There are many superstitions associated with warts. For centuries, people have been looking for the causes of this phenomenon in the activities of spirits and the evil eye. Appropriate treatment was offered. Healers prepared various potions, amulets, performed various rituals. To date, the causes of the appearance and methods of treating warts have been well studied. Psychosomatics can also contribute to the appearance of specific growths on the skin. Today we'll talk about what a wart is and how to get rid of it.

General Description
Some have them in childhood, others appear in old age. But most people are well aware of what a wart is. The psychosomatic nature of this phenomenon is questionable, although it is also impossible to deny the influence of the psychological state on the development of the disease.
So we're talking aboutskin disease, which is a small formation on its surface. The character is benign and non-inflammatory. Although here you can put a question mark. The fact is that in some cases the wart can turn into a malignant neoplasm. The size of the growths is usually a few millimeters, but there are also larger ones. The main problem of the patient is an unaesthetic appearance, so people try to get rid of them as quickly as possible.
Only at first glance, the same warts can be noted in two different people. Psychosomatics in both cases can be different, as well as the nature of education. It depends on the appearance and "behavior". Let's take a look at the main types that are highlighted today.
- Common wart. Nothing special, small and tight knot. It is completely painless, the surface is slightly rough. Appears on the back, arms, head and face.
- Rod, most often appears on the sole. This is a painful formation, which is an outgrowth of the papillae of a filiform nature. A roller forms around it, which looks like a corn. It looks rather strange, but is a typical wart. We will consider psychosomatics below, when we analyze this type separately.
- Flat youthful. This species is found only in children and young men. They usually appear on the hands. The color is slightly yellowish, can completely merge with the skin. They are round with a smooth surface, almost imperceptible to the touch. May go away on their own without treatment.
- Red wart orspine. It is distinguished by a large number of blood vessels and therefore bleeds when damaged.
- Genital warts - located on the genitals. This variety is sexually transmitted.
- senile. Appear all over the body and do not need treatment.
In addition to physiological, there are also psychomatic causes of warts. Today we will try to get a complete picture of what kind of disease it is and how to deal with it.

Most often, a person does not go to the doctor when he sees a growth similar to the description on the skin. Someone resorts to the "grandmother's" method. He ties it with a thread, which he then digs into the ground. It is difficult to say what effect this should have on the skin formation. Others are just waiting for everything to pass by itself. But there are other diseases that may look like warts, but the nature of these formations is completely different.
- The white wart needs specific treatment.
- Molluscum contagiosum - caused by the smallpox virus. Outwardly, it is a semicircular, dense formation on the skin. When pressed, a gray mass comes out of them, which never happens with warts.
- Warty red lichen. These are purple skin nodules covered with scales.
- Moles. They are usually smaller and dark in color.

Reasons for appearance
Warts are the result of activityhuman papilloma virus. Of course, this becomes possible when the body is weakened. Psychosomatics can also contribute to this. Warts on the hands can appear at any age. The virus is transmitted by direct contact, through touch and objects.
On human skin, the virus begins to multiply, this causes the growth of the upper layer of the epidermis. Symptoms may appear several months after contact with a carrier of the virus. At the same time, he may not have warts, at least in open areas of the skin. The presence of open wounds or cracks in the skin facilitates its transmission. Then the patient begins to infect himself. Because of this, formations begin to appear all over the body.
Risk factors
Significantly increases the risk of developing warts on the skin reduced immunity. Therefore, quite often the disease manifests itself after an illness, or during the period of spring beriberi. It is believed that the reason for their appearance is psychosomatics. Warts on the legs or on the hands cannot appear only because of an unbalanced psychological state. Rather, psychosomatics increases the risk of warts when a virus enters the skin. How exactly does it cause disease? Psychotherapists say that the reason is the manifestation of sudden hatred, discontent and other negative emotions. You need to be able to "let off steam", especially since there are many ways to do this.
The appearance of warts on the hands
The main cause is the papilloma virus. It is he who is responsible for the fact that warts grow on his left hand. Psychosomatics also hasplace to be. Almost all people who have encountered such a scourge as warts claim that the number of growths increases during conflict situations. Even doctors confirm that the number of growths in patients with nervous tension is rapidly increasing. So calm and once again calm. At the same time, patients themselves often note that the appearance of these growths occurred during difficult periods for the psyche. That is, there is a relationship, although it cannot be called the only reason.

The development of warts in terms of psychotherapy
Practically any disease, one way or another, is associated with a psychological state, this is already a proven fact. Hypertension, gastric ulcer, enuresis, diabetes mellitus and obesity are 99% psychosomatic in nature. Allergic rashes and any skin diseases are also mostly associated with nervous experiences. The appearance of warts on the right hand is no exception. Psychosomatics is more difficult to explain than physiological causes, but today a separate area of \u200b\u200bmedicine deals with this.
Our skin is protection from the outside world and what others see. Problems with the epithelium indicate that a person is not protected from the outside world, he feels weak. Maybe the people around him influence him too much or hurt his feelings. How it works? Warts on the skin look repulsive, which creates a kind of psychological vacuum around a person. This makes it possible to move away from the outside world, that is, it acts assome protection.
The growth on the skin is like something superfluous in the soul
This is another theory that also has the right to life. The psychosomatics of a wart on the foot can be somewhat more complicated than just a reaction to stress. If a person’s soul has long had some kind of burden that prevents him from moving towards his goals, this is reflected in such an exaggerated way. That is, it is superfluous, this load appears on the surface of the skin. To get rid of the problem, you need not only to get rid of an unnecessary piece of skin, but also to bring out the very essence of the problem on a psychological level.
Papillomas look ugly and disfigure the appearance. This is a reflection of the inner world, where the problem distorts one's own harmony and does not allow one to find peace within oneself. You need to look inside yourself and find a solution to the problem. If you could not do it yourself, then you need to seek help from a psychologist.

In most cases, a plantar wart interferes with a person. The psychosomatics of this disease is poorly understood, and you want to see the results immediately, so a person turns to a therapist or surgeon. Each of them offers different treatments. With conservative therapy, a regimen for taking medications is selected on an individual basis. The following drug groups are used:
- Interferon preparations. Provides the body with protection against viruses and boosts immunity.
- Specific antiviral agents. They have a supportive effect on the entireimmune system.
- Immunomodulators. Doctors agree that this group is the most effective in the fight against the papillomavirus.
Unfortunately, such a scheme cannot be called 100% effective. If the immune system is severely weakened and cannot resist, then a long-term rehabilitation program is required, which includes enhanced nutrition, intake of vitamins and minerals, proper sleep and mandatory daytime rest. Only in this case, a person can gradually recover. But the pace of modern life does not give us such an opportunity. Therefore, surgery is often the choice.

Medicated treatment
Pharmacy products allow you to provide a local effect on the build-up. The following agents are usually assigned:
- Salicylic acid. It is applied pointwise using a cotton swab.
- "Solcoderm". This is an ointment that contains acetic, oxalic, nitric or lactic acids.
- "Verrukacid" - a solution of phenol and metacresol.
- "Oxolinic ointment" - acts locally as an antiviral agent.
In addition, folk remedies for combating warts are also used. These are compresses with onions, castor oil lotions, with strips of fresh aloe, garlic juice. You can use pharmacy and folk remedies at the same time.
If the warts do not go away or new ones appear in place of the old ones, then the intervention of surgeons will be required. On thetoday they use the following methods to combat these formations:
- Surgical removal.
- Electrocoagulation.
- RadioKnife
- Cryotherapy.
- Laser removal.

Removal of growths occurs exclusively in a hospital setting. For this, sterile medical instruments are used. If the size of the papilloma is large, then stitches are applied. Do not forget that the reappearance of growths on the skin is not excluded. That is why the psychosomatics of warts on the foot is an important area for study. It is quite possible that working with a psychotherapist will be more effective than a surgeon's knife.