Diseases and conditions
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
When bending and unbending, a crunch in the knee occurs most often in people who are over 50 years old. Such complaints are also found among young people, however, they are much less common, and, as a rule, they are associated only with injuries in sports
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Herpes on the lower back is an unpleasant disease that causes a lot of discomfort in the form of pain and itching. Fortunately, there are many modern effective methods to eliminate the disease. In order to count on a speedy recovery and avoid the occurrence of complications, it is important to undergo complex therapy in a timely manner
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During childbirth, there is a sharp transition of the child from the sterile environment, which is the mother's womb, to the non-sterile - the outside world. During this period, the child is protected from the hostile factors of the new world around him only by antibodies transmitted to him by the mother's body. His own body is not yet able to produce protective antibodies. Gradually, the formation of the immune system. And only by the age of 6 can we talk about mature immunity. Lymphocytes are the main force of good immunity
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For many, the problem is becoming more and more urgent: the heels are cracking. How to treat them? First of all, it is necessary to understand the reasons that lead to such an ailment
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Young mothers should know that vomiting in children without fever is not a sign of a specific disease. Basically, it serves as an alarm signal that the baby develops a rather serious illness, for example, such as acute appendicitis
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Have you been diagnosed with a heel spur? What kind of disease it is and how dangerous it is, should be remembered not only by the elderly, but also by athletes, as well as overweight people
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If you have thyroid problems, the symptoms speak for themselves. First of all, this is fatigue and frequent nervous condition, hair loss and changes in the skin, rapid weight loss or gain, as well as brittle nails and muscle weakness
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Acne - rashes are unpredictable. Their favorite pastime is no, no, and to jump out at some most conspicuous place before some most important event. Everyone who had a pimple was brewing, and it happened to everyone, wondered: "Why?" Pimples appear on the chin for various reasons. Let's take a look at some of them
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Drugs to reduce pressure relieve headaches and improve overall well-being. They are highly effective, have a good effect on the cardiovascular system
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To answer the question "The voice sits down - what to do?" First of all, it is worth finding out the exact cause. Most likely inflammation of the ligaments or laryngitis
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You never know what's going to happen. For example, an ear can hurt at any time. And what to do? The best solution is to go to the doctor. But it is not always possible to find time for this. So, what to do if your ears hurt?
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The rate of protein in the urine indicates the overall he alth of the kidneys, and based on the results of the studies, we can conclude at what stage of development this or that disease is
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Many of us find ourselves in difficult situations, and they can arise out of nowhere: twisted his leg on the stairs, got a splinter on the railing, cut his leg on the glass. “I pierced my leg with a nail, what should I do?” - such a question can often be found on various forums and blogs, and we will devote this article to it
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A bacterial disease that causes inflammation of the lymph nodes is called lymphadenitis. It is more typical for children. Most often, lymphadenitis in a child is secondary, that is, it occurs against the background of some other pathology. In rare cases, primary inflammation of the lymph nodes is detected
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Dilatation is, according to the medical encyclopedia, a term derived from the Latin word dilatatio, which means "expansion." So in modern medicine they mean a persistent increase in the lumen in the cavity of an organ, leading to an increase in its volume
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The modern rhythm of life seems to be very fast, but people are more and more not in motion, but in a sitting position. This is fraught with various problems. One of which is osteochondrosis of the neck
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The he alth of the unborn child depends on many factors, but hereditary plays a huge role. If a baby has an alcoholic mother, her addictions can leave an indelible imprint on his whole future life. And although the germ cells of both parents are important in the process of embryo formation, the well-being of the baby is determined to a greater extent by the state of he alth of the woman and her lifestyle
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Fatty liver disease (or stetohepatosis in other words) is a chronic disease of this organ, which is most common. It is characterized by fatty infiltration (that is, the accumulation of lipids) of the liver tissues. According to statistics, about twenty-five percent of the population of developed countries suffer from this pathology
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To make a diagnosis, the doctor usually prescribes a variety of tests to help find out the course of the disease. Blood, urine, mucus or other human waste products are examined
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Erdheim's disease is a rare pathology with an immune mechanism. This disease is characterized by histiocytic infiltration of body tissues. Most often the bone, endocrine and nervous systems are affected
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Causes of heart murmurs in a child can be very different. And not always their presence means that the child has a heart disease. Only ultrasound and ECG can confirm this diagnosis
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Many believe that ARVI and ARI are one and the same disease. However, there is a significant difference between them - ARI is a generalized term that includes SARS
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How to identify appendicitis in children? Diagnosis is usually carried out by several methods at once. First, the doctor palpates the abdomen. Appendicitis usually causes tenderness in the right iliac region. You will also need a laboratory examination, including urine and blood tests
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In this article you will learn what blood pressure is and how dangerous it is for the body to increase it. Also get the latest information on preventive measures and quick ways to reduce blood pressure in an emergency
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Enterobiosis is a disease related to nematodes. That is, to those that are caused by the ingestion of roundworms into the human body. In this case - pinworms, the most common parasites that live, develop and multiply in the intestines
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How to get rid of pinworms? This question is asked by every patient with enterobiasis. Nowadays, there are many anthelmintic drugs. Each of them has its own characteristics, side effects and has its own scope. To understand the whole variety of drugs for parasites, you need to understand the principle of their action. It is also important to know for which patient age group this or that remedy is intended
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Classification is made depending on the formation of impulses. That is why atrioventricular, ventricular and atrial forms are distinguished. The subpraventricular variety includes the atrioventricular and atrial types
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Are you interested in how hemorrhoids are treated during pregnancy at home? The means that can be used to bring ideas to life are varied. It is clear that decoctions and tinctures are most often advised. Just like with any disease. But there is one amazing trick - this is the use of vegetables for hemorrhoids
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Do you have elevated thyroid-stimulating hormone? What this indicates and how to normalize its level, you can find out by reading this article
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An enema for hemorrhoids is the best remedy and treatment of the disease from traditional medicine. The method can be used independently, but only after consulting a doctor. Self-medication is better not to carry out in order to avoid the negative effects of therapy
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Peripheral vein catheterization will provide quick access to the bloodstream. The installation procedure will be successful if all conditions and sterility are met
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Oncology… To date, this is the most terrible word that a person can hear from a doctor. However, oncology does not always carry a life-threatening tumor. Each of us has moles. Often, some formations appear on the skin. This is a verrucous nevus - a special formation on the skin. Simply put, it's a mole. Its strange appearance on the skin often scares people. Many people believe that every stain can provoke cancer. Is it so?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Hepatic colic is one of the most common symptoms of liver and gallbladder diseases. In most cases, this is how gallstone disease manifests itself
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Crohn's disease is an immune-mediated severe chronic disease of unclear etiology, which has many pathological manifestations, the main of which is inflammation of the entire gastrointestinal tract. It is quite rare, but every year 2-3 people out of 1000 become infected with it. What are the causes of the disease, symptoms, primary manifestations, and how to treat it? This and many other things related to this topic will now be discussed
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Intracranial hypertension is a serious pathological condition that requires timely treatment. If you delay going to the doctor, you may experience serious he alth problems, even death. Medications must be prescribed strictly by a doctor
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In this article, we will figure out how to treat white snot in an adult. Normally, the nasal mucosa should be moderately moist and have a small amount of clear discharge
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Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) is a disease that belongs to the category of primary immunodeficiencies and is caused by multiple molecular defects that lead to impaired function of T-cells and B-cells. Sometimes the functions of killer cells are disrupted. In most cases, the diagnosis of the disease is made before the age of 3 months from birth. And without the help of doctors, such a child will very rarely be able to live more than two years
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
There are many superstitions associated with warts. For centuries, people have been looking for the causes of this phenomenon in the activities of spirits and the evil eye. Appropriate treatment was offered. Healers prepared various potions, amulets, performed various rituals. To date, the causes of the appearance and methods of treating warts have been well studied. Psychosomatics can also contribute to the appearance of specific growths on the skin. Today we’ll talk about what a wart is and how to get rid of it
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Diseases are not always associated with infection. Often the problem of sore throat is psychosomatic in nature. The reasons for the development of chronic diseases of the throat, psychosomatics calls the silence of problems, the inability to stand up for oneself, one's interests and one's ideals. How this manifests itself and what can be done, the article will tell
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
The main goal of neoplasm therapy is to draw out the purulent root with the help of ointments and alternative methods of treatment. In some cases, it is possible to pull out the root in one or two days, after which the swelling subsides, the pain goes away, and the tissues regenerate rather quickly