Herpes zoster on the lower back is a viral disease that causes profuse skin rashes. The causative agent of infection is able to affect he althy cells and nerve endings. In clinical practice, the pathological phenomenon is known under the definition of herpes Zostra. Entering the body, the virus settles in the region of the roots of the spinal cord. Here, the infection can remain in an inactive, latent state for a long time. Herpes on the body (on the lower back) is able to make itself felt during periods of a noticeable decrease in immunity.
Etiology of disease

The occurrence of herpes on the lower back provokes the entry into the body of a specific virus of the genus Herpesviridae. Like other pathogens of a similar nature, the infection is unstable to the effects of the external environment. The virus quickly dies under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, high temperatures, and disinfectants. However, in cold conditions, the microorganism is able to remain active for a long time.
Despite a fairly high level of contagiousness, Zostra herpesquite rarely affects the human body. Most cases occur during the cold season. According to statistics, there are no more than 12-15 infected people per 100,000 people. The risk group is made up of adults who have previously had chickenpox. After successful treatment of herpes on the lower back, a person acquires strong immunity. The chance of reinfection is minimized.
Clinical picture

Herpes on the lower back appears gradually. At the beginning, general symptoms are found that are characteristic of the incubation period for the development of viral infections. The patient periodically suffers from headache attacks. There are disorders of the digestive system. There is a slight increase in body temperature, general malaise.
Subsequently, the above symptoms are accompanied by pain and itching in the area where rashes will soon form. The duration of the initial period before the appearance of herpes on the lower back, as a rule, is 4-5 days. Among children, the progression of infection takes less time compared to adults.
After the formation of the first rashes on the body, there is a sharp increase in body temperature. There are signs of intoxication of the body, in particular, loss of appetite, muscle pain. The skin in the lumbar region is covered with pink papules with a diameter of several millimeters. During the day, neoplasms are filled with serous content. The edges of the rashes become uneven. In the foci of infection, the tissues become edematous.
After a couple of days, the inflamed skin calms down a little. The contents of herpes papules become cloudy. The rashes dry out, turning into crusts. If adequate treatment is applied, body temperature drops noticeably, signs of intoxication of the body are eliminated.
Herpes on the lower back: causes

After incubation in the body, the viral pathogen is able to remain inactive for a long time. In order for the infection to develop, exposure to a complex of provoking factors is required. Among the main causes of herpes on the lower back in women and men, it is worth noting:
- Significant weakening of immunity.
- Regular emotional overload and mental shocks.
- Severe hypothermia of the body.
- Unauthorized use of a wide range of medications without medical supervision.
- Tendency to the frequent development of infectious diseases, the causative agents of which reduce the protective functions of the body.
- Chronic fatigue and regular lack of sleep.
- Deficiency of vitamins and trace elements essential for the body.
According to the observations of doctors, the likelihood of activation of the herpes virus is much higher among people suffering from oncology, blood diseases. The risk of rashes on the lower back increases in people who are forced to regularly use hormonal drugs.

How to treat herpes on the lower back? The main method of combating the development of infection isthe use of effective medicines that can suppress the reproduction of the virus. The category of such drugs includes the drug "Acyclovir", which is most effective in the initial stages of the progress of the disease.
In the case of diagnosing herpes zoster, doctors prescribe the introduction of the drug into the body intravenously, usually through a dropper. The daily norm of the drug is not more than 30 mg / kg. The dose is divided into three parts and used with a frequency of 7-8 hours.
Treatment of herpes zoster is possible with the help of "Acyclovir" in the form of tablets. A single dose in this case is 800 mg of the active substance. Adults take the medicine 4-5 times a day. The full course of therapy is 5 days.
The main active ingredient of the drug is the biologically active compound famciclovir, which is concentrated in the cells of the body affected by the herpes virus. Here, the substance is converted into triphosphates, which inhibit the self-replication of the infectious agent. The pathogenic virus loses its ability to reproduce, which ensures the removal of the characteristic symptoms of the disease. It is advisable to take Famvir on the first day after identifying signs of the development of herpes zoster in the form of skin itching, tingling and burning sensations.
The medicine is taken orally with plenty of water. The safe dose is 500 mg of the active substance. Tablets are taken 3 times a day for a week. Following the above treatment regimen makes it possible to stop the pronouncedsymptoms that cause excruciating suffering.

Diclofenac gel is used along with antiviral agents, which provides relief from discomfort and helps to reduce the duration of the disease. The drug produces an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect on the affected skin structures. The result of therapy is the elimination of discomfort, the removal of puffiness, the speedy healing of herpes papules.
The medicine is used according to the following scheme. A thin layer of gel is applied with light rubbing movements on the skin areas affected by herpes zoster. The procedure is performed 3-4 times a day. After contact with the product, hands are thoroughly washed with soap and running water. It is important for the patient to avoid getting the composition on the mucous membranes and in the eyes. Therapy is carried out daily until the unpleasant symptoms are completely eliminated.
The disinfectant solution for treating skin surfaces is known as "red green". In the case of the development of herpes zoster, the remedy is used to relieve local inflammation, reduce the risk of concomitant bacterial infections.
"Fukortsin" has a pronounced antiseptic and antifungal effect. The application of the drug to the skin provides high-quality drying of herpes papules and wound healing. To avoid cracking and suppuration of the skin, after using the medicine, the skin is additionally treated with a moisturizer.
The drug is used as followsway. The solution is applied to a cotton swab, a cosmetic disk or a napkin. The agent treats the infected areas of the skin. The procedure is performed no more than four times a day. After the solution dries, it is allowed to apply other medicines to the skin.
Compress based on medicinal herbs

Let's move on to the question of the treatment of herpes on the lower back with folk remedies. A proven solution is the use of a compress prepared using a number of medicinal plants. To make a cure, proceed as follows:
- Take a dessert spoon each of the dried herb collection of immortelle, celandine, elecampane, wormwood, marigold flowers and tansy.
- Stir thoroughly.
- Measure out a tablespoon of the herbal mixture.
- Brew raw materials with boiling water in the volume of one glass.
- Cover the container with a lid, wrap with a warm cloth and let the product brew for an hour.
- Drain through cheesecloth.
Saturate a piece of soft natural fabric with the resulting medicine. Apply the material to the skin, where there are abundant rashes of herpes zoster. Fix the compress with a bandage and cover with a woolen cloth. Keep the remedy for half an hour. Then remove the compress and treat the opened herpes papules with an antiseptic solution. Follow the procedure daily until the skin rash disappears.
Birch tar
According to the observations of traditional healers, the use of birch tarmakes it possible to eliminate the consequences of the development of herpes zoster as soon as possible. Lightly heat the substance in a steam bath until it becomes liquid. Apply the composition in a thin layer on the foci of skin rashes, using a soft brush. Leave the area open for up to 30 minutes. Perform the procedure in the morning and evening. Follow the treatment regimen until the herpes papules disappear completely. If birch tar strongly irritates the skin, it is worth abandoning the therapy with the presented method.
Honey and garlic

An effective solution to get rid of herpes zoster is a folk remedy based on honey and garlic. Prepare the next composition. Take liquid honey in a volume of about 100 ml. Combine the product with three cloves of garlic, previously crushed to a pulp. Add a tablespoon of wood ash to the composition. Thoroughly mix the product until a homogeneous consistency.
Apply the medicine on a cotton pad and wipe the areas of skin affected by herpes with high quality. Then cover the treated area with a piece of sterile tissue. Perform the procedure 5 times a day. Continue therapy until the characteristic rashes disappear completely.