Prosyanka on the face. Prevention is easier than cure

Prosyanka on the face. Prevention is easier than cure
Prosyanka on the face. Prevention is easier than cure

Mildew on the face is nothing more than whiteheads, the scientific name of which is milia. They occur due to blockage of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which a dense white formation appears under the skin. As a rule, milia are formed in areas of the face where the sebaceous glands are especially active - on the chin, in the eye area, on the cheekbones. Acne can be caused by improperly selected cosmetics or unstable hormonal levels. Stress, incorrect functioning of internal organs - all these are the reasons due to which a millet on the face may occur. Acne does not bring physical discomfort, but the unpresentable appearance makes you fight the scourge.

Cosmetic treatment

The best way to get rid of such a misfortune as millet on the face is to visit a specialized cosmetology clinic. Single large formations are removed here by mechanical cleaning, and a scattering of small ones - by a series of peelings. Only a cosmetologist is able to adequately assess the situation and choose the right way to remove acne.

Treatment at home

prosyanka on the face treatment
prosyanka on the face treatment

Millet on the face, the treatment of which certainly requires accuracy and sterility, can be removed at home. To do this, you need to carefully steam the skin. This is easy to do - just boil a small pot of water, add a couple of tablespoons of soda there and hold your face over the steam, covered with a thick towel. After that, prepare a sterile needle, which must be placed strictly perpendicular to the center of the millet and slightly pressed. Through the resulting hole, the contents of the eel should easily come out. The resulting wound must certainly be disinfected with hydrogen peroxide. It would also be useful to apply a soothing herbal mask to your face.

Risk group

Mildew on the face, the photo of which causes dislike, can appear in any person, regardless of his age and lifestyle. Primary millet is very common in infants due to the formation of hormonal levels. After a while, the attack goes away by itself. Secondary milia occur in adults:

  • with skin diseases;
  • prosyanka on the face photo
    prosyanka on the face photo

    after skin burns;

  • as a result of some cosmetic procedures;
  • as a result of skin exposure to ultraviolet light.

Mildew on the face: prevention

Despite the fact that such formations on the skin do not cause significant harm, it is still easier to prevent an attack than to remove it later. To prevent whiteacne is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • replace animal fats whenever possible with vegetable counterparts;
  • do not abuse alcohol and sugar-containing products;
  • do not use cosmetics that contain alcohol;
  • periodically exfoliate the skin with a scrub or peel.

However, even the implementation of all recommendations does not guarantee the absence of millet, since hormonal processes in the body, unfortunately, are not subject to our desires.
