Beware of infection! How does tick vaccination help us?

Beware of infection! How does tick vaccination help us?
Beware of infection! How does tick vaccination help us?

Vaccinations are the protectors of our body. They protect us from serious and dangerous diseases. A person is vaccinated by injecting the vaccine. Long ago, when there were no vaccines, our ancestors could easily get sick with some kind of rubbish like measles, diphtheria, tuberculosis or tick-borne encephalitis.

tick vaccination
tick vaccination

All people are vaccinated at an early age. After a while, they are repeated, thereby strengthening the immune system. This is done due to the fact that the immunity artificially induced by vaccination is not sufficiently resistant. Let's take a closer look at what a vaccine is.

In general, a vaccine is a medical "elixir of life", consisting of killed or live weakened microbes. The meaning of these semi-dead bacteria is that after the introduction of the vaccine in our body, a kind of “staging” of infection with an infection occurs. The body, as it were, rehearses the scenario of the disease. It happens in the following way. Weakened microbes, getting into the blood, provoke it to produce special infection fighters. Their name is antibodies. The result of this confrontationknown: antibodies defeat weakened microbes. Do not be afraid, no one will ever get sick from such vaccinations. But, for example, a triple vaccination against ticks prepares our body for a meeting with strong pathogenic viruses, such as encephalitis, providing it with acquired immunity.

tick-borne encephalitis
tick-borne encephalitis

Our enemies

Few of us feel sympathy for this group of arachnids, except for entomologists. Ticks are our enemies. They exist on Earth exactly as long as man himself exists! The most common of these parasites are ixodid ticks that feed on the blood of animals and humans. What does the expression "pick up a tick" mean, and why are these creatures dangerous? First things first.

against tick-borne encephalitis
against tick-borne encephalitis

Imagine you picked up a tick somewhere. If you do not notice it right away, then it will hang on you and suck blood for about a day. In this case, the tick will increase in volume and become 200 times larger than itself, becoming like a large pea. As soon as there is no room left for an extra particle of your blood, it will fall off. Never try to rip off a biting tick, as its head or proboscis may remain under your skin, which can cause inflammation, which is more dangerous than the bite itself. A good way to make the parasite fall off is to press a vial or cotton swab with alcohol or cologne, for example. In this case, it will fall off on its own. If, nevertheless, the head or proboscis of the tick is detached, treat this “black dot” with 5% iodine, leaving it untilself-breeding.

Beware of infection

Themselves, tick bites are “berries” compared to the dangerous infectious diseases they carry, one of which is tick-borne encephalitis. This is an acute viral infection that affects the human central nervous system. Here, either pan or gone: from recovery to disability and death


Tick vaccination is our savior

Russia is the leader in the number of cases of infection with tick-borne encephalitis. Infected parasites are common in the Far East, in Southern Siberia, in the Urals, in the Central and North-West regions, so here vaccination against ticks is a painfully common procedure.

Today, there are several domestic and a couple of imported vaccines against tick-borne encephalitis intended for adults and children. In addition, vaccinations can be preventive. They vaccinate people of certain professions who are forced to work in the zone of increased risk of ticks - students, counselors, tourists, etc.

Note that tick vaccination is done three times: after the second vaccination, immunity is developed, and the third is needed for its final consolidation. Don't get sick!
