Specialists in the field of ophthalmology often reveal herpetic conjunctivitis in their patients. The disease is diagnosed both in adults and in young children. The disease affects the connective membrane of the eye and provokes an inflammatory process. This article talks about the causes of the development of pathology, its symptoms, diagnosis, methods of therapy and prevention.
General characteristics
The disease occurs as a result of infection with the causative agent of herpes simplex, which causes various diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. This microorganism enters the organs of vision in various ways. For example, if a person rubs his eyes with dirty fingers. Therefore, in order to prevent infection with herpetic conjunctivitis, hygiene standards must be observed. In addition, experts say that after suffering a pathology, its pathogen remains in the body of the individual for life. This is especially true for people who sufferfrequent respiratory ailments.

Transmission is discussed in the next chapter.
Methods of infection
Viruses that provoke the development of herpetic conjunctivitis can exist and multiply even in adverse environmental conditions. They are easily transmitted through the air. Infection with this disease occurs in the following ways:
- Dusty.
- Contact.
- Airborne.
Most often this disease affects people who do not follow hygiene rules, people with insufficiently strong immune systems, as well as individuals who are forced to interact with infected people. Stressful situations and emotional instability can provoke a relapse in patients who once had such conjunctivitis. Sometimes infection occurs already in early childhood, and the inflammatory process occurs periodically, under the influence of adverse conditions.
Factors contributing to the development of infection in the body
These include circumstances that lead to the deterioration of the immune system. As the reasons that reduce the effectiveness of the protective mechanisms of the human body, we can name:
- Long exposure to low temperatures.
- Harmful effects of the sun's rays.
- Lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet.
- Past illnesses of a viral nature.
Herpetic conjunctivitis in children is quite common, as the immune system at this age is not enoughdeveloped and unable to withstand the effects of pathogens.
Varieties of infection
There are several categories of this infection. By the nature of the course, the pathology is divided into the following forms:
- Acute type of disease. This inflammatory process occurs suddenly, is characterized by pronounced symptoms. It passes quickly after a course of therapy.
- Subacute type. With this pathology, the symptoms are not pronounced. However, the inflammatory process takes place under the influence of drugs.
- Chronic type of disease. It is characterized by mild symptoms that are observed in the patient constantly. The state of the individual is unstable. Periodically there are deteriorations. The disease is difficult to treat.
There is also another classification of pathology, according to which there are three types of disease:
- Catarrhal.
- Follicular.
- Vesicular-ulcerative.

In herpetic conjunctivitis, treatment is determined by the type of pathology, its severity and the type of inflammatory process.
Catarrhal type
With this disease, the symptoms are moderate. During examinations, a specialist may notice redness, swelling and peeling of the connective sheath of the organs of vision. A colorless mucus is discharged from the patient's eyes, in which, in the presence of additional infection with bacteria, an admixture of pus is observed.
Follicular type
With this varietyherpetic conjunctivitis symptoms are pronounced. Colorless bubbles form on the connective membrane of the organs of vision and on the skin of the eyelids.

In general, the signs of this category of the disease do not differ from the manifestations of the catarrhal form of the inflammatory process.
Vesicular-ulcerative type
This type of herpetic conjunctivitis is considered the most serious. It is quite dangerous and often leads to the development of severe complications. With this type of disease, the vesicles that form on the surface of the mucous membranes open, and because of this, ulcers appear on the skin of the eyelids. Swelling of the conjunctiva is pronounced. There is a bright red hue of the organs of vision. The white shell of the eyes is covered with nodules.
Common signs of inflammation
Continuing to talk about herpetic conjunctivitis, symptoms and treatment, it should be noted that, regardless of the type of pathology, it is characterized by the following manifestations:
- Deterioration of the functions of the organs of vision.
- Increase sensitivity to light.
- Copious flow of tears.
- Formation of rashes and blisters filled with a colorless liquid on the surface of the skin of the eyelids.
- Itching and burning sensation.
- Fever, headache, chills.
- Discomfort in the eyelid area.
- Increase in the volume of the lymph glands.
- Emission of mucus or pus from the eyes.
Diagnostic measures
Examination includes:
- External examination of the patient and conversation with him. According to the characteristic complaints and the appearance of the organs of vision, the presence of herpetic conjunctivitis can be suspected. The photo clearly shows what eyes affected by infection look like.
- Smear of discharge from the connective sheath. The fluid is examined under a microscope in order to detect pathogens of any inflammatory process.
- Bacteriological culture.
- Scraping, which consists in removing a small layer of tissue from the connective membrane of the eye.
- Examination of the organs of vision with a special device - a slit lamp.
Methods of therapy
To combat herpetic conjunctivitis, drugs are used that stop the reproduction of microorganisms. It is necessary to use medicines only after consulting a doctor and conducting examinations. Self-medication in this situation is unacceptable. Therapies commonly used are:
- Drops containing antibiotics (such as Tobrex).
- Ointments that are placed under the eyelid ("Virolex", "Acyclovir").
- Medicines for oral administration ("Polyoxidonium", "Cycloferon") are prescribed for a severe variety of pathology.
- Zelenka for the treatment of bubbles on the surface of the eyelids.

Features of pathology therapy in young patients
Speaking of herpetic conjunctivitis in children, symptoms and treatment, it should be emphasized that the signs of the disease in minors are about the same as in adults.

However, slightly different ways of dealing with the disease are recommended. Usually, small patients are prescribed products containing interferons, for example, Ophthalmoferon in the form of drops. The drug is used five to six times a day for three days. The drug is effective only if it is placed in clean eyes. The patient needs regular treatment of the organs of vision with water or a decoction of chamomile. The patient should be given separate hygiene items, for example, a towel, a scarf. With herpetic conjunctivitis in children, treatment also involves the use of drugs that include acyclovir.
Consequences of pathology
This disease is quite dangerous. It not only leads to severe discomfort that interferes with a full life, but often causes serious complications. These include the following:
- The formation of scar tissue on the surface of the cornea or connective membrane of the organs of vision.
- Increase in intraocular pressure.
- Development of the inflammatory process in the eyelids.
- Deterioration of the functions of the organs of vision.
- Blindness.
- Inflammatory process in the cornea of the eyes.
To prevent the occurrence of dangerous complications, you should not postpone a visit to a specialist.

When the first signs of pathology of the organs of vision appear, you should consult a doctor.
How to avoid the development of the disease?
As waysdisease warnings can be listed:
- The use of a vaccine that protects against infection with the causative agent of herpes simplex. Several courses of this vaccine are required.
- Compliance with hygiene standards. These rules must be followed from early childhood.
- Removal of foreign objects from the cornea of the eyes.
- Refuse to use other people's contact aids for vision correction.
- Compliance with hygiene measures for the processing of lenses.
- Strengthening the body's defenses, a balanced diet.
- Avoiding too cold temperatures, excessive humidity, or direct exposure to the sun.
- Use of individual cosmetics. At the same time, it is necessary to give preference to products that do not provoke allergies.
- Visit swimming pools only with special glasses that protect against moisture in the eyes. Bathing in clear flowing waters.
- Compliance with the rules of a he althy lifestyle, regular exercise and walks in the fresh air, good rest.