Hypercoagulation syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnostic methods and treatment

Hypercoagulation syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnostic methods and treatment
Hypercoagulation syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnostic methods and treatment

Hypercoagulation syndrome is a pathology that implies increased blood clotting. The disease can be independent or develop against the background of concomitant defects. Usually, the disease is accompanied by a person's tendency to form blood clots. At the same time, the formed clot is loose in its structure and lacks elasticity.

Some information

Problems with blood clotting (coagulopathy) can be both pathological and physiological. Human blood is formed from several types of formed elements, as well as a liquid component. Under normal conditions, the fluid composition is balanced and has a hematocrit ratio of 4:6 in favor of plasma. If this ratio is shifted towards formed particles, there is a thickening of the blood. This phenomenon may be due to an increase in the volume of fibrinogen and prothrombin.

Blood clotting is a kind of indicator of the body's response to emerging bleeding. With minimal injury to blood vessels, blood clots form in the blood, which actually stopfluid flow process. The clotting index is not constant and for the most part depends on the general condition of the body. In other words, it can change throughout life.


In a normal state, bleeding stops after 3-4 minutes, and after about 10-15 minutes a blood clot occurs. If this happens several times faster, you can suspect the presence of hypercoagulation syndrome. According to ICD-10, this pathology is assigned the code D65.

What is hypercoagulation syndrome
What is hypercoagulation syndrome

This condition is considered very dangerous because it can cause varicose veins, thrombosis, stroke, heart attack and other damage to internal organs. Due to too thick blood, the body experiences a lack of oxygen, against which a general malaise occurs and performance deteriorates. In addition, the likelihood of blood clots increases significantly.

ICD-10 code for hypercoagulation syndrome - D65.


According to medical indicators, the epidemiology of this disease reaches 5-10 cases per 100 thousand people. The development of pathology in a regular sequence is associated with a high prevalence of risk factors for the disease.

Violation appears against the background of acquired and congenital abnormalities in the body. Most often, it is precisely because of external conditions: all kinds of diseases, uncontrolled intake of potent drugs, lack of trace elements and vitamins, non-compliance with the drinking regime and many other factors.


Hypercoagulation syndrome usually does not have pronounced symptoms. Most often, patients complain of frequent migraines, general fatigue, lethargy.

Medics conditionally divide the causes of the disease into congenital and acquired.

The last category includes:

  • bad habits;
  • obesity and extra pounds;
  • age-related changes;
  • pregnancy;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • hormone replacement therapy;
  • too high concentration of cholesterol in the blood;
  • surgical interventions, or rather, a long bed rest after them;
  • complete lack of physical activity;
  • severe dehydration;
  • heavy metal poisoning;
  • hypothermia;
  • microbial invasions;
  • chemical and thermal burns;
  • lack of Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Causes of the development of hypercoagulable syndrome
    Causes of the development of hypercoagulable syndrome

As for congenital causes, these include unexplained miscarriages, a family history of thrombophilia, recurrent blood clots before the age of 40.

Other prerequisites for development

Hypercoagulation syndrome most often has an innate character, but it may well develop against the background of the influence of external conditions. There are several factors under which the appearance of an ailment is not excluded:

  • protracted neurosis and stress;
  • vascular damage;
  • oncology;
  • erythremia;
  • antiphospholipidsyndrome;
  • Wellebrand disease;
  • plasma contact with foreign surfaces;
  • hematogenous thrombophilia;
  • impressive hemangiomas;
  • postpartum and pregnancy;
  • autoimmune disorders - lupus erythematosus, aplastic anemia, thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries;
  • heavy bleeding from the digestive tract;
  • menopausal estrogen use;
  • using birth control pills;
  • synthetic heart valve and hemodialysis.
  • Risk factors for the development of hypercoagulable syndrome
    Risk factors for the development of hypercoagulable syndrome

Pathology can be triggered by several factors at once. Treatment of hypercoagulable syndrome largely depends on the causes of its occurrence.

Risk factors

There are some conditions that cause bleeding disorders. Pathology can be triggered by several conditions:

  1. Lack of water, dehydration. Blood is approximately 85% fluid, while plasma is 90%. Reducing these indicators entails a logical thickening. It is necessary to pay special attention to the drinking regime in warm seasons. It is very important to replenish water reserves during physical exertion.
  2. Fermentopathy is a disease that is associated with a lack of food enzymes or a violation of their activity. This condition causes the food to not be completely broken down, allowing unprocessed waste products to enter the bloodstream, causing the food to thicken.
  3. Unhe althy food. Many foods contain special protein inhibitors that form compounds with proteinases in the digestive system. This causes malfunctions in digestion and absorption of proteins. Raw amino acids are sent into the bloodstream and interfere with its clotting. Pathology may be due to overeating of carbohydrates, sugar and fructose.
  4. Lack of minerals and vitamins. Water-soluble vitamins are required for the synthesis of enzymes. Their deficiency provokes poor digestion of food and, as a result, hypercoagulability.
  5. Violation of the liver. Every day, the body produces approximately 15-20 g of blood proteins responsible for transport and regulatory functions. Deviations in biosynthesis lead to abnormal changes in the composition of the blood.

Among other things, the syndrome can be associated with the presence of any parasites in the body, hyperfunction of the spleen or injury to blood vessels.

Symptoms of hypercoagulation syndrome

During pregnancy, pathology can manifest itself with a pronounced clinical picture. But in other people, increased viscosity may not have specific manifestations. True, there are many deviations that can help to suspect and identify the disease. Syndrome symptoms include:

  • dizziness with slight loss of coordination;
  • fatigue, weakness;
  • aching migraines;
  • muscle weakness;
  • nausea, faintness;
  • insomnia;
  • presence of chronic problems;
  • blueness of the skin andmucous membranes, their increased dryness;
  • cold feet, feeling of heaviness and pain in the limbs;
  • disturbance of sensation in the legs and arms, numbness, burning sensation;
  • too high cold susceptibility;
  • pain in the area of the heart - tingling, arrhythmia, shortness of breath;
  • increased anxiety, depression, distraction;
  • deterioration of vision and hearing, the appearance of tinnitus;
  • burning eyes, tearing;
  • increased hemoglobin level;
  • slow bleeding from wounds, cuts, scratches;
  • Miscarriage, persistent miscarriages;
  • frequent yawning.
  • what are the symptoms of hypercoagulation syndrome
    what are the symptoms of hypercoagulation syndrome

All the signs described require careful diagnosis. After a complex of laboratory and instrumental examinations, a specialist can identify pathology.

Hypercoagulation syndrome during pregnancy

The thickening of the blood in the expectant mother can be explained by genetic factors or the influence of external conditions. During pregnancy, hypercoagulation syndrome appears against the background of carriage of genes for thrombophilia, obesity, impaired vascular tone, physical inactivity, dehydration, stress, overheating or hypothermia.

The presence of such factors does not necessarily indicate a difficult pregnancy. The younger the body of a woman, the easier it is for him to deal with various problems and the less likely the syndrome.

Code for hypercoagulation syndrome in pregnant women according to ICD-10 - D65.

Increased blood viscosity can lead toto various complications:

  • delayed embryonic development;
  • preeclampsia;
  • intrauterine fetal death;
  • regressive pregnancy;
  • interrupt at any time;
  • placental abruption, abnormal bleeding;
  • blood loss during childbirth;
  • placental insufficiency.

To prevent such consequences, you need to properly plan your pregnancy. If there is a symptom of hypercoagulability, it is necessary to take up prevention even before conception. Even with minor changes, it is likely that a full-fledged bearing and the birth of a normal child are likely. In severe forms of hypercoagulation syndrome in pregnant women, the expectant mother will receive special treatment.


If this disease is suspected, the specialist must take an anamnesis, assess the nature of the patient's symptoms and complaints, the presence of miscarriages and genetic factors. Then laboratory tests are carried out to detect increased blood viscosity:

  • general blood test to determine the number of formed elements, hemoglobin concentration;
  • coagulogram for obtaining information about the state of the hemostasis system, the level of coagulation, the duration of bleeding;
  • activated thromboplastin time to assess the effectiveness of clotting pathways.
  • Diagnosis of hypercoagulation syndrome
    Diagnosis of hypercoagulation syndrome

To determine the state of internal organs and blood vessels, an additional instrumental diagnosis of hypercoagulation syndrome is carried out:

  • doppler ultrasound;
  • MRI, ultrasound;
  • phlebography.

Among other things, the doctor must differentiate this pathology from DIC, hemolytic uremic disease and malignant tumors.

Treatment of pregnant women

In case of severe deviations in the hemostasis system during pregnancy, a woman is prescribed anticoagulants: Fragmin, Heparin, Warfarin. The drugs are injected under the skin, the course of therapy takes about 10 days. After treatment, a hemostasiogram is mandatory.

Treatment of hypercoagulable syndrome in pregnant women
Treatment of hypercoagulable syndrome in pregnant women

In addition, antiplatelet agents can be prescribed: Cardiomagnyl, Thrombo ACC, acetylsalicylic acid.

It is equally important to follow a diet. To reduce blood viscosity during pregnancy, it is advisable to eat foods high in vitamin E. Dishes should be boiled, stewed or steamed. The diet should be rich in vegetables, dairy products, fish and meat.

But you should give up sweets, pickled, canned, fatty foods, muffins, soda, potatoes and alcohol.

Drug therapy

In hypercoagulation, medications are needed to prevent blood clots and thin the blood. Patients are most often prescribed:

  • antiplatelet agents - "Trombo ACC", "Acetylsalicylic acid", "Cardiomagnyl";
  • anticoagulants - "Heparin", "Warfarin","Fragmin";
  • fibrinolytics - Fortelizin, Thromboflux, Streptaza;
  • vitamins C, E and P;
  • antispasmodics - "Papaverine", "No-shpa", "Spazmalgon";
  • anti-inflammatory drugs - "Indomethacin", "Ibuklin";
  • vascular drugs - "Kurantil", "Pentoxifylline";
  • if a bacterial infection is detected, antibiotics are prescribed - Gordoks, Cefazolin, Azithromycin, Kontrykal;
  • steroid hormones are needed for autoimmune diseases - Dexamethasone, Prednisolone.
  • Treatment of hypercoagulable syndrome
    Treatment of hypercoagulable syndrome

If a patient has paraneoplastic hypercoagulation syndrome - a pathology that has arisen against the background of malignant tumors, surgery is performed. In severe cases, the introduction of crystalloid and colloid solutions, transfusion of donor blood may be indicated.
