Trembling in the body, the causes of which we will present below, has been experienced by every person. In most cases, this is a short and rather unpleasant phenomenon that lasts only a few minutes. As a rule, it does not pose a threat to humans. But if you are worried about constant trembling in the body, you should find out the reasons for it from the doctor.
General information

Why does a person periodically experience trembling in the body? The reasons for this phenomenon are quite difficult to determine on their own. That is why its regular manifestation requires a mandatory medical examination. After all, this is the only way to determine the deviation that causes such an unpleasant symptom. In most cases, trembling in the body occurs against the background of age-related changes in the body, however, this phenomenon is often observed in young people.
Status Description
Before telling you what are the causes of internal trembling in the body, you should tell what a person experiences during suchstatus.
In medical practice, trembling is called oscillating (or pumping) involuntary, as well as rhythmic movements, which are associated with a rapid alternation of relaxation and contraction of the muscle tissues of the body.
As a rule, such a phenomenon is observed in the limbs, and more precisely in the arms and legs. In addition, convulsive trembling of the jaw, head, and even tongue is common.
Trembling through the body: causes
The movements described above can occur under various circumstances. Often they are the result of strong emotional upheavals, fear, as well as nervous excitement or excessive anxiety.

If you only occasionally feel a shiver in your body, the reasons should be sought in the work. Perhaps you are overworking and tired. Also, a similar phenomenon is sometimes observed by those people who like to drink strong and freshly brewed tea, coffee or any alcoholic beverages in large quantities. In all the cases described, a lot of the hormone adrenaline is produced in the human body, which affects the occurrence of the described condition.
Who is most likely to experience tremors?
Who most often feels trembling in the body? The reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon may be hidden in a person's age. If we are not talking about a specific disease, then mild, but constant trembling is almost always observed in older people. Also, a similar phenomenon may disturb some people whose relatives suffer from it in a similar way. In this case, we can talk about hereditarydeviation.
Other forms of shivering
Why else can there be a slight trembling in the body? The reasons for this deviation are often associated with pathological conditions. As you know, shivering is one of the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. In this case, the frequency of movements in a calm state can be about 4-5 oscillations per second.

In addition, trembling is often observed in individuals with multiple sclerosis and affected cerebellum. This phenomenon may occur in patients with a he althy nervous system. As a rule, these include patients with hyperthyroidism (due to excessive secretion of thyroid hormones), as well as people suffering from hepatic encephalopathy (due to impaired brain function due to a malignant tumor in the liver).
It should also be noted that trembling in the body can be observed in patients treated with amphetamines, psychotropic drugs or antidepressants (that is, drugs that have a strong effect on the human mental sphere). In addition, drug addicts and alcoholics often face this phenomenon.
Types of shivering
Now you know why tremors can occur inside the body. The reasons for this phenomenon are varied. However, it should be noted that such a deviation can occur not only inside the body, but also be localized in certain places. Let's take a closer look at what this is connected with.
Hand injury
To detect trembling in the hands, you need to take a sheet of paper and place it on the palm of your hand. If the leaf is slightlysways, then this is a sign of a fairly common, but harmless tremor for a person. Almost everyone has one.
If the trembling in the hands increases, this is most likely due to lack of sleep or stress, due to which the body produces adrenaline. Note that tremors are often provoked by inhalers used to treat asthma, as well as excessive consumption of caffeine.
Tremor of upper limbs

This trembling is quite noticeable. It can be observed if a person's hand is in an extended position for a long time. This condition is most often manifested in the elderly and accompanies them until the end of life. As a rule, this is associated with the fact that the signal from the brain is very poorly received in certain areas of the human body. Sometimes this trembling is eliminated with the help of alcoholic beverages, which have a sedative effect on the nervous system. It should be noted that this condition is not life-threatening, but its symptoms can be reduced by using drugs such as beta-blockers.
Trembling in the legs
Spastic trembling in the lower extremities is very common in people with varicose veins. Also, twitching of the legs can occur during sleep or rest, which is a symptom of a nervous breakdown or anxiety. In addition, the cause of this deviation may be iron deficiency in the body. If you monitor your diet and consume less coffee, as well as all kinds of painkillers, you can quicklyget rid of this phenomenon.
Loss of part of the face
Shaking that occurs on one side of the face may be hemifacial spasm, which is caused by spontaneous nerve irritation. People suffering from Bell's palsy are also able to experience similar twitches. These symptoms often worsen if the person is tired. However, this type of tremor does not pose a danger to the human body.
Trembling all over my body

If the trembling came on suddenly, and it covered the whole body, then this means that you have very low blood sugar. Usually, this phenomenon is observed in the fairer sex during a strict diet. This is due to the fact that adrenaline begins to pump through the human body in order to compensate for the lack of sugar. Therefore, nutritionists recommend that before going on a diet, be sure to consult a specialist.
Trembling eyelids
Eye twitching is a fairly common occurrence in both young and mature people. It can be caused by overexertion or by ordinary muscle spasms. Quite often, such a deviation occurs in people suffering from migraines. Also, the cause may be blepharospasm, that is, a disorder that is accompanied by damage to the muscles surrounding the eyes.
Trembling in chest and abdomen

Why does trembling occur inside the body? The reasons for this phenomenon are most often hidden in the nervous strain of a person, as well as his excessiveemotionality. For example, most people complain of internal tremors before any important trip, stage performance or large gathering of people, as well as after certain news, which can be both positive and negative.
To get rid of this unpleasant state, experts recommend calming down and thinking about something neutral. You can also eliminate internal tremors with a warm herbal tea or a hot bath with aromatic oils.
If your inner trembling has nothing to do with your emotions, overexertion or fatigue, it is recommended to see a doctor. After all, this is the only way you can find out the true cause of the appearance of this pathology and begin its treatment.