The human gastrointestinal tract is prone to various diseases, one of which is the growth of tissues over the mucous membranes. In other words, the formation of polyps. They can occur anywhere in the digestive system. Polyps in the stomach appear quite rarely, mainly in middle-aged people. In most cases, formations do not affect the patient's well-being in any way, so they are difficult to detect. This must be done, as ignoring tumors leads to the development of complications.
The essence of the disease
Polyps in the stomach are benign epithelial neoplasms. In some situations, oncology may appear, but we'll talk more about this later. As already noted, the pathology is quite rare, with practically no symptoms. It proceeds calmly, only an attentive person is able to notice problems with his stomach, because there are no signs. If you just press on your stomach, you can feel pain, and that's it. But there are many reasons why it can hurtintestines, so no one will think about polyps.

Often the disease is detected by chance, during the passage of any research. Polyps form in the stomach for a reason. In most cases, they are evidence of the body's response to inflammatory processes operating in the gastrointestinal tract. If we talk about the demographic factor, the disease occurs most often in men aged 40-50 years. Sometimes neoplasms occur in the stomachs of young people and very young children.
Why does this problem occur?
In fact, there are many factors that directly or indirectly affect this process. Consider the main causes of polyps in the stomach:
- Diet. A large part of the globe is malnourished, hence the roots of many diseases. If you eat smoked meats, spices and marinades in considerable quantities, be prepared for the appearance of benign neoplasms.
- Helicobacter pylori infection. This bacterium is considered quite dangerous due to its rapid reproduction, it can cause gastritis. If the disease takes a chronic form, atrophy of the mucosa will be found in some places. Then there may be tissue growth under the influence of microbes.
- Long-term medication. Some medications irritate the stomach lining, including cytostatics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and hormones.
- Smoking. The nicotine in cigarettes mixes with saliva andhas a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Gastric polyps are the most common in smokers.
- Inflammatory processes. Bacteria are able to attack the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in the formation of fibrous micro-scars.
- Radiation. As you know, if ionizing radiation affects the human body for a long time, the inner walls of the stomach suffer first of all. According to statistics, almost all people exposed to radiation are found to have polyps.
In separate reasons, age and hereditary predisposition can be distinguished. However, these are not the main sources. This means that with proper nutrition and careful attention to one's he alth, polyps do not form even under the influence of genetics.
The choice of method for treating polyps in the stomach depends on many factors, one of which is the type of neoplasm. It should be noted that the main classification involves the division into two types: morphological and quantitative. In turn, each of them is divided into subspecies, which we will consider in more detail.

So, morphological outgrowths are:
- Adenomatous. The formation of these formations involves the change of glandular tissue into tubular or papillary structures. Polyps of this type are benign, but under the influence of certain factors can develop into malignant.
- Hyperplastic. Growths are epithelial in nature, they are much more common than adenomatous. Costsnote that hyperplastic growths never regenerate, they remain benign formations.
The definition of the subspecies is made by the attending doctor with the help of a cytological examination. As for the number of polyps, there are also varieties:
- Single. This is one or more growths located at a relatively large distance from each other.
- Multiple. A lot of formations of various nature and size are localized in one place.
Of course, the second option is more dangerous. It is worth paying attention to the size of the polyp. Experts in the field of medicine note that growths of more than two centimeters pose a threat to he alth. Such large formations are often adenomatous in nature.
Stomach polyp symptoms
As we have already noted, as such, the signs of the disease, especially at its initial stage, are incredibly difficult to trace. The appearance and formation of polyps is mostly asymptomatic. Over time, aching dull pains appear in the abdomen. After eating, the patient experiences pain that radiates to the lower back.
One of the symptoms of stomach polyps is loss of appetite. The patient may feel full quickly, and after eating he suffers from belching and heartburn. Signs include nausea and vomiting, and an unpleasant taste in the mouth. A person with a benign neoplasm in the stomach gets tired quickly, feels weak in the body, and flatulence is observed. If the growth appeared in the antrum of the stomach, an obstruction is detectedduodenum. As a result, the patient suffers from sharp pains in the abdomen.

The polyp can become covered with ulcers, this may cause internal bleeding. The person loses strength, therefore becomes pale and weak. The above symptoms do not directly indicate the formation of growths, they can be tied to any disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Only a qualified doctor can diagnose the problem, the treatment of polyps in the stomach is prescribed by him.
Possible Complications
The disease in question is prone to complications, especially if the symptoms are ignored and the doctor is not visited for an extended period. The most common problems include:
- Difficulty in the patency of the stomach. This is due to the size of the polyps, the patient is found in this case, nausea, vomiting and heaviness in the abdomen.
- Education can move. The case when the polyp passes into the intestine with pinching is considered especially dangerous. Then the person experiences strong painful sensations of an acute nature.
- Ulceration of neoplasms. The patient has vomiting and bloody stools. When a large growth is affected, bleeding opens in the gastrointestinal tract.
- The transformation of a benign tumor into a malignant one.
Polyps in the stomach: is it dangerous? Of course, after all, there is a possibility of developing complications, and there a fatal outcome is also possible. Therefore, it is necessary to treat this problem at an early stage. To detect education in timebuild-up, you need to undergo a regular medical examination at least once every six months.
Specialists conduct a lot of laboratory tests before they are determined with a diagnosis. After all, finding polyps in the stomach is incredibly difficult. The thought of the possibility of a build-up arises among doctors when the symptoms could not be successfully tied to another gastroenterological disease. The help of a doctor is necessary, because self-medication can only achieve the worst result.
The usual examination and palpation will not help to identify the formation. You can find a polyp using radiography and fibrogastroscopy. The first option perfectly reveals growths, determines their number and size. But if there are quite a lot of formations, radiography will be powerless, because the elements merge and are displayed incorrectly. The endoscope allows you to visualize the structures, as well as determine the nature of the polyps.

If during laboratory tests, it was found that the growths are large and irregular in shape, a biopsy should be applied. A small piece of the neoplasm is cut off from the patient. His research makes it possible to discard once and for all the possibility of a diagnosis of stomach cancer. Along with these methods, some doctors use the results of laboratory tests. We will talk about how to treat polyps in the stomach below.
Traditional medicine
Medications and other appointments are made by the doctor. Depending on the nature of the neoplasm and the diagnosis, the attending physiciandetermined with the methods of therapy. There are three most popular methods: drug treatment, removal of a polyp in the stomach and folk remedies.
In a particular situation, the specialist prescribes certain drugs that are most effective. A good option would be to take Omeprazole, which provides a decrease in stomach activity and activates hydrochloric acid. If the disease appeared due to the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, Clarithromycin helps to get rid of polyps in the stomach. Reviews about this drug are positive, but it is necessary to use only on the recommendation of a doctor. The drug "Renny" eliminates unpleasant symptoms in the form of heartburn and pain.

This therapy is able to cope with small growths. If there are many polyps, then taking medications only reduces the rapid progression of neoplasms. In general, drug treatment is not often used when this problem occurs. Only an experienced qualified doctor will be able to pick up a medication that will slow down the development of the build-up and destroy it. If the doctor decides to prescribe medication, he also prescribes a diet.
Proper nutrition
Many underestimate the importance of diet for the restoration of internal organs. Diet in this case plays a decisive role, proper nutrition stops the destruction of the mucosa, helps prevent the development of the disease. From the diet, it is mandatory to exclude suchproducts like:
- smoked meats, marinades, pickles and preserves;
- spicy, greasy and fried foods;
- rich broths, as well as products with dyes and food additives;
- coffee, strong tea.
Diet after a stomach polyp should be based on the consumption of vegetables, non-acidic fruits, dairy and sour-milk products, lean fish and meat. You need to stick to the diet, eat in small portions in the form of heat. Before consumption, vegetables can be baked or steamed. Before you go on a diet, you need to get rid of bad habits like smoking and alcohol. If traditional methods of treatment, coupled with proper nutrition, do not help, you need to think about removing the polyp in the stomach.
There are types of neoplasms that are treated only by the surgical method. We are talking about large growths, as well as any adenomatous polyps. In addition, if formations with signs of degeneration are found, surgical intervention is also necessary. An operation to remove a polyp in the stomach is needed in cases of bleeding and growths in the intestines.
There are two main ways to remove a neoplasm: endoscopy and resection. In the first case, the operation is done with single and multiple benign polyps. The essence of the method consists in cutting off growths with the help of a special device and simultaneous electrocoagulation of their base. Surgical intervention is performed on an outpatient basis, the affected mucous membrane heals completely after two months. ByAfter four months, the patient must undergo a second study. If new lesions are found, the endoscopy will have to be done again.
Resection, or otherwise treatment of polyps by removing part of the stomach, is necessary in the following situations:
- polyps are quite large, have a fast growth rate;
- grow from benign to malignant tumors;
- there is a constant relapse, after removal they occur again;
- bleed and coalesce;
- disturb the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
Resection is a full-fledged operation that eliminates gastric polyps, which is performed under anesthesia in a hospital. Only a qualified surgeon can perform the operation flawlessly.

It is worth noting that the diet must be followed even after the removal of education. In addition, during the recovery period, you should visit a gastroenterologist from time to time, and if new symptoms appear, immediately inform the doctor.
Treatment of polyps in the stomach with folk remedies
It must be said that experts do not approve of the use of traditional medicine except in rare cases. These tools will be effective in detecting small single growths. But do not discount the folk methods of treating polyps in the stomach. The reviews, of course, are contradictory, but alternative medicine must exist.
So, the most popular and effective recipes are:
- Infusion of celandine. Dining rooma spoonful of vegetation should be poured with half a liter of boiling water. This liquid must be cooled and taken one spoonful four times a day between meals.
- Oil (preferably olive) and honey. The recipe is very simple: you just need to mix two ingredients. It is better to take one tablespoon one hour before meals. For the best effect, it is recommended to add a few drops of lemon juice to the mixture.
- Decoction of spruce branches. Boil a couple of small spoons of vegetation in a glass of water, use instead of tea several times a day.
- Propolis. By itself, it is very useful for various diseases of the internal organs. You need to mix butter with propolis and add the resulting mixture to warm milk, and then drink it an hour before meals.
Even when using alternative therapy, one should not forget about the diet. To the above products, you can add viburnum, cabbage, turnip, pumpkin. Do not consume food with the addition of preservatives and dyes. According to the textbooks of traditional medicine, proper nutrition, accompanied by the use of herbal preparations, will reduce the number of neoplasms in the stomach. If a patient has many polyps, alternative medicine will not help much. These funds are aimed primarily at reducing symptoms and facilitating the general well-being of the patient.
Experts in the field of medicine say that if you follow a diet and eliminate irritants with drug treatment, the prognosis is favorable. The situation is similar with endoscopy, in such cases it is rarerecurrence is found. However, with regard to resection, not everything is so rosy. Often, patients suffer from postoperative complications and disorders of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Removal of part of the stomach rarely goes unnoticed, it is understandable. Sometimes patients have digestive problems.
When complications develop, the situation becomes very serious. In most cases, another operation is performed. The patient must understand that much depends on proper nutrition and conscientiousness in the implementation of medical prescriptions. The method of treatment also has an effect. Which method is most effective in a particular situation, the doctor decides. To achieve a favorable outcome of the disease is possible only through the joint efforts of a qualified doctor and patient.
In our material, we examined the symptoms and treatment of polyps in the stomach. This information may not be needed if preventive recommendations are followed. As such, there is no list of actions and an algorithm for this in modern medicine. You can prevent the formation of growths in the stomach with the help of remedies for the occurrence of gastritis.

It is the chronic form of this disease that is the main factor in the development of neoplasms. To prevent gastritis, it is necessary to give up bad habits in the form of smoking and alcohol, control the intake of medications, and adhere to the principles of proper nutrition. The diet should include only dietary products. Anything That Annoysmucosa and increase the release of hydrochloric acid, must be excluded from the regimen.
It is worth noting that people over 40 should take preventive measures in particular, because they are at risk. Polyps in the stomach are rare. But when the doctor diagnoses the disease, it is necessary to immediately begin its treatment. It is quite difficult to detect growths, since the disease is asymptomatic. Often, pathology is detected by chance. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor your he alth by regularly performing medical examinations and examinations.