Drugs to reduce pressure - quick help to the body

Drugs to reduce pressure - quick help to the body
Drugs to reduce pressure - quick help to the body

Feeling unwell, many people do not pay attention to it, but in vain, because high blood pressure can serve as the cause of poor he alth. If there are no other chronic diseases, then you can reduce the rates yourself. But you can’t do without consulting a local therapist, because high blood pressure can serve as the first bell about the presence of various diseases.

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how to reduce eye pressure

Drugs to help get rid of the disease

Drugs to reduce pressure relieve headaches and improve overall well-being. They are highly effective, have a good effect on the cardiovascular system. All medicines should be taken with the permission of the attending physician. There are many different pills that lower blood pressure:

  • diuretics - "Indap", "Indapamide";
  • beta-blockers are used in the treatment of hypertension, and this includes Metoprolol, Concor;
  • Means "Lacipil", "Cordaflex" do not allow the development of a stroke, are discharged to patients withaffected peripheral vessels;
  • alpha-blockers, in addition to the main effect, reduce the degree of prostate hypertrophy and more often than others have an undesirable effect on lipid and glucose metabolism (Kornam, Magurol drugs);

  • combined drugs to reduce pressure are prescribed by a doctor, also in the treatment of hypertension sometimes you can not do with one medicine, so you can use the "Logimaks", "Kapozid";
  • drugs "Cint", "Albarel" reduce appetite; since hypertension most often occurs in people who are obese, such drugs are useful in that patients lose weight;
  • angiotensin II receptor antagonists - drugs "Atakand", "Diovan";
  • ACE inhibitors effectively cope with hypertension (Monopril, Enam).
blood pressure medications
blood pressure medications

All of the above drugs to reduce pressure have side effects and contraindications. Therefore, taking them without consulting a specialist is undesirable.

There are times when you get a headache, your blood pressure rises, but you can't go to the pharmacy. What to do if high blood pressure? The first action is to lie down and relax, not to be nervous. When the indicators did not reach 149/90 mm Hg. Art., then the tablets are not recommended to drink. If they are higher than 150/95, then in such a situation it is necessary to take drugs forpressure reduction. With a tendency to high rates, you need to stop smoking, alcohol, exclude all harmful foods from the diet, reduce stress and nervous tension.

Not only blood pressure, but also eye pressure may increase. This symptom indicates that a person has glaucoma. But sometimes there may be other reasons. How to reduce eye pressure? In the presence of glaucoma, it is necessary to drip eye drops that reduce intraocular pressure, if there are inflammatory processes, antibacterial drugs are used.

what to do if high blood pressure
what to do if high blood pressure

Any changes in blood pressure or eye pressure require the establishment of the cause of their occurrence. Do not delay a visit to a therapist who will prescribe treatment. With proper therapy, serious complications can be avoided.
