The he alth of the unborn child depends on many factors, but hereditary plays a huge role. If a baby has an alcoholic mother, her addictions can leave an indelible imprint on his whole future life. And although the germ cells of both parents are important in the process of the formation of the embryo, the well-being of the baby is determined to a greater extent by the state of he alth of the woman and her lifestyle.
Drunken parents are a disaster for children
Everyone knows what a negative impact tobacco and alcohol have on a child's he alth. Ethanol affects the state of the reproductive cells of the parents, which subsequently causes the bearing and birth of a sick, weak offspring. And although there is a chance that an alcoholic mother will produce a physiologically he althy heir, this does not in the least protect him from being raised in an unfavorable environment.
The child whobrought up in an asocial environment, doomed to face a number of problems. Children of alcoholic mothers grow up as psychologically traumatized individuals. Thus, the bad habit of parents can destroy both the physical and mental he alth of their child. Alcohol in the mother's blood leads to irreversible damage not only in her body, but also in her unborn baby.

Features of female alcoholism
Detrimental effect on the fetus begins with conception on the background of alcohol intoxication, that is, the direct formation of a zygote from a spermatozoon and an egg. The rampant lifestyle of the father may not affect fertilization in any way. The mother will have to bear the child for nine months. For the fetus, father's alcoholism is, of course, very bad, but mother's alcohol abuse during pregnancy is much more dangerous. According to unofficial data, every tenth child conceived by parents in a state of intoxication is born dead. Thus, a woman's addiction to a bottle can turn into sad consequences for a child.
An alcoholic mother has a meager chance of giving birth to a completely he althy baby. In the last century, numerous studies have been conducted that have shown the world what addiction can lead to. To say that female alcoholism is not treated is wrong, but this chronic disease will leave its indelible mark on he alth in any case. According to the results of laboratory tests, 800 out of 3,000 women examined were found to have:
- signs of premature menopause;
- menstrual irregularities;
- cardiovascular disease;
- pathologies of the digestive tract;
- diseases of the genitourinary and reproductive systems.
It is also obvious that an alcoholic mother is not able to fulfill her parental functions and provide her child with a full childhood. Starting to drink at a young age, fertile women lose their he alth and moral character, and, deciding to have children, doom them to suffering. That is why the question often arises of how to deprive an alcoholic mother of parental rights.

He alth of children born to drunkards
Alcoholism is not a disease that is inherited. If the parents are sick, this does not mean at all that the child who is born to them will be addicted and craving for alcohol. However, the propensity for this disease in children born to alcoholic mothers is much higher than in babies born to he althy parents. In addition, such children may have serious mental disabilities, disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system, including increased irritability, irascibility, emotional instability.
Children of alcoholics are more exposed to outside influences, they easily fall under the negative influence of the street. In women suffering from chronic drunkenness, babies are often born with cerebral palsy, epilepsy. The French doctor Morel, examining four generations of hereditary alcoholics in a row, came to the following conclusion:uncontrolled craving for alcoholic beverages is the cause of the degeneration of the family, the loss of morality and the increase in the number of mentally retarded people.
Effect of ethyl alcohol in infancy
How to live with an alcoholic mother? Infants are completely defenseless in this case. The influence of alcohol on babies at such an early age is ten times stronger and more dangerous than on adults. At the same time, alcoholism in children develops much faster and leads to more unfortunate consequences. The earlier the child began to drink alcohol, the worse.

Ethyl alcohol penetrates into breast milk, so a mother who is addicted to a glass gets drunk not only herself, but also her child. Moreover, there are many cases when unfortunate mothers deliberately added alcohol to the baby’s food so that he would sleep better and behave calmer. Previously, for example, it was not forbidden for babies to give a crumb of bread dipped in beer for the same purpose - to calm and ensure sound sleep. Moreover, not only alcoholics did this, but also quite adequate, normal parents, since many of them did not even imagine how dangerous alcohol was for children and that small children were too susceptible to ethanol.
Behavior of children of drinking parents
An unhappy childhood is reflected in the entire subsequent life of a person. The child of alcoholics usually engages in one of the following behaviors:
- "Hero". In this case, the child tries on the role of a parent and takes on all the worries with which he is not always able to cope. Suchchildren grow up early, because, in fact, they are deprived of a normal, psychologically comfortable childhood.
- "Dreamer". The child abstracts from problems, inventing an imaginary world for himself. Unlike the previous model of behavior, here he does not try to solve his problems, move forward, develop.
- "Guilty of everything." Unreasonable anger of alcoholic parents leads to the development of an inferiority complex, feelings of guilt, low self-esteem.
- "Spoiled". Parents who abuse alcohol and do not pay attention to their own children try in every possible way to make amends with them and allow them to do whatever they want. Such children do not have respect for elders, they do not know how to communicate with others.
According to statistics, children of alcoholics are more prone to drug addiction. In adulthood, it is difficult for them to build personal relationships. Due to the unfavorable psychological atmosphere in the family, the child becomes restrained, secretive, unsure of himself, which in the future will become a significant obstacle to adaptation in adulthood and independent life.

How to understand that a woman is sick with alcoholism?
Drunken parents are a disaster, but what about children? What to do with an alcoholic mother? There is only one answer - to treat. Knowing about the signs and symptoms of female alcoholism, you need to seek help from a narcologist. The sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance of a woman returning to a normal lifestyle.
The first sign of female chronic alcoholism isit's a denial. They claim that they drink only on holidays or when there is a good reason, although in fact the dependence on alcohol is obvious. To get a dose of strong drink, they are looking for any, even a minor occasion for a feast. The behavior of a woman in anticipation of the upcoming fun changes dramatically: she becomes cheerful, active and cheerful. He reacts extremely aggressively to reproaches and claims from relatives and others, trying to justify his behavior by any means.
If a woman is not cured in time, the disease will progress. At the initial stage, a mental dependence on alcohol is formed. Further, pathological changes occur in the body, craving for strong drinks increases. A woman ceases to take care of herself, loses interest in work, family, and hobbies. The appearance of an alcoholic differs from that of he althy women:
- the complexion of the skin changes - it acquires an earthy, grayish tint, unhe althy redness, purple spots and bruises appear;
- the look becomes as if glassy, meaningless;
- puffiness and bags visible under the eyes;
- teeth blacken and fall out;
- many wrinkles appear, nasolabial fold deepens, lips thicken;
- flare nostrils;
- neck muscles atrophy.

Drugs for the treatment of addiction
Without the desire and awareness of the problem, alcohol addicts themselves will not be able to cure the disease. If you can set up a womanfor treatment, we can assume that this is already half the success. For the treatment of alcohol dependence, narcologists prescribe two types of drugs.
The first are medicines with disulfiram or cyanamide in the composition, which reduce the body's resistance to ethyl alcohol. After taking such pills for alcoholism (the list and prices will be presented below), the woman’s body will not be able to process the toxins released during the breakdown of ethanol as before, against which her well-being will significantly worsen after drinking alcohol. Over time, an aversion to once-favorite drinks will form. Among the drugs that are most often prescribed to alcoholics, it is worth noting the most popular:
- Teturam (cheap Russian drug, average price 126-282 rubles).
- Lidevin (costs about 1400 rubles).
- "Colme" (available in the form of drops, the price is about 1000 rubles).
To help the patient overcome her addiction to alcohol, drugs are prescribed to suppress the craving for alcohol. They have antihypoxic and anti-withdrawal effects, stop chronic hangover syndromes, and restore the functioning of nerve receptors. As a rule, such drugs are used in combination with previous drugs. The most popular are medicines:
- "Proproten 100" (140-160 rubles).
- Diazepam (prescription).
- Fluanxol (from 338 rubles).
Treatment according to the Dovzhenko method for alcoholism
One of the effective and common methods of eliminating alcohol addiction arepsychotherapy sessions. A drinking woman can be coded using the Dovzhenko method if she herself does not want to recognize the danger of the disease. During the sessions, the patient is subjected to a psychological impact on the subconscious. Treatment according to the Dovzhenko method for alcoholism is aimed not so much at reducing cravings for harmful drinking, but at creating the right attitude towards life and stable sobriety. Sometimes this technique is used with medication, but without hypnosis.

If treatment fails
This addiction is one of the most common reasons for depriving a mother of parental rights. The reason for this may be one or more of the following:
- refusal to fulfill parental responsibilities;
- malicious evasion of child support;
- child abuse;
- causing him physical or moral harm, humiliation;
- lack of interest in the life of the child for several months;
- Forcing a minor to engage in theft, prostitution and other illegal activities.
At the same time, it is important to understand that not in all cases a drinking woman is deprived of parental rights. If a mother appears at a court session in a sober, tidy and sane form, justice takes a wait-and-see attitude and decides on a temporary restriction of a woman's rights to a child. The basis for the deprivation of parental rights of the mother may be proof of the fact of alcohol consumption,manifestations of rudeness, insults towards the child during the trial period.
Guardianship authorities are always involved in the consideration of a case on deprivation of parental rights. They pay a visit to the woman's place of residence, check the living conditions of the child, find out whether he is eating satisfactorily, whether attention is paid to his he alth, education, etc.

If after the probationary period there is no change in the behavior of the mother, she continues to drink alcohol and does not show concern for the child, the court makes a final decision not in her favor. Documents confirming that the mother leads an immoral lifestyle can be a certificate from a medical institution, law enforcement agencies, a reference from the place of work, testimony of witnesses. All these documents are attached to the claim.
Children who have one or both parents with alcoholism need substantial psychological help. Without the intervention of a school psychologist, a dysfunctional atmosphere in the family can leave a deep mark on the rest of a child's life.
The traumatized psyche makes him stay in a state of constant tension, which subconsciously pushes the child to bad deeds. Unlike adults who see their cravings as a way to relax, unwind, or relieve stress, children grow up in this environment and don't see it as something unnatural. Mental retardation, characteristic of hereditary alcoholics, manifests itself in childhood and remains for life. SoThus, their children have to pay too high a price for the drunkenness and riotous lifestyle of their parents.