Diseases and conditions
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Both doctors and traditional medicine experts know how to cure a bad cough in a week. In pharmacies there is a wide variety of medicines of different strengths and effectiveness, and herbalists can suggest many reliable recipes to get rid of an unpleasant symptom
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
A facial ulcer is a skin lesion that causes extreme discomfort and pain. Often there is a feeling of itching and burning. This phenomenon may be a sign of the presence of another serious disease. Therefore, you should promptly consult a doctor for help
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Systole - what is it? Not everyone can answer this difficult question. Therefore, we will devote this article to this topic
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The article focuses on such a difficult problem as the syndrome of paroxysmal conditions, and discusses the causes and consequences of this disease
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Very often, for no reason, the skin begins to peel off. This phenomenon is unpleasant, especially if this process occurs in open areas. Moreover, it is impossible to immediately establish why the skin on the face is peeling
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This is one of the varieties of viral diseases, which is transmitted, as a rule, by airborne droplets or when using common hygiene items with a sick person. This virus is able to exist in the human body for a long time without expressing any symptoms
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Treatment of chickenpox largely depends on the severity of the course of the disease and the characteristics of the disorder. Thanks to an integrated approach, you can quickly eliminate the existing symptoms and prevent the occurrence of complications
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Encephalitis is an acute disease, the development of which is associated with a viral or bacterial infection and the result of which is damage to the substance of the brain. What should be done to avoid infection? What are the symptoms and treatment of encephalitis? How should it be diagnosed and which specialists are best to contact?
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Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome (also hereditary hypogonadism or Ulrich-Turner syndrome) is a genetic disease caused by the complete or partial absence of one X chromosome in women. Like other chromosomal abnormalities, it is characterized by severe consequences for patients. The karyotype in Turner syndrome is written as 45,X0
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Bacterial vaginosis is a fairly common disease. It does not lead to the development of any significant complications, however, it can easily deliver a huge amount of discomfort to a woman. So treatment should start as soon as possible
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With the help of complex therapy and a competent approach, specialists manage to fight these unpleasant phenomena. This article provides information on how neurodermatitis is treated in adults
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Many people are interested in the question of what thrombosis is. This is a vascular disease, which is to some extent associated with a violation of blood clotting, a violation of normal blood flow. A thrombus is, by and large, a blood clot that blocks the lumen of a vessel. Naturally, such a pathology can lead to a huge number of complications, up to the death of the patient
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Such a pathology as kidney reflux, the symptoms of which are not clearly expressed in the initial stages, is rare. In most cases, the disease affects children and the elderly. Consider the causes of the disease, types, degrees of development, signs, as well as how to diagnose and treat
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Often found in adults, atopic dermatitis is a pathology belonging to the category of allergic diseases that affect the skin. The disease is usually severe and is currently one of the most common, affecting the epidermis. The disease is explained by genetic factors, chronic, it is impossible to completely cure it
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Hyperhidrosis is a problem familiar to many. There are many methods by which you can reduce sweating. However, you first need to find out what the unpleasant symptom is associated with. The specialist will conduct a study, help to choose a therapy
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In the spring-summer period, the issue of ticks is especially relevant. What are these parasites, what diseases does the tick carry to people, dogs and cats, how to remove the pest? These questions will be discussed below
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The causes of aortic rupture can be very different, but most often this occurs with atherosclerosis, as well as some other problems with the heart and blood vessels
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What happens in the liver with toxic damage. How to determine the pathology and what to do to correct violations at the prehospital stage
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Arthrosis of the knee joint (ICD-10 - M17) is a chronic progressive disease characterized by the development of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the cartilage, subchondral bone, capsule, synovial membrane, muscles. It presents with pain and difficulty in movement. The progression of the disease leads to disability. Osteoarthritis of the knee joints affects 8-20% of people. Frequency increases with age
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If the doctor found adenoids in children, treatment with folk remedies is part of a complex therapy that will help get rid of the disease
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A tongue without bumps, seals, pimples, plaque and spots is an indicator of the he alth of the human body. Its appearance largely depends on the presence of hidden and overt pathologies. Acne on the root of the tongue is not the norm. Therefore, if you find such formations in yourself, you need to consult a doctor. What could be the reasons for their appearance? What diseases are indicated by their presence? And how can this problem be eliminated?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
So, what can cause acne in a child's tongue? The first thing that comes to mind is inflammatory skin diseases. Such violations are most often provoked by violations in the work of the sebaceous glands. But after all, such tissues are completely absent on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Many parents are very worried about the baby, constantly examining his body. Some notice that the baby's hair begins to fall out. It should be noted that in itself this phenomenon does not pose any danger, but sometimes it can be evidence of pathology
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Don't you know what nits look like? Then you just need to read to the end the confession of a high school student who found himself in a company with strangers
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Arthritis is inflammation of the joints. Arthritis also affects people whose work is associated with loads on certain joints, and people who have suffered various kinds of inflammatory and viral diseases. Arthritis often appears as a consequence of inflammatory diseases
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At any time of the year, the likelihood of injury to the musculoskeletal system remains high, so the question of whether it is possible to break the ankle remains open. Very often, damage to the ankle occurs because during movement it bears the greatest load. This damage is dangerous because it will require a long recovery in the future
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Epstein-Barr virus infection (infectious mononucleosis) is an acute infectious viral disease. It is characterized by fever, swollen lymph nodes, damage to the lymphatic ring of the oropharynx, hepatolienal syndrome
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The answer to the question: "Opisthorchiasis - what is it?" Description of the causative agent, the mechanism of the onset of the disease, the clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment
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Galactosemia is one of the rare diseases. Despite this, it is necessary to know what symptoms he has, how to treat him, what is the cause of this disease
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What is heart failure? What are the symptoms of this disease? What methods are used to treat heart failure? Is it possible to overcome this disease with the help of alternative medicine? You can find answers to all these questions in this article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
A blood clot in the head is considered one of the dangerous diagnoses, which is fraught with very serious consequences. In the article you can find the symptoms and methods of treatment, diagnosing the disease. Remember, a timely visit to a specialist guarantees a full recovery
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Pain in the face is often a sign of left-sided prosopalgia. How to determine that you have this particular disease? To do this, you need to know the characteristic symptoms for him. You can get acquainted with the causes, symptoms and treatment of left-sided prosopalgia by reading this article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
When a baby becomes restless and has a runny nose, parents ask themselves: the child sneezes and snot, what to treat? Determining why children have this condition can be quite difficult. In this case, you need to contact a specialist
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
It must be assumed that the word "sinusitis" is a derivative of "sinus". Therefore, before revealing what sinusitis is, let's find out what the sinuses themselves are. Around our nose inside the bones of the skull are the paranasal sinuses - these are the sinuses (empty space). Thanks to them, our voice has an inimitable timbre and sounds quite beautiful for many people. In addition, through the hollow sinuses, the human skull becomes lighter in weight
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Filariasis is a very common disease on the tropical continent. About 1.4 billion people in 73 countries around the world are constantly at risk of this disease. And about 40 million as a result of it have already become disabled. Filariasis - what is it? How can you alleviate the condition with this disease and prevent its occurrence? We will try to answer these questions in this article
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Physiotherapy for pneumonia is suitable for both children and adults. In cases where concomitant diseases are observed, such as tonsillitis, sinusitis or otitis media, especially for children, additional methods of physiotherapy are carried out. These include aromatherapy, oil inhalation, speleotherapy
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Modern medicine is hard to imagine without antibiotics. How to treat diarrhea after antibiotics? This is a common question. Let's figure it out in the article below
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Carpal tunnel syndrome is a disease that is accompanied by severe pain in the fingers and a feeling of numbness. This is a very common pathology. The risk group includes people whose work is associated with monotonous and fast finger movements. This is an occupational disease of people who work a lot at the computer
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
S alt in the urine in children and adults is the precipitation of s alts in a crystalline precipitate under certain conditions. Their crystallization is directly related to the pH level of the urine. The norm is a slightly acidic reaction - from 5 to 7 pH. If this indicator shifts in one direction or another, various types of crystals can form
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
In its natural state, the lymph nodes behind the ears are small. They should not be more than 8 millimeters. In case of inflammation, they increase in size