Not everyone knows how to reduce tonsils in a child. At the same time, this is a fairly common problem. With the disease, both pharyngeal (adenoids) and palatine (tonsils) hypertrophy.
To avoid serious complications, up to the need to remove them, it is necessary to take measures to reduce the size of the tonsils. To do this, you can use both pharmaceutical and folk remedies. Therapy should be comprehensive.
Causes of enlarged tonsils in children
The main task of such growths, which are located at the entrance to the pharyngeal ring, is considered to be the protection of the respiratory organs from pathogenic microflora. They synthesize special compounds that destroy bacteria, and also secrete lymphocytes. It is these cellular structures that are responsible for the functioning of the immune system.
The tonsils are able to determine the type of pathogen that has entered the body. Due to this, even before the microbes begin to multiply and serious inflammation appears, specific antibodies begin to be produced, which pass into the affected area and destroyinfection. That is why the tonsils are not removed for prevention, but try to keep them, even if a chronic form of the disease develops.

The most common reason why tonsils grow, regardless of where they are located, is inflammatory processes of bacterial origin. As a rule, they are provoked by staphylococcus or streptococcus.
In most cases, an increase in tonsils occurs after a sore throat (acute inflammatory process). If therapy has not been carried out correctly or has not yet been completed, then microorganisms can develop immunity to drugs, so that they will continue to affect the tissues of the oral cavity. Because of this, a chronic form of tonsillitis gradually develops. It is she who is the main cause of hypertrophy of the tonsils. Sometimes the causes are other diseases: diphtheria, SARS, typhoid fever, scarlet fever.
Even in children, the pharyngeal tonsil may increase. This disease is called adenoiditis. Such an ailment is first diagnosed in children at about 2-3 years. But unlike the defeat of the tonsils, adenoiditis usually develops against the background of autoimmune or endocrine disorders. In addition, frequent infectious pathologies, unfavorable living conditions, poor nutrition (leading to vitamin deficiency) can provoke the development of the disease.
Medicated treatment
As soon as the tonsils begin to increase, it is urgent to consult a doctor. Firstly, the doctor will find out the reasons, and secondly,prescribe effective treatment. Drug therapy is prescribed based on the results of the diagnosis.
When wondering how to reduce the tonsils in a child without surgery, it should be remembered that complex treatment involves the use of such medications:
- immunostimulants;
- antiseptics (to lubricate the tonsils and rinse the mouth);
- antibiotics (if inflammation is caused by a bacterial infection);
- anti-inflammatory drugs (if inflammation is caused by viral infections);
- painkillers;
- antiallergic medicines (used to eliminate redness, swelling);
- multivitamin complexes;
- antipyretics (if necessary).
In the bacterial origin of inflammatory processes, antibiotics are needed. For example, they use Panklav, Augmentin, Z-factor. They have a detrimental effect on bacteria, inhibit the development of purulent and inflammatory processes.

If the disease is caused by a viral infection and the problem is how to reduce the tonsils in a child, then the following drugs are prescribed:
- "Clarithromycin". Belongs to the group of macrolides. It destroys pathogens, suppresses inflammation.
- "Viferon". Stimulates immune cell structures, actively fights inflammatory processes.
- "Orvirem". Suppresses pathogenic microflora.
- "Kagocel". It has both antibacterial, fungistatic and antiviral effects.
Additional Therapy
To suppress symptoms, doctors also advise using Lugol, Tantum Verde, Yolinol, silver nitrate for treatment. These funds are used to gargle and lubricate the tonsils. "Kameton-spray" not only removes pain and disinfects, but also accelerates wound healing. "Stopangin" destroys pathogenic microflora.

"Chlorophyllipt" is also used for rinsing the mouth. It removes swelling, has an antiseptic effect, accelerates tissue repair. Immunorix has an immunostimulating effect. Of the multivitamin preparations, Centrum is perfect for children.

As a supplement, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed: laser therapy, exposure to ultrasound, as well as inhalations. As for the latter, you can use a nebulizer. Additionally, Rotokan and Dioxidin are used during inhalation. They suppress inflammation, remove puffiness.

To speed up recovery, the child must constantly observe bed rest. Food should be dietary, sparing, so as not to irritate the mucous membranes of the throat. Grated warm cereals, cream soups, mashed potatoes are suitable. Dry warm compresses are a must.
If you are concerned about the problem of how to reduce the tonsils in a child, then you should follow the advice of doctors:
- Use only warm solution.
- Carry out the procedure at least 2 times a day. The duration of each session is approximately 3 minutes.
- While rinsing, you need to tilt your head back, but make sure that the solution does not enter the nasal cavity. When performing the procedure, you need to pronounce the sound "s".
- Perform the procedure regularly throughout the entire period of the disease.
- Do not swallow solution after gargling.
- After the procedure, you can not eat or drink anything for 30 minutes.
Homemade rinses
How to reduce the size of the tonsils with home remedies? For gargling resort to the following recipes:
- S alt, soda and iodine. Pour warm boiled water into a glass, add 1 tsp. s alt and baking soda, 5 drops of alcohol tincture of iodine. Mix everything thoroughly. All 3 components can be used separately.
- Beet juice. It is necessary to squeeze the liquid from the root crop. It is also recommended to add 20 ml of vinegar to 200 ml of juice.
- Lemon juice. It needs to be mixed with water in proportions of 2:3.
- Propolis. Requires 2 tsp. 10% alcohol tincture mixed with 100 ml of warm water.
- Apple cider vinegar. Requires 1 tsp. dissolve in a glass of warm water.
- Herbs. Mallow, elderberry, sage, wormwood, plantain, calendula, eucalyptus, chamomile, linden, oak bark, licorice root, wild rosemary, elecampane are perfect. Herbs are used both individually and are made up of fees (taken in equal parts). Requires 1 tbsp. l. herbs pour a cup of boiling water and insist until cool. Strain before use.
Listedmeans have anti-inflammatory properties, quickly eliminate pain, swelling. Before reducing the tonsils in a child with folk methods, you should consult a pediatrician.
Rinse aids
From rinse preparations to reduce tonsils without surgery, it is recommended to use:
- "Furacilin". Requires 0.2 g per 100 ml of warm boiled water. It is preliminary recommended to grind the tablet into powder.
- "Dioxydin". An ampoule with a 1% solution is required to be diluted in a cup of water.
- "Chlorophyllipt". Requires 1 tbsp. l. liquid dissolve in a cup of water.
- Okie. A measuring cup is included with the product. It is required to fill it halfway with water, and then spray the preparation from above with a spray bottle.
- Miramistin. Requires 1 tbsp. l. mix with a cup of water.
But gargling is not always allowed. Contraindications include individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

If the problem is how to reduce the tonsils in the throat of a child, inhalations are suitable. They must be done 2 times a day - in the morning and before going to bed. The duration of one session is 15 minutes. After the procedure, the child should be in a warm bed. It is forbidden to go outside for 1-2 hours after inhalation.
You can buy a nebulizer at the pharmacy, but at home you can do without it.
What is suitable for inhalation
Howreduce swelling of the tonsils in children? Doctors advise using the following remedies:
- Mineral water. They use Narzan, Essentuki, Borjomi. These liquids must first be heated.
- Saline. Requires heating before use.
- Alcohol tinctures. Use on the basis of calendula or propolis. It is necessary to dilute 10 drops in 1 liter of hot water. Instead, it is also allowed to use saline as a base.
- Herbs. Use thyme, sage, thyme, yarrow, coltsfoot, mint, St. John's wort, calendula, chamomile and other plants with anti-inflammatory action. You need 3 tbsp. herbs pour 1 liter of water and boil.
- Essential oils. Apply eucalyptus, fir, juniper, sage, tea tree, sea buckthorn, mint, oak bark, lavender. For 250 ml of hot water, you need about 4 drops of oil.
- Aloe and Kalanchoe. Use copies that are more than 3 years old. Juice needs to be squeezed out. Then stir 50 ml into 500 ml of hot water.
- Honey. Requires 2 tbsp. l. add bee product to 500 ml of hot water and stir.
- Potatoes. It is necessary to boil unpeeled root crops and drain the water.
But inhalations are not always allowed. Contraindications include elevated body temperature, the presence of purulent masses in the throat, chronic diseases of the respiratory system, a tendency to frequent bleeding from the nose or lungs, and cardiovascular pathologies.
You can also make compresses on the throat. To do this, you need to apply a thin layer of honey onneck and cover with a cabbage leaf, slightly rumpled with hands. From above, close everything with a film, and then with a scarf. Do not remove the compress for 2 hours.
Folk remedies for oral administration
If the tonsils are enlarged, then a warm drink is a must. Solutions with antiseptic properties are needed. Warm milk is good to drink. A little butter and honey are added to it. You need to drink the remedy before going to bed.
The best remedy for the problem of how to reduce inflammation of the tonsils in a child is herbal tea. It suppresses inflammation.
Herbal teas also have an antibacterial effect. To prepare such a drink, herbs are mixed in equal parts. Requires 1 tbsp. l. pour raw materials with a cup of boiling water and leave to infuse. Children should be given this drink 50 ml 3 times a day. The course of treatment is up to 10 days.

For the preparation of herbal tea, pine buds, plantain, St. Lemon, honey can be added to tea. There are other recipes too. For example, you can mix 1 part each of blackberries and acacia blossoms.
The next option is just as useful. It is required to take 3 parts of raspberry branches, 1 mint leaves and 2 yarrow. All funds are prepared in a standard way.
A mixture of walnuts and dried fruits is very useful. But such a tool is used as a strengthening of immunity. Must be mixed in equal partscrushed nuts, raisins, dried apricots, prunes in a blender. Then pour the same amount of honey over everything. Give your child 1 tsp every day. The recipe can be modified by adding other ingredients. For example, cranberries are useful.
What to lubricate
When the tonsils are enlarged and inflamed, how to reduce the tonsils with folk remedies in a child? It is recommended to use the following tools:
- Radish juice. Squeeze it out of the root crop. Mix juice with honey.
- Aloe juice. It is necessary to squeeze it out of the leaves and mix it in equal parts with linden honey.
- Oils. They often use pumpkin, rapeseed, peach, eucalyptus, sea buckthorn. Another use case is to prepare a mixture of any of the oils listed above, alcohol tincture of propolis (you can buy ready-made in a pharmacy) and glycerin. You can also prepare St. John's wort oil. For this, 3 tbsp. l. dry grass is poured into a dark glass container and poured with 250 ml of vegetable oil (olive, sunflower or other). The remedy should be insisted for 4 weeks. Then filter.
- "Lugol". It is necessary to moisten a cotton pad or a piece of gauze in it, and then smear the tonsils. You can also use a spray, which is much more convenient.
These means should lubricate the child's tonsils. The procedure is recommended to be carried out 2-3 times a day.
If the baby has enlarged tonsils and inflammation develops on them, then you need to immediately go to the hospital. The doctor, after making a diagnosis and clarifying the causes of the disease, will select the appropriatetreatment.
Therapy should be comprehensive. Pharmaceuticals and traditional medicine are used in parallel. Anti-inflammatory, aseptic, immune-strengthening drugs are required. Assign funds for oral administration, inhalation, gargling.