In order for the heart to perform its pumping function and freely pump blood through the arteries of the whole body, all cardiac structures must work smoothly and smoothly. But even this important organ is not immune from diseases, and if pathological processes occur in it, it seeks to compensate for the resulting violations.
The increase in the left atrium is called hypertrophy in medicine. This is due to the growth of the myocardium, which acts as the muscle layer of this cardiac chamber. This phenomenon is a symptom of vascular diseases, due to which there is a more intense load on the left atrium. Pathology is detected by echocardiography. If a person is found to have an enlarged left atrium, then the disease that caused it should be treated immediately. This is done exclusively by a cardiologist. In the event that it is possible to get rid of the underlying pathology completely, further hypertrophy can be prevented along with the associatedcomplications.

Causes of left atrial enlargement
Sometimes hypertrophy is associated with excessive exercise. When this phenomenon does not cause unpleasant symptoms and does not affect the overall quality of blood circulation, then no therapeutic measures are taken. But athletes with an enlarged heart are advised to undergo preventive examinations more often, at least once every six months. In the event that it turns out that the deviation is rapidly progressing, the patient may be suspended from professional sports. But mainly the increase in the left atrium occurs due to the following cardiac diseases:
- Against the background of mitral valve stenosis. With this pathology, as a rule, it does not open, as it should, and its lumen is directly narrowed in the open state.
- Presence of mitral valve insufficiency. However, it doesn't close all the way. A hole may remain when closed.
- Development of aortic valve stenosis.
- Appearance of coarctation of the aorta. In this case, we are talking about a congenital malformation of the vessel, when there is a narrowing of the lumen in a small area.
- Development of arterial chronic hypertension, that is, high blood pressure.
- The appearance of chronic kidney pathologies causing hypertension.
- Development of chronic lung diseases.
Among other things, an increase in all heart chambers, including the left atrium, is possible in the presence of obesity.
Characteristic symptoms
On its ownan increase in the left atrium often does not affect the general well-being of the patient. In other situations, the manifestation of such a condition may be atrial extrasystoles, which are manifested, in particular, by a feeling of interruption in the work of the heart.

In advanced cases of the disease, when the left atrium can no longer cope with its load, an increase in pressure occurs in the pulmonary vein system. There may also be manifestations of heart failure in the pulmonary circulation. Its symptoms are shortness of breath with light exertion and in the supine position, especially at night. Symptoms of stagnation in the pulmonary circulation is hemoptysis, which is very typical for mitral stenosis. Patients experience reduced exercise tolerance.
Diseases that caused an increase in this atrium can also provoke other symptoms. We are talking about increased pressure, pain behind the sternum, swelling of the legs and more.
Possible Complications
Left ventricular atrial enlargement can cause:
- Development of severe heart failure.
- Occurrence of interstitial pulmonary edema (i.e. cardiac asthma).
- Development of alveolar pulmonary edema.
- The appearance of an arrhythmia (such as, for example, atrial fibrillation).
These are very dangerous pathologies.
You can detect that the patient has an enlarged left atrium using the following methods:
- Conducting auscultation, thenhave auscultation of the heart with a special stethoscope. With hypertrophy of this atrium, noises occur.
- Take a chest x-ray to see the general shape and size of the heart.
- Conducting electrocardiography. It is worth noting that on the ECG, an increase in the left atrium is manifested by an enlarged half of the wave.
- Performing an ultrasound examination of the heart. Using this technique, you can accurately tell how much the left atrium is enlarged. According to the standard, the dimensions of this chamber are from 2.3 to 3.7 centimeters. Larger values may indicate hypertrophy. Using the same technique, it is possible to identify the causes of atrial enlargement.
- Echocardiography can diagnose valvular and aortic disease.
The following is material on treatment methods.

Therapy Methods
What is the treatment for left atrial enlargement? Any efforts to combat the disease are directed primarily to the elimination of the causes that caused it. For example, in case of violations due to the pathology of the respiratory system, the course of therapy is directed to compensate for pulmonary functions. Anti-inflammatory treatment is prescribed. Bronchodilator medications and a range of other medications may be used depending on underlying causes.
In case of damage to the left departments caused by arterial hypertension, therapy is supposed only in the form of taking antihypertensive drugs of various groups, and, in addition, diuretics. When severe valvular disease is detected, doctors may resort to surgery and even prosthetics.

Relief of symptoms
Therapy of hypertrophy of the right and left ventricle of the heart in all variations of the disease includes, first of all, the elimination of symptoms of myocardial damage. For these purposes, antiarrhythmic therapy is used along with cardiac glycosides. It is also possible the appointment of drugs that improve metabolic processes in the heart muscles, for example, "Riboxin". Patients are advised to adhere to the same special diet, limiting the intake of liquids and s alt. In the presence of obesity, efforts are directed to the normalization of the total body weight.
Enlargement of the left atrium is a mandatory sign of cardiovascular disease, due to which this area has a more intense load.

For congenital heart defects
With congenital heart defects, the pathology is eliminated by surgery, when possible. In very advanced cases, when the structure of the organ is severely disturbed and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy occurs, the only way out of this situation is a heart transplant. Thus, from the foregoing it follows that the approach to patients is carried out purely individually. Doctors take into account any existing manifestation of disorders in the functioning of the organs, along with the general condition of the patient and the presence of concomitant diseases.
It is worth notingthat the myocardial deviation detected in time in the vast majority of situations can be corrected. Feeling the first alarming symptoms, you should immediately contact a specialist for advice, that is, a cardiologist. After the examination, the cause of the disease will be identified and the doctor will prescribe adequate therapy. Now let's find out what kind of prophylaxis should be carried out.
In order to avoid possible enlargement of the left atrium, it is necessary to try to adhere to the rules of a he althy lifestyle and regularly carry out medical examinations (at least once every two years). It is necessary to pay special attention to prevention if one of the direct relatives had hypertrophy of this atrium or other chambers of the heart.

It is worth noting that the tendency to increase the myocardium can be inherited. When a person is at risk, he must follow the following rules:
- Do not choose a job that involves heavy physical labor.
- Do not exercise excessively.
- Practice exercise within reason.
- Give up bad habits.
- Stay on a diet, that is, consume less s alt in order not to provoke swelling with increased pressure. It is necessary to consume less fatty, sweet and starchy foods in order not to gain excess weight.
- It is important to avoid stress.
- When stressed, it is immediately required to take sedatives fordoctor's prescription.
Use of folk remedies
Also, as part of prevention, you can use folk remedies that have a strengthening effect on the heart and vascular system, for example, hawthorn along with cudweed, motherwort, St. John's wort. Before using them, you need to consult a doctor, as herbs also have certain contraindications.
What is it - an increase in the cavity of the left atrium, now it's clear. Next, consider the reviews and find out what doctors and patients write about this disease.
People in reviews of this pathology write that if an increase in this chamber is detected at an early stage, then you can recover soon and the prognosis will be favorable. Experts, in turn, note that timely prescribed antihypertensive treatment or surgery aimed at correcting heart defects gives positive results, and the disease no longer worries a person.
Unpleasant symptoms in this case disappear, the risks of complications disappear, and the myocardium, in turn, no longer grows. And also doctors in the reviews warn that in the later stages it may be impossible to completely get rid of the pathology. In this regard, it is very important to visit a specialist such as a cardiologist in time for a preventive examination.

In conclusion
Thus, an increase in the left atrium of the heart occurs due to muscle damage, as well as due to disturbances in blood flow. Often this happens with a congenital anomaly of development, against the background of increased pressure, pathologies of the lungs, significant physical exertion, and so on. Most often, doctors ascertain precisely the hypertrophy of the left ventricle. This is due to the large functional loads in this area. As in the case of other diseases, in this situation it is very important to identify the violation in time in order to carry out the necessary treatment. We looked at the causes and treatment of left atrial enlargement.