorders;
- strangulated hernia;
- diabetes mellitus;
- acute poisoning;
- cholecystitis in acute or chronic form;
- an ulcer of the duodenum or stomach.

Women have a number of specific causes of lower abdominal cramps:
- menstruation and premenstrual syndrome;
- adnexal adhesion formation;
- pathology of the organs of the reproductive system;
- hormonal failures.
Some factors can cause pain and cramps in the lower abdomen in women only during pregnancy:
- fetal growth causing uterine enlargement and displacement of internal organs;
- stretching of veins, ligaments or muscles of the abdomen and uterus;
- ectopic pregnancy;
- “false contractions” late in pregnancy;
- cervical pathology;
- placental abruption;
- preterm birth;
- miscarriage.
Some of these processes are natural and are not a cause for concern, while others require an immediate visit to the gynecologist.

The male has a specificthe cause of this unpleasant symptom may be an inflammatory process in the prostate gland.
Abdominal cramps and pain are common in children, especially in infancy. Up to a year, the formation of the organs of the digestive system takes place, so the soreness of the tummy in a baby does not pose any threat. At the same time, there are situations in which spasm indicates the presence of a disease, for example, with insufficient production of lactase and, as a result, incomplete digestibility of breast milk, dysbacteriosis, pyloric stenosis.
A baby's stomach cramps should not be ignored.
Older children may suffer from pain caused by:
- pancreatitis;
- appendicitis;
- worm infestation;
- vegetative-vascular dystonia;
- gastritis;
- high physical activity;
- food allergy;
- rotavirus infection;
- urinary tract infection;
- nerve strain.
In older people, this can be caused by age-related changes in the digestive, reproductive and urinary systems.
Causes of abdominal cramps may be different.

Rare causes
When pain occurs in the abdomen, their source is most often sought among diseases of the digestive system and other abdominal organs. However, in rare cases, other organs can also cause cramps in the lower abdomen. So, reflected pain can give heart attacks, injuries of the inguinal region and organs.pelvic disease, pneumonia, urolithiasis, vagus kidney, and even skin diseases (such as shingles).
Types of spasms
Abdominal cramps are classified into clonic and tonic. The first are characterized as the alternation of painful jerky contractions of smooth muscles with its relaxation. The second type of pain is prolonged tension in the abdominal muscles.
Patients often complain to the doctor: "I feel a spasm in the lower abdomen." How might this manifest?
Symptoms accompanying spasm
Symptoms that complement abdominal muscle cramps are individual and manifest in different combinations, with different intensities. First of all, these symptoms include a pronounced pain syndrome of a constant or periodic nature. The pain in this case can be dull, aching or sharp and acute, of varying degrees of intensity.
Also, muscle spasms can be accompanied by symptoms such as:
- nausea and gagging;
- vomiting blood;
- shortness of breath;
- vaginal discharge in women;
- reflected pain in the perineum, chest, less often the neck and shoulder;
- stools mixed with blood or unnaturally dark in color;
- diarrhea;
- excessive sweating;
- problems with urination.
Reason to see a doctor
There are conditions that are accompanied by pain and cramps in the lower abdomen in women and men, in which you need to urgently seek qualified medical help, it is best to call an ambulance. To theminclude:

- pronounced, intolerable pain syndrome;
- continuous pain for half an hour or more;
- bleeding from the vagina, especially in pregnant women;
- attacks of pain in the scrotum in men;
- shortness of breath;
- vomiting, especially bloody;
- bloody diarrhea;
- black stool;
- chills, fever, heavy sweating;
- pale skin, gums;
- reflected pain in the chest, neck;
- delayed urination for more than 10 hours;
- loss of consciousness;
- disturbed bowel movements and severe bloating.
Waiting for the doctor
After calling an ambulance, it is recommended to lie down in bed and make as few movements as possible. In no case should you warm up or rub the sore spot - this can strengthen and even break a possible internal abscess. Also, do not take painkillers, which will blur the overall picture of severe abdominal cramps.

Diagnosis of disease
Even one of the above signs requires the intervention of a specialist. Since the symptoms can be caused by diseases of various organs, it may be necessary to consult several doctors: a general practitioner, a gastroenterologist, an infectious disease specialist, a neuropathologist, a gynecologist, a proctologist, a urologist, a traumatologist. Determining the exact cause of pain requires a comprehensive approach based on history, physical examination, and findings.laboratory research.
During examination, the patient's reaction to external influences during palpation of the abdomen is carefully studied. The doctor also specifies the time of onset of symptoms, their intensity and frequency.
Among laboratory studies, the most important and informative are:
- general blood test, which will indicate an infection or bleeding disorders;
- biochemical blood test, reflecting the activity of the heart, liver and pancreas enzymes;
- complete urinalysis, which will detect a urinary tract infection or urolithiasis;
- examination of feces for the presence of helminth eggs.
For a more detailed diagnosis, endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract, abdominal ultrasound, radiography with or without contrast, electrocardiography may be required. These are only the most frequent instrumental examinations that are used to make a diagnosis; for each patient, the list of tests and manipulations will be individual.
The prescribed course of therapy will depend on the diagnosis. In general, treatment includes taking painkillers to relieve pain, intravenous medication (including to restore fluid balance after vomiting and diarrhea), taking antibacterial and antiemetic drugs, following a therapeutic diet, and sometimes using traditional medicine.
In some cases, conservative treatment is not enough and maysurgical intervention is required. In this case, strict adherence to the postoperative regimen, including sparing nutrition, will be required to reduce the risk of complications and recurrence of abdominal cramps in women and men.
Nutrition after illness
Diet, as a rule, is prescribed by the attending physician, however, general recommendations should be followed to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to avoid fatty, fried, s alty, spicy foods, confectionery, sweets, mayonnaise and other industrial sauces, fast food, alcohol, coffee, black tea, carbonated drinks. It is necessary to adhere to such a diet for at least three months. During this period, thermally processed vegetables and fruits, poultry meat, lean fish, lean beef and veal, diet soups, low-fat dairy products, omelettes and boiled eggs, jelly and compotes without sugar are allowed.
How to avoid this annoying problem?
Preventing the development of an ailment is always easier and safer than treating it. Abdominal cramps are no exception. To prevent this problem, you need to follow some simple rules:

- eat right and varied;
- observe sleep and rest;
- avoid mental and physical overwork whenever possible;
- keep active and get outdoors more often;
- restrict alcohol consumption;
- take medications only as prescribed by a doctor;
- drinkenough clean water;
- go through a full medical examination twice a year.
Following these simple recommendations will help to completely get rid of not only abdominal cramps, but also the disease that caused them, and also prevent the recurrence of the disease.