Diseases and conditions 2024, October

The main signs of pneumothorax, first aid and treatment

The main signs of pneumothorax, first aid and treatment

The main forms of pneumothorax and symptoms that appear in humans at different stages of the disease. How to provide first aid to the patient and carry out complex treatment? Features of the course of the disease in children

Lupus erythematosus: treatment with drugs and folk remedies

Lupus erythematosus: treatment with drugs and folk remedies

Treatment of lupus erythematosus does not always bring the expected result. First of all, because it is rarely possible to recognize the causes of this autoimmune disease that affects blood vessels and connective tissues. The study of this problem is carried out by specialists from various medical fields. It is almost impossible to establish a diagnosis without conducting a qualitative diagnosis, since doctors are usually confused by secondary diseases that develop against the background of systemic lupus erythematosus

Acute hypertensive encephalopathy: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Acute hypertensive encephalopathy: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Acute HE (hypertensive encephalopathy according to ICD10 - I67.4) is an emergency condition and immediate assistance is required. Otherwise, complications are obligatory in the form of cerebral edema, hemorrhagic stroke, heart attack, and death. Acute hypertensive encephalopathy according to ICD-10 has code I67.4. Discirculatory vascular hypertensive encephalopathy is considered a separate manifestation. It is possible at any age

Left atrial enlargement: causes, treatment methods, reviews

Left atrial enlargement: causes, treatment methods, reviews

The increase in the left atrium is called hypertrophy in medicine. This is due to the growth of the myocardium, which acts as the muscle layer of this cardiac chamber. This phenomenon is a symptom of vascular diseases, due to which there is a more intense load on the left atrium. Pathology is detected by echocardiography

How is Perthes disease different in children?

How is Perthes disease different in children?

Perthes disease in children implies such an ailment in which there is a temporary violation of the blood supply to the femur. Then, in the absence of proper blood flow, the tissues of the femoral head (spongy and cartilaginous) are destroyed

Dissolution of gallstones without surgery: causes of formation, types, medications and alternative methods of treatment

Dissolution of gallstones without surgery: causes of formation, types, medications and alternative methods of treatment

If liver diseases are treated with medication, then a patient with gallstone disease faces a problem: what to do? Not so long ago, there was only one answer to this question: remove the gallbladder

Chronic arthritis: types, possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

Chronic arthritis: types, possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

Inflammatory joint disease, which has periods of exacerbation and a progressive course, can appear against the background of many concomitant ailments. Doctors also identify several predisposing factors. The symptomatic picture of chronic arthritis will vary depending on the form of the course of the disease, but there are several common signs. Diagnosis and treatment require an integrated approach

Spinal cord stroke: causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences

Spinal cord stroke: causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences

Spinal cord stroke (spinal) is a dangerous type of myelopathy. This term refers to neurological pathetic conditions covering the spinal cord. Among all strokes recorded in medical practice, spinal strokes account for from one percent to one and a half. Two scenarios of the course are known - ischemic and hemorrhagic. Let's take a closer look at this topic

Preperitoneal lipoma: causes, symptoms and treatment

Preperitoneal lipoma: causes, symptoms and treatment

Preperitoneal lipoma is a benign formation that can appear in both an adult and a child. The effectiveness of treatment directly depends on the stage and form of the disease. Experts recommend regular medical examinations. This will help prevent the development of serious complications

Electrical injury: emergency care, clinic, treatment

Electrical injury: emergency care, clinic, treatment

Electrical injury or electric shock is an extremely dangerous situation that can occur both at home and at work. What are the common causes of this phenomenon? What determines the strength and severity of the defeat? How can you get an electric shock and burn without touching conductive elements? What is emergency care for electrical injury, the algorithm of actions, treatment - you can learn all this from the article

Cerebral ischemia: degrees, treatment, consequences

Cerebral ischemia: degrees, treatment, consequences

Article on the stages of development of cerebral ischemia. All stages of the disease are considered, as well as the features of symptoms in young children

Alzheimer's disease: symptoms and signs, photo, treatment, causes

Alzheimer's disease: symptoms and signs, photo, treatment, causes

Sometimes, in old age, a person begins to forget the knowledge he has accumulated during the passage of his entire life path. The events of the past are erased from his memory, the execution of seemingly ordinary household procedures becomes a complex process. Shows disinterest in life and apathy

Urine reddish color: reasons for rejection

Urine reddish color: reasons for rejection

Urine of a reddish color should alert any person. After all, the usual color of urine ranges from almost transparent to dark straw. However, if you notice that the shade has changed significantly and has taken on an unnatural color, then you should immediately go to the hospital, as this symptom may indicate the presence of serious abnormalities in the body

Reactive liver changes in children: causes, treatment methods, reviews

Reactive liver changes in children: causes, treatment methods, reviews

Any reactive changes in the liver indicate that there is a pathology in the body, which most likely arose due to adverse factors affecting the organ. Such diseases are common, and in most cases there is no threat to human life, but only if the correct treatment is prescribed

What is the treatment of synovitis of the knee joint characterized by?

What is the treatment of synovitis of the knee joint characterized by?

Synovitis is a disease that is characterized by inflammation in the so-called synovial membrane of the joint, which in turn forms an effusion. Most often, this kind of ailment is localized in the knee joint. Patients, as a rule, do not notice the presence of the disease in the body for a long time. In this article we will talk about what is characterized by the treatment of synovitis of the knee joint, as well as what are its primary symptoms

Synovitis of the knee: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Synovitis of the knee: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Article about the causes of synovitis of the knee joint. A variety of factors that can affect the occurrence of this unpleasant ailment are considered

Herpetic conjunctivitis: symptoms and treatment

Herpetic conjunctivitis: symptoms and treatment

Specialists in the field of ophthalmology often reveal herpetic conjunctivitis in their patients. The disease is diagnosed both in adults and in young children. The disease affects the connective membrane of the eye and provokes an inflammatory process. This article describes the causes of the development of pathology, its symptoms, diagnosis, methods of therapy and prevention

How to treat prickly heat in children? Recommendations for new mothers

How to treat prickly heat in children? Recommendations for new mothers

How to treat prickly heat in children? How to prevent its occurrence? We suggest that you familiarize yourself with simple recommendations, the implementation of which will save your baby from unwanted irritation

Why do heels crack? Causes and solution of the problem

Why do heels crack? Causes and solution of the problem

Cracks in the heels are quite common and very unpleasant. They bring significant discomfort and slowly heal, preventing an active lifestyle. Why do heels crack? The reasons lie in the body itself, or is it solely under the influence of external factors?

Prosyanka on the face. Prevention is easier than cure

Prosyanka on the face. Prevention is easier than cure

Mildew on the face is nothing more than whiteheads, the scientific name of which is milia. They occur due to blockage of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which a dense white formation appears under the skin. Acne does not bring physical discomfort, however, an unpresentable appearance makes it necessary to fight against misfortune

Polyps in the stomach: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, reviews

Polyps in the stomach: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, reviews

Polyps in the stomach appear quite rarely, mainly in middle-aged people. In most cases, formations do not affect the patient's well-being in any way, so they are difficult to detect. This must be done, as ignoring tumors leads to the development of complications

Staz is a pathological condition: its causes and types

Staz is a pathological condition: its causes and types

Stasis as a pathological process impairs the patency of the microvasculature and can be a reversible process. Hemostasis is a complex biological system that provides the body with a constant internal environment

Hypercoagulation syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnostic methods and treatment

Hypercoagulation syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnostic methods and treatment

What is hypercoagulation syndrome and how to detect it? Everything you need to know about the disease: causes, features of the course in pregnant women, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, risk factors

Diarrhea with foam: causes and treatments

Diarrhea with foam: causes and treatments

At least once in a lifetime, any person has encountered such a problem as diarrhea, which is otherwise called diarrhea. The chair of a liquid consistency occurs several times a day and may be mixed with foam, blood or mucus. Short-lived diarrhea caused by eating junk food, fatty foods, or simply overeating often resolves on its own without serious treatment

After hitting my head, my head hurts: what to do? Signs of a concussion

After hitting my head, my head hurts: what to do? Signs of a concussion

Head injuries are very common. Particular attention should be paid to concussions. How to discover them? And what if you have a headache after hitting your head?

Ingrown nail: treatment and prevention

Ingrown nail: treatment and prevention

In this article I would like to talk about what an ingrown nail is, treatment and prevention measures for this disease. After all, almost every person faces this problem

Ingrown toenails: causes, treatment and prevention

Ingrown toenails: causes, treatment and prevention

Ingrown toenails are a problem for many people. It often appears on the legs. In medicine, this disease is called "onychocryptosis". A person with him experiences severe discomfort. The causes and treatment of ingrown toenails are described in the article

Diagnosis of "acute abdomen" in gynecology. Symptom Promptov and other methods of examination

Diagnosis of "acute abdomen" in gynecology. Symptom Promptov and other methods of examination

In gynecological practice, complex clinical situations often arise that require emergency medical care. The symptoms in this article are intended to facilitate and significantly speed up their diagnosis

Beware of infection! How does tick vaccination help us?

Beware of infection! How does tick vaccination help us?

Children receive their first vaccination while still outside the walls of the maternity hospital. It's a tuberculosis vaccine. At the age of three, every child should be vaccinated against all childhood infections. What are vaccinations and how they work, we will understand in our article

How to treat seizures at home?

How to treat seizures at home?

Zayeda, or the so-called angulitis, is a pathology of the skin and mucous membranes of the corners of the mouth. It appears mainly due to excessive reproduction of fungi, strepto- and staphylococci. In medical practice, such a disease is called angular stomatitis or cheilitis. Zayeda develops most often in the spring, when immunity decreases and a person consumes fewer trace elements and vitamins

Causes and treatment of cracks in the corners of the lips

Causes and treatment of cracks in the corners of the lips

Many of us are faced with the problem when small oblong cracks appear in the corners of the lips. They cause pain and itching. Only an experienced doctor can prescribe the correct treatment for cracks in the corners of the lips

At what atmospheric pressure does the head hurt? Effect of atmospheric pressure on human blood pressure

At what atmospheric pressure does the head hurt? Effect of atmospheric pressure on human blood pressure

The article discusses the impact of changes in atmospheric pressure on the general condition of the human body, separately considers headache as one of the main symptoms of meteorological dependence. An answer is given to the question of at what atmospheric pressure the head hurts

Lymphoproliferative syndrome: causes, symptoms, treatment methods

Lymphoproliferative syndrome: causes, symptoms, treatment methods

Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome is a hereditary pathological condition. Belongs to the category of heterogeneous. There are two modes of inheritance: autosomal dominant and recessive. In rare cases, the cause is somatic mutations. Lymphoproliferative syndrome may be acquired

Tunnel Neuropathy: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

Tunnel Neuropathy: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

What is tunnel neuropathy. The main types and causes of the disease. Characteristic symptoms and effective methods of treatment. Used drugs and practical recommendations. Methods of therapy

Neuropathy of the lower extremities: treatment with drugs and folk remedies

Neuropathy of the lower extremities: treatment with drugs and folk remedies

Lower limb neuropathy is a problem that many people face. This term combines many pathologies that are accompanied by damage to certain branches of the peripheral nervous system. The disease leads to pain, spasms and other unpleasant symptoms

Piriformis syndrome: symptoms and treatment

Piriformis syndrome: symptoms and treatment

Piriformis Syndrome - a set of pain sensations in the gluteal region. The pain does not necessarily have a localized character, it can radiate to the genital area and even to the lower leg, in such a way that it will create a feeling that it hurts somewhere below

Why does pain appear in the spine and what to do about it?

Why does pain appear in the spine and what to do about it?

Every person sometimes worries about pain in the spine. It can be of a different nature, and in severe cases sometimes leads to a partial loss of motor functions

Polysegmental osteochondrosis: treatment. Exercise therapy for polysegmental osteochondrosis and coxarthrosis

Polysegmental osteochondrosis: treatment. Exercise therapy for polysegmental osteochondrosis and coxarthrosis

Polysegmental osteochondrosis is a fairly common and dangerous disease. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that pathological processes appear immediately in several segments of the spine, sometimes even in its different departments. In the absence of therapy, the disease can lead to complications, and therefore it is extremely important to diagnose it in time and begin therapeutic measures

Prevention of appendicitis. What is appendicitis? How to avoid illness

Prevention of appendicitis. What is appendicitis? How to avoid illness

The human body is a perfect self-regulating system that, under normal conditions, that is, without the presence of a disease, works like a Swiss watch. However, in some cases, the functioning of the body is disrupted, and therefore life-threatening conditions may occur. For example, the appendix, or vermiform appendix of the caecum, which makes a significant contribution to the immune defense, can become inflamed, in connection with which there is a so-called appendicitis

Trembling in the body: causes. Causes of constant trembling in the body

Trembling in the body: causes. Causes of constant trembling in the body

Trembling in the body, the causes of which we will present below, has been experienced by every person. In most cases, this is a short and rather unpleasant phenomenon that lasts only a few minutes. As a rule, it does not pose a threat to humans. But if you are worried about constant trembling in the body, you should find out the reasons for it from the doctor