In this article, we will figure out how to treat white snot in an adult. Normally, the nasal mucosa should be moderately moist and have a small amount of clear discharge.

How do white snot form?
When infected with a viral infection, a cold or an allergic reaction, a runny nose occurs, which is accompanied by the appearance of transparent snot. At first, the discharge is always transparent and of a fairly liquid consistency. After a few days, the snot may change color. With an allergic rhinitis, snot can remain transparent for a long time or change color to white. In the presence of good immunity, if an adult patient is already starting to recover, then on the third day the snot becomes white and thick. After a few days, the swelling of the mucosa subsides and the separation of white mucus gradually stops. In some cases, the white color of the discharge indicates more serious pathologies, especially with an increase in body temperature and other symptoms of intoxication. Let's try to understand the reasons for this phenomenon andidentify ways to prevent and treat. The causes of white snot in an adult are of interest to many.
What is nasal discharge for?
The glandular structures of the nasal cavity produce discharge to humidify the inhaled atmospheric air and protect the lungs from the negative effects of foreign bodies. Snot envelops the mucous membrane and does not allow pathogenic microbes to penetrate deeper into the respiratory tract. However, the mucus is sometimes not transparent, but in the form of thick, viscous white snot. This sign indicates the development of a certain pathological condition, the cause of which must be established in order to properly begin treatment. The white color of the discharge usually indicates that there are pathogenic bacteria in the body and the inflammatory process has begun. In this case, there may be a headache, a taste of pus in the mouth, swelling and redness of the nasal passages.

Causes of white snot in an adult
The list of diseases in adults, accompanied by white discharge from the nose, is quite extensive and is represented by: chronic allergic rhinitis, inflammation of the maxillary sinuses in the initial stage, polypous growths in the nasal cavities, adenoids, ethmoiditis, lingering rhinitis, atrophy of the nasal mucosa, sinusitis. Teeth affected by caries and being a source of infection that enters the maxillary sinuses can also be the cause of white snot. All these diseases must be treated by an otolaryngologist. If necessary, an X-ray examination is ordered orpuncture of the sinuses, in which the focus of inflammation is located. As an additional method for diagnosing white thick snot in an adult and the presence of staphylococci, streptococci and other dangerous pathogens, ENT can use bakposev from the pharynx and nasal cavity. After collecting an anamnesis, the doctor can begin to treat a patient who has viscous and white snot. White discharge in an adult may appear with the development of purulent-inflammatory processes (for example, purulent adenoiditis). At the same time, inflammation of the frontal sinuses begins. Diseases of this kind are treated only under the supervision of a doctor, in order to avoid complications. Dolphin nasal wash can be very helpful.

The presence of polyps can also disrupt breathing, which causes severe nasal congestion and the appearance of white snot. Polyps squeeze the vessels, which leads to impaired blood circulation. The nature of therapy depends on the severity of the disease and the presence of complications. Sometimes normal saline lavages are sufficient, and in some cases surgery is needed.
We examined the causes of white snot in an adult, but how to treat them?
Traditional Therapies
If the presence of white snot is not associated with any complications, then, for example, octenisept is prescribed - 3 drops in each nasal passage. During the day, you should rinse your nose with saline (you can buy it at a pharmacy or cook at home). The pharmaceutical industry offers such preparations for washing the nose: Dolphin, Aquamaris,Aqualor, Quicks. Additionally, Erespal syrup is prescribed for 7 days, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-exudative effects. In order to facilitate breathing, inhalation administration of saline is used. Thanks to this, it is possible to clear the nasal passages and remove signs of the inflammatory process. Inhalation with white thick snot in an adult should be done using a nebulizer or inhaler.
You can also reduce nasal congestion with the help of vasoconstrictor drugs.

Their use should not exceed five days, since the development of dependence is possible in the future. These drugs for adults include "Pinosol", "Ekvasept", which have a bactericidal and immunostimulating effect. It is possible in these cases to use immunomodulators: "Derinat", "Ismigen", "Imunorix".
The attending physician prescribes antibiotics, there must be good enough reasons for this. If the runny nose is allergic in nature, it is necessary to take antihistamines to relieve itching and swelling. Alternatively, you can use aloe or kalanchoe juice to instill into the nose.
During pregnancy or breastfeeding, the use of antibacterial agents and some other drugs is prohibited, so for the treatment of the common cold, you need to choose products based on natural ingredients.

How else to cure snotwhite in an adult?
During pregnancy
During pregnancy or lactation, you should think not only about yourself, but also about the unborn child. Therefore, under the ban any antibiotics. For treatment, it is better to choose antiviral drugs or herbal medicines - Pinosol or Sinupret. In addition to all these remedies, do not forget about alternative medicine. If there are no complications, then the treatment of a runny nose with white discharge can be carried out with the help of traditional medicine.
Treatment of a protracted runny nose in an adult with folk methods
Treatment of white thick snot using non-traditional methods can reduce the inflammatory process. To do this, use, for example, a decoction of chamomile and eucalyptus for washing the nose. A mixture containing sunflower oil, onion juice and garlic has a good therapeutic effect. This liquid must be instilled into the nasal passages. Vasomotor rhinitis can be treated with a decoction of marigold or mint. Peppermint tea can be taken orally or washed out the nose. For washing the nasal passages, use a solution of apple cider vinegar. This recipe uses only homemade vinegar. It is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20. Such washings are especially effective in the acute period of the disease. 1-2 ml of this solution is sprayed into each nasal passage and this procedure is repeated five times a day. The use of apple cider vinegar helps to destroy pathogenic microflora, relieve swelling and inflammation.
In addition, beet juice is used for instillation: fresh beet juiceinstilled into the nose three times a day, if it is difficult to tolerate, it can be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Treatment should be continued for five days.

From folk recipes for the treatment of white snot, the anti-inflammatory composition with honey is especially popular. It includes: 1 teaspoon of liquid honey, 1 teaspoon of carrot juice, half a teaspoon of 10% propolis tincture. All components are mixed and dripped into each nasal passage, three drops, twice a day. In addition to all these methods, for the treatment of white snot, it is possible to use turundas. To make them, you need to mix a liquid solution: a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil, an incomplete teaspoon of calendula, 1/3 teaspoon of melted cocoa butter, half a teaspoon of liquid honey. Gauze turundas are thoroughly moistened with this mixture and inserted deeply into the nostrils for 15 minutes. These activities are especially effective in the treatment of chronic rhinitis and sinusitis.
Symptoms and treatment of chronic sinusitis reviewed. How to avoid it?
Preventive measures
In order for the runny nose to go away in a week and the patient's condition is not complicated by inflammatory processes, treatment must be started in a timely manner, resorting to the sanitation of foci of infection. The simplest and most affordable methods of preventing a runny nose are:

- proper nutrition, with the restriction of the use of sweets, sweet pastries, smoked, fatty, semi-finished products and canned food;
- carrying outactivities for hardening the body (physical activity, shower with contrast, walks in the fresh air);
- introducing plenty of fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables into the diet;
- many vitamins from fresh vegetables and fruits;
- warm drink in plenty.
We tried to tell in detail about the causes of white snot in an adult, methods of treatment and prevention.