Preperitoneal lipoma is a neoplasm of a benign nature, it looks like a cyst, which contains fatty tissue and connective tissue fibers. The disease interferes with a he althy and fulfilling lifestyle. To prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to regularly take tests and visit a doctor.
Features of the disease
The most common cause of a lipoma is severe trauma. The abdominal wall is the most unfavorable place for the formation of such pathologies, because when the tumor grows, it compresses the pelvic organs and causes severe discomfort to the patient. At the initial stages of development, the disease does not make itself felt, only when the lipoma increases significantly in size, there are clear signs of the disease. Preperitoneal lipoma consists of adipose tissue and develops in the region of the abdominal muscles. Such a wen appears if there is a violation in the process of cell formation. Many people compare a lipoma with a hernia, but this is wrong, becausea hernia occurs because the weak abdominal wall cannot withstand the pressure.
If you see a doctor in time, the lipoma does not threaten the patient with serious consequences. In the event that an inflammatory process occurs, and the tumor begins to actively develop, serious complications may appear. If a neoplasm appeared in the retroperitoneal space, then it is very difficult to determine whether it is benign or malignant. To do this, it is necessary to carry out surgical intervention, after which the tissues will be sent for histological examination. Using this method, doctors will determine the nature of the lipoma.
Main causes of occurrence

There are a number of factors under the influence of which a preperitoneal lipoma appears. These include:
- Obesity. Excess weight can provoke the development of lipoma. As medical practice shows, overweight people are most often diagnosed with this disease. This is due to the fact that excessive food intake and disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract have a bad effect on the development of fat cells. For this reason, adipose tissue begins to actively grow, increasing the chance of an atypical structure.
- Injuries of the pelvic organs. After severe damage, the work and structure of the tissue is disrupted. In frequent cases, everything heals quickly and returns to its original form, but sometimes a structural change occurs. Because of this, the cells begin to grow rapidly.
- An unexpected appearance. Sometimes a lipoma develops without the presence of any factors.
The center line of the body is a white stripe. It runs from the chest to the pubis. In this place there are different muscles. For this reason, the zone is a weak spot. If a lipoma develops, then other muscles weaken. As a result, the formation protrudes or turns into a hernia. If the disease is too advanced, then there is a strong pressure on the vessels. They begin to squeeze along with the large intestine and other organs. As a result, intestinal obstruction develops.
Possible Complications
If you do not see a doctor in time, then most likely there will be serious complications that will adversely affect the functioning of the whole organism. The most dangerous thing is that a lipoma can develop into a malignant tumor. This disease is dangerous because it can germinate in other organs. The disease can activate the process of metastasis to any part of the body. This leads to the death of the patient. Among the less dangerous complications are:
- The appearance of a hernia in the anterior part of the abdominal wall. There is an infringement of the colon. Treatment is carried out only by the surgical method. The formation and part of the intestine is removed.
- There are disturbances in the functioning of neighboring organs, which are located in the pelvic area.
- Severe inflammation of one of the organs or internal bleeding.
To reduce the risk of serious complications, it is important to have regular medical checkups. Experts say that most patients learned about the presence of a tumor during a medical examination. Because complaints aboutthe initial stage of development are practically absent.
First signs

It is impossible to make a self-diagnosis at home. Only after a medical examination, the doctor is able to determine the presence of the disease. Among the first possible symptoms of a preperitoneal lipoma may be:
- general weakness;
- headaches;
- high body temperature;
- pelvic discomfort;
- pain during bowel movements.
Since these signs may indicate the presence of other pathologies, it is important to consult a specialist in time. When the disease is running, the lipoma is visible to the naked eye. A photo of a preperitoneal lipoma (we cannot provide it for aesthetic reasons) will help determine its presence. Sizes can range from a pea to a human head. At the time of palpation, the patient feels pain or discomfort. In the last stages of development, the tumor is able to sag.
Tumor diagnosis

The choice of diagnostic method directly depends on the location and consistency of the lipoma. If it is inconvenient for the doctor to probe the place, then it is necessary to use an additional research method. It could be an X-ray or an ultrasound. With the help of X-ray diagnostics, an assessment of the structure of the soft tissue of the body is carried out. If the pathology is in the retroperitoneal space, then the specialist additionally uses artificial contrast gas. The best method for examining deep lipomas isx-ray tomography. This type of study allows you to clearly analyze the state of adipose tissue. If there is doubt about the nature of the formation of the lipoma, then fluid should be taken and a biopsy should be performed. In the case of inpatient treatment, a clinical blood test and a tank culture test are prescribed. After receiving the results of the study, the doctor prescribes an individual treatment.
Effective treatment

Preperitoneal lipoma is a benign tumor that consists of fat. Therefore, drug treatment is not used. No medications and infusions will get rid of such anomalies. The only way to treat the tumor is surgical removal. The sooner the operation is done, the better. If the disease is running, then there is a great risk of complications. The quality of the operation performed directly depends on the experience and qualifications of the doctor. If a specialist has detected a preperitoneal lipoma (ICD-10 code: D17), then chemotherapy is carried out only when the pathology has become malignant.
Main methods

There are many treatments for preperitoneal lipoma. Serious complications most often complicate the process of the operation. Preperitoneal lipoma of the anterior abdominal wall is much easier to treat. If the anomaly is large, then the operation is carried out through the wall of the abdominal cavity. Due to the fact that tissues are damaged, the rehabilitation process is longer. In the world of modern technology, surgeons have begunuse an endoscope. This surgical instrument makes it possible to excise the formation through a small incision, in which case the risk of bleeding is minimal. The patient leaves the hospital after 4 days. After 2 weeks, you can already return to your usual activities, but it is advisable to avoid heavy physical exertion.
Preventive advice from doctors

So that the disease does not reappear, several recommendations must be taken into account. Namely:
- Eat right food. To control your weight, it is important to eat right and balanced. The diet should contain a sufficient amount of fiber. The emphasis should be on vegetables and fruits. It is desirable to exclude sweet and flour products, since the body does not receive nutrients from these foods. Dairy and sour-milk products have a positive effect on the functioning of the intestinal tract and facilitate the process of defecation.
- If there are extra pounds, then you should combine proper nutrition with moderate physical activity. In any case, you should consult with a therapist and nutritionist. In the presence of other serious diseases, excessive exercise can only exacerbate the problem.
- It is important to avoid injury. Most of all, this applies to those people who are actively involved in sports.
Regular medical examinations and tests are required. An experienced doctor can determine the presence of a tumor even without a hardware examination.
Doctors' opinion

Especially carefully you need to monitor the he alth of those people in the family who had similar diseases. This is associated with an increased risk of pathology. Sometimes a preperitoneal lipoma is present in a child from birth, it is important not to delay treatment. Experts recommend a checkup every six months. This will allow you to determine the disease at the initial stage of development. If a formation that has not yet grown too much is removed surgically, then the treatment of preperitoneal lipoma will not be delayed.