Spinal cord stroke (spinal) is a dangerous type of myelopathy. This term refers to neurological pathological conditions that involve the spinal cord. Among all strokes recorded in medical practice, spinal strokes account for from one percent to one and a half. Two scenarios of the course are known - ischemic and hemorrhagic. Let's take a closer look at this topic.
General information
The ischemic type of disease is also called a heart attack. This is a pathological condition in which a separate brain area does not receive the required amount of blood. The situation is causing a lack of oxygen.
Hemorrhagic stroke of the spinal cord is observed if the integrity of the vascular wall of any element is violated, causing the contents to enter the brain tissue. An area of hemorrhage is forming.

Important to know
Eatthe likelihood of a transient pathological condition in which the supply of blood to the spinal systems is disrupted. In medicine, cases of microinsults are known. When such a condition is detected, transistor attacks of ischemia are diagnosed.
There is a difference in the ages of the average patient with a cerebral and spinal stroke. In the first case, patients are older than the second category. Spinal, as studies have revealed, is often formed at a young age. Most patients with this diagnosis are older than 30, but younger than 50 years. If a person does not receive suitable treatment, the likelihood of death is high. Even with the right therapy and good care, the likelihood of being disabled is high.
What provokes?
The causes of spinal cord stroke are diverse and are not localized in this organ itself, but lie in the circulatory system. Vascular structures responsible for spinal nutrition often suffer from atherosclerotic plaques. There is a danger of arterial blockage and violation of the integrity of the vascular wall. This is possible due to trauma, a blood clot. Certain risks are associated with physical pressure. It is often observed in those suffering from osteochondrosis, hernias, tumor processes. There is a possibility of a congenital abnormal condition of the vascular system. There are cases when spinal stroke was explained by listhesis, malformations, aneurysm. The latter is most often localized in the aorta. Certain risks are associated with venous varicose veins and myocardial infarction.
Provoke a hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke of the spinal cord cansudden and severe decrease in blood pressure in the arteries. Certain risks are associated with pathological conditions that change the normal level of blood clotting. This is possible in the case of hemophilia or, for example, due to thrombocytopenia.
How to suspect?
The first symptoms of a spinal cord stroke are determined by the form of the pathology and the nuances of its localization. Much depends on the level of damage to organic tissues. The most specific manifestations are neurological. The patient notes strong discomfort in the back. When trying to determine their source, it seems that the pain comes from the spine. If the stroke hit the upper blocks, there is paralysis, paresis of the upper limbs. Legs give back soreness, gait is disturbed, from time to time a person limps.
The first signs and symptoms of a spinal cord stroke include the general instability of a person. Many paralyze the legs, paresis of the lower extremities is possible. The functioning of the pelvic internal organs is disrupted, there are problems with emptying the bladder and intestinal tract. The back loses its normal level of sensation. Paresthesia covers the limbs.

Features of manifestation
With a spinal cord stroke, many describe the sensation as a sudden hit followed by a severe bout of dizziness. A person feels severe pain, quickly covering the entire back. Soon the sensitivity of this zone becomes less until it disappears completely. Stroke is reflected in the limbs, painat first sharp and strong, gradually the legs and arms go numb. Many note that during an attack, the limbs weaken, people cannot feel the floor under their feet. The outflow of urine from the bladder is disturbed, involuntary urination is possible.
Noticing such manifestations, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only the timely help of a specialist can avoid paralysis. A stroke is always an acute attack. It is impossible to predict its consequences in advance, but they are almost always quite severe.
Problems of the issue
Determining that there are symptoms of a spinal cord stroke is sometimes very difficult. Painful sensations often spread to different organs, parts of the body. Spinal brain structures are closely connected with almost all internal organs. With a stroke, this provokes an abundance of nonspecific symptoms that cannot be explained by neurological causes. This makes it difficult to diagnose the condition and an increased risk of medical error.
There are many cases when the symptoms of a cerebral stroke were mistakenly regarded as manifestations of multiple sclerosis. In medical practice, there were situations in which, instead of a stroke, a patient was diagnosed with a vertebral hernia or sciatica. You can confuse the pathological condition with nephritis and a number of gynecological diseases. Disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammatory processes in the bladder show themselves similar manifestations. Even an experienced doctor, who has modern devices and diagnostic tools, is not immune from an erroneous diagnosis,associated with the increased complexity of the case.

Ischemic form: features
This form is much more common than hemorrhagic. As studies show, approximately 90% of cases fall on it. A distinctive feature is a blood clot that blocks the bloodstream. There is a possibility of fatty accumulation that disrupts blood flow. The result is damage to the brain cells, leading to necrosis. The best prognosis is characteristic of cases of rapid diagnosis and timely treatment. In recent years, this type of stroke has been increasingly diagnosed in people of a relatively young age. Immediately after the diagnosis is made, it is necessary to begin measures to stabilize the blood flow. To do this, use drugs that make the blood thinner. A change in this quality allows the fluid to pass through the obstruction in the form of a blood clot, and therefore deliver nutrition to the brain cells.
Possible very large blood clot, severe attack. The condition requires immediate surgery. Intervention is possible after receiving a puncture. The rehabilitation stage obliges to carefully care for the patient. With an active recovery, the prognosis is usually positive. In stationary conditions, the patient is provided with bed rest. It is important to have a flat surface. The patient should lie on their back.
How to check?
Suspecting a patient with a stroke of the spinal cord, it is necessary to send the person for a full-fledged study. A distinctive feature that unites all patients with this pathology is pain in the back. Othermanifestations may differ. If a spinal stroke is suspected, the patient is referred to a neurologist. The doctor will advise you to take an x-ray of the spinal column. Useful information can be gleaned from the CT scan results. A Doppler study of the vascular system is shown. Recommended revasography, electroneuromyography. Blood samples are obtained for laboratory testing. It is necessary to take a spinal puncture to assess the features of the biochemical balance.
The results of diagnostic measures allow the doctor to confirm the initial diagnosis or determine what additional measures are needed to clarify the pathology. Based on the repeated neurological consultation, they can already prescribe a therapeutic program.

About puncture
A doctor, suspecting a spinal stroke, will definitely refer the patient for such a study. A puncture is an event in which laboratory assistants receive a small amount of liquid spinal contents. To make a puncture, you must use a special needle. It is placed between the vertebrae, then the doctor receives a few milliliters of the contents of the organic structure.
Puncture allows you to identify bloody inclusions if a hemorrhage occurs. The study is carried out 12 hours after the initial manifestation of stroke symptoms. This time is enough for the analysis to show red blood cells and their features. If a hemorrhage is diagnosed during the puncture, additional measures must be taken to identify the aneurysm and determine its exact location.position.
Before receiving a puncture, it is necessary to assess the performance of the liver and kidneys, to analyze the ability of blood to clot. Local anesthesia is required to obtain a puncture. If a person has allergic reactions to anesthetics, it is necessary to report this in advance.
How to fight?
An experienced neurologist can navigate the features of the treatment of spinal cord stroke, rehabilitation, and the consequences of this pathological condition. In case of spinal disorder in the acute period of pathology, it is necessary to take measures to preserve vital functions in order to support the patient and minimize the risk of death. The task of the doctor is to identify the cause and eliminate it. A necessary aspect of therapy is the normalization of the activity of the heart and vascular system, the stabilization of pressure indicators in the arteries.
As a drug treatment, drugs are shown that make the blood thinner if a blood clot has become the root cause of a stroke. Recommended drugs that relax the spinal structures, drugs to protect the cells of the nervous system. Some patients need urgent surgery to restore damaged vascular walls.

Features of the case
As part of the treatment of spinal cord stroke (ischemic, hemorrhagic), it is possible to combat paralysis. If the patient has just such a condition, the doctor prescribes measures that reduce the risk of bedsores. Prevention of congestive pulmonary inflammation is necessary. Already in the period of struggle with the acute stage, it is necessary to take into account the featuresrecovery process. The complexity of the case cannot be underestimated. Spinal stroke is one of the deadly pathologies.
Recovery phase
Spinal cord stroke rehabilitation varies from case to case; Much depends on the nature of the injury. Sometimes the consequences are almost imperceptible - the patient's fingers only tremble slightly, or from time to time the skin of the back loses its sensitivity. In others, complications are more significant - the ability to use limbs is impaired, paralysis develops. To normalize the activity of the body, you need to practice rehabilitation measures. The neurologist evaluates the case and identifies the best recovery techniques, determines when it is necessary to start them. Usually, rehabilitation begins one, two, sometimes three weeks after the stabilization of the general condition of the body.
Rehabilitator forms a set of exercises individually. Select procedures that improve the condition of a particular patient. In the future, the course is adjusted, assessing the success of a person and the consequences of a spinal cord stroke. The best results are obtained by a rehabilitation program in which the patient has access to specialized simulators designed for people with such he alth problems. In recent years, robotic complexes have become widespread.

Problems of recovery
One of the key problems associated with the treatment and rehabilitation of spinal stroke is the numerous lesions. Various internal systems suffer. To ensure the best possible recovery of he alth, the patient must enlist the help of a wide range of specialists. Case management is the responsibility of a few highly specialized professionals. Virtually no cases of identical complications are known. In many ways, the prognosis is determined by the moment at which treatment began. Much depends on the psychological state, mood of the patient. Statistical studies show that only about 15% of patients with a designated diagnosis use the services of rehabilitation centers.
To ensure a full recovery, you need to cooperate with a team of professionals. It is impossible to achieve a complete restoration of the functionality of the body in a short time period. The patient must immediately prepare mentally for several months, often years. Sometimes this period is enough only to restore the ability to walk, and other functions normalize even more slowly. At the same time, there are practically no two identical cases, which means that each rehabilitation option is selected strictly individually.
A person who has suffered a spinal stroke must carefully monitor his he alth for the rest of his life. One of the consequences of a spinal cord stroke is the weakness of the spinal column, which will be susceptible to diseases. During the rehabilitation period, this is to some extent leveled by the use of specialized items - bandages, pillows, mattresses. After some time, the corset is no longer used, becausecontinuous wearing of the product can cause muscle atrophy and curvature of the spinal column. During the rehabilitation period, one must remember not only the need to restore the spinal cord, but also the importance of maintaining the stability of the vertebral discs. Wearing a corset puts additional stress on the spinal structures of the brain.

Having suffered a stroke of the spinal cord, you need to start treating your he alth very, very responsibly. It should be remembered about the possibility of a repeated violation and an increased likelihood of a cerebral stroke. To minimize the dangers, lifestyle changes are recommended. It is important to eat right, balancing the diet for nutrients, completely eliminate any bad habits from everyday life. Persons who have had a stroke are advised to carefully control weight, blood pressure and the content of glucose and cholesterol in the circulatory system. It is necessary to make a daily habit of walking, small physical activity. Hardening will not be superfluous.