Polysegmental osteochondrosis is a fairly common and dangerous disease. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that pathological processes appear immediately in several segments of the spine, sometimes even in its different departments. In the absence of therapy, the disease can lead to complications, and therefore it is extremely important to diagnose it in time and start treatment measures.
So what are the symptoms of polysegmental osteochondrosis and why does it develop? What treatments can the doctor suggest? Why is this disease dangerous? The answers to these questions will be useful to many.
What is the problem?

The human spine is made up of cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral regions. Each of them, in turn, includes a certain number of vertebrae, which are interspersed with intervertebral discs - connective tissue, elasticstructures that act as shock absorbers. With age (or in the presence of other reasons), the structure of cartilage tissue changes and becomes thinner. This is how osteochondrosis begins.
The disease is very dangerous, because the pathological process in the intervertebral discs leads to subsidence of the vertebrae, which begin to clamp the blood vessels and nerve roots. Polysegmental osteochondrosis is a disease in which this process affects several vertebrae at once, often even in different parts of the spine.
Main causes of disease development

Polysegmental osteochondrosis of the spine can develop under the influence of various factors. Here is a list of the most common possible causes:
- Age is of great importance in this case, because in the process of aging, the structure of cartilage tissue changes, which can lead to its subsequent dystrophy.
- Risk factors include congenital anomalies in the development of elements of the spine.
- Constant uneven loads on the spine can also contribute to the development of osteochondrosis (the risk group includes workers who, due to the peculiarities of their professions, are forced to spend a long time in a sitting or standing position). This also includes the constant wearing of weights.
- Previously suffered injuries of the spinal column can also contribute to the development of the disease.
- Various posture disorders, including scoliosis, are also risk factors.
- Staying in an awkward position all the time can alsolead to the appearance of a pathological process.
- Speaking of osteochondrosis, one cannot but mention the weakness of the muscular corset. If the back muscles are weakened, then the spine has to cope with a large number of loads.
- It is worth mentioning nutrition, because for the normal development and functioning of the skeletal apparatus, the body needs to receive substances such as vitamin D, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. Mineral deficiency and beriberi can lead to disruption of the normal structure of connective tissues.
By the way, most often polysegmental osteochondrosis develops under the influence of several risk factors at once.
Types and forms of the disease

Symptoms and features of the disease largely depend on its form, namely on the location of the pathological process:
- Polysegmental osteochondrosis of the cervical region is often accompanied by quite characteristic symptoms. Patients complain of constant headaches, weakness and dizziness. Approximately the same clinical picture develops with lesions of the thoracic segments of the spine. Depending on which nerve roots were affected, the patient may experience pain in the region of the heart.
- Polysegmental osteochondrosis of the lumbar often causes disorders in the functioning of the abdominal organs. Some patients complain of pain in the small pelvis, which can radiate to the thigh, buttocks, and lower legs. Sometimes there is the development of intermittent claudication. The same clinical pictureobserved with lesions of the sacral region.
It is worth noting that the diagnostic process is difficult if the pathological process covers the segments of the spine in different departments. Symptoms in this case become mixed.
What are the symptoms of osteochondrosis?

What signs should I look out for? Polysegmental osteochondrosis has a rather characteristic clinical picture, which, however, depends on the degree of damage, as well as the location of the pathological process. The fact is that as a result of changes in the intervertebral discs, compression of the roots of the spinal nerves is observed. Each of them has its own important functions, since it provides sensitivity, transmission of nerve impulses and the work of certain organs of the chest and abdominal cavity. Thus, polysegmental osteochondrosis affects not only the state of the bone apparatus, it is also dangerous for other organ systems.
As for the symptoms, the earliest manifestations include:
- back pain that can spread along nerve endings;
- change in skin sensitivity, feeling of numbness (for example, in the tips of the fingers and toes);
- tingling, burning sensation, goosebumps;
- various disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, depending on which nerve endings were compressed;
- stiffness in movements, decreased muscle strength.
What diagnostic methodsused?

If you notice any symptoms or deterioration in well-being, you should consult a specialist. Quite often, the diagnostic process can be fraught with some difficulties. For example, if the nerves of the thoracic region are pinched, the patient can be sure that there are heart problems. But if the pathological process occurs in the sacral spine, occasionally patients experience pain in the groin, as a result of which they first of all turn to a urologist.
Patients with suspected osteochondrosis (including polysegmental) are required to undergo an examination by a neurologist-vertebrologist. Here they are prescribed some diagnostic procedures, including X-ray and ultrasound, tomography, etc. In addition, it is important to conduct a biochemical blood test in order to check the patient for mineral and vitamin deficiencies.
Polysegmental osteochondrosis: drug treatment

After making a diagnosis, the doctor will make a suitable treatment regimen. Quite often, therapy involves taking various medications:
- In some cases, patients are prescribed vasodilators to help relieve spasm of arteries and small vessels, normalize blood circulation and tissue nutrition. Such drugs are most often needed for cervical osteochondrosis ("Papaverine", "Eufillin").
- Because the disease is often accompanied by soreness, the doctor mayrecommend an effective analgesic that helps relieve discomfort ("Ketanov", "Dicloran").
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are sometimes included in the course of therapy, which help not only to slow down the development of the inflammatory process, but also eliminate soreness and relieve fever (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen).
- If osteochondrosis is associated with a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, then patients are prescribed multivitamin complexes ("Vitrum").
- An important part of the treatment is taking chondroprotectors that stimulate metabolic processes in connective tissues and promote regeneration processes ("Teraflex", "Rumalon, Artra").
- Sometimes constant soreness and discomfort are reflected in the emotional state of the patient. In the most severe cases, patients are prescribed psychotropic and sedatives ("Novo-Passit").
Other therapies

Drugs are just part of the treatment. In addition, other therapeutic measures are needed. For example, methods such as phonophoresis and UHF are considered quite effective. These procedures help to quickly eliminate the inflammatory process.
Once the aggravation has been relieved, doctors recommend some maintenance treatments. For example, a good result can provide exercise therapy for polysegmental osteochondrosis and coxarthrosis. Naturally, physicalexercises and the degree of load are determined individually by a physiotherapist. In addition, therapeutic massage will be useful. The purpose of these activities is to relieve muscle spasm and gradually strengthen them, thereby relieving the load from the spine.
Polysegmental osteochondrosis: how dangerous can the disease be?
Of course, this disease can be extremely dangerous. In the absence of treatment, the development of unpleasant and dangerous complications is possible. In particular, the possibility of transition to spondylosis, which is accompanied by progressive degeneration of the bone tissue of the vertebrae, is not excluded. Such a disease leads to the appearance of regular pain attacks, a decrease in overall activity, limited mobility, and sometimes disability. In addition, the possibility of squeezing blood vessels and nerve endings is not ruled out, which is fraught with disruption of the work of various organ systems.