Almost always people get headaches after hitting their heads. This is normal and common and should not cause panic. In any case, if the pain lasts a short period of time. It is necessary to sound the alarm when the discomfort in the head does not go away for a very long time. Usually, this phenomenon is the first sign of serious brain damage. A concussion is an injury that many face. What should you pay attention to? How can you tell if you have a concussion? And what to do after you hit your head? Understanding all this is not as difficult as it seems.

Signs of a concussion can vary. They, as practice shows, differ depending on the age of the victim. Therefore, it is worthwhile to understand: the signs of a child, an adult and an old man have differences.
First of all, you need to understand how the grass manifests itself in an ordinary middle-aged person. A huge role is played by the first time after the impact. Usually during this period, a single vomiting, clouding of reason (with short-term amnesia), and rapid breathing are possible. Also in the victim after hitting the headheadache with any movement, pulse quickens or slows down. These manifestations disappear very quickly, they are able to accompany a person for half an hour. It all depends on the degree of injury.
The first signs of concussion are clear. But, as practice shows, it is very problematic to determine the injury in this way. Typically, diagnosis occurs on the basis of a description of the citizen's complaints. What can be seen some time after receiving a concussion?

There are many options for the development of events. In any case, with serious injuries, you will experience nausea and even vomiting. It's about repeated incidents. General weakness of the body, sleep disturbances (usually in the form of insomnia), pressure surges - all this also indicates a concussion.
After hitting your head, does your head hurt for a long time? Started something like a migraine? Does the temperature fluctuate? Does your face turn red for no reason? Then it's time to go to the doctor. You most likely have a concussion. It is noted that in adults, trauma is often manifested by memory lapses (amnesia), sweating and tinnitus. It is possible that you will simply feel uncomfortable. Pay special attention to these signs.
In children
Hitting the head doesn't have the best results. Often, after such an injury, concussions are observed in people. A fairly common occurrence, with a slight injury to the head, it does not cause much harm. Only serious damage can adversely affect the development of the body. Especially for children.

It has already been said that concussion will manifest differently at different ages. You will have to carefully monitor the child if he hit his head. Newborns usually turn pale, their pulse quickens. But after that, lethargy, fatigue, drowsiness sharply sets in, sleep is disturbed. When feeding, numerous regurgitation is possible, the child behaves restlessly, can cry for no reason for a long time. In newborns, this injury is difficult to detect.
But older children can already tell something about their condition. Does your head hurt after hitting your head? In principle, the manifestations of trauma are similar to those observed in infants. But only sometimes a child can get short-term amnesia. This is normal and indicates a concussion.
Old people
What else should I pay attention to? In older people, a blow to the head leads to quite serious consequences. In principle, as in any other age. Only older people are more vulnerable. Yes, and their concussion manifests itself somewhat differently than in children or young people.

Most often, old people will have a headache after a blow, and additionally there will be disorientation for a while. Short-term amnesia in the elderly is also common. Pressure jumps, pallor of the skin, loss of consciousness - all this is a sign of a concussion. True, as practice shows, the primary loss of consciousness in old age occurs less frequently than in young people. Please take this into consideration.
Pain localization
Often, it is the place of "accumulation" of pain after a blow to the head that can indicate one or another injury. True, self-diagnosis is not recommended. It is advisable to consult a doctor for proper diagnosis.
After a hit, does your head hurt when you bend over? Quite normal. But try to concentrate and understand exactly where and what type of pain bothers you. A concussion is usually indicated by a throbbing, localized in the back of the head.
Additionally, the victim, regardless of age, will experience dizziness. All signs of injury disappear after about 2-3 weeks, but sometimes they persist for a longer period of time. What to do if you just hit your head hard? What measures should be taken immediately? Whether you have a concussion or a simple bruise, you need to know exactly what to do.

In order not to form a bump on the head after the impact (including hematomas), immediately after the injury, ice must be applied to the site of injury. A damp cold towel is also suitable.
In general, cool the site of injury by any means. This approach will not only prevent the appearance of bumps and bruises, it will also help to cheer up and improve the general condition of the victim. Especially when it comes to minor injuries. If you suspect something serious, call a doctor or an ambulance immediately!
Bed rest
Man is sick afterhitting the head? He most likely has a concussion. The next step is to stay in bed. That is, immediately after the impact, it is necessary to transfer the "victim" to a horizontal position. But in such a way that after coming to one's senses it would be convenient and comfortable for a person.
By the way, with concussions, the absence of tension in the brain, as well as bed rest, are the main methods of treatment. Therefore, try to provide a person with peace for a while. Just do not leave the victim alone - he may need your help!
Peace and tranquility
The next item is suitable for all cases in which the head hurts after hitting the head. A person needs to provide not only bed rest, but also silence. Make sure that there are no additional sources of noise around the victim. In this case, the headaches will not be as severe and will pass faster.
It would be nice to provide a person with sleep. You can use sleeping pills. Just don't overdo it. In general, such a decision is not welcomed by doctors. The person must fall asleep on their own.

The last thing you should pay attention to is that sometimes the pain can be muted with painkillers. A very good approach, especially if you just hit your head hard, and now you can’t rest, sleep, or just get to the doctor. It is recommended to drink pills available without a doctor's prescription. A few No-Shpy tablets should help. StrongIt is forbidden to take drugs without a doctor's prescription, even in case of an unbearable headache.
Basically, that's all. If your head hurts for a long time after hitting your head, see your doctor. Usually, medical treatment is not required for concussions or bruises. Only in extreme cases. Performance is also not too often violated. So don't panic if you get hit!