Furuncle on the coccyx is a fairly common occurrence in both children and adults. With the right treatment, the boil passes and does not appear again - neither in the back and lower back, nor in any other area of the body. The main goal of neoplasm therapy is to draw out the purulent root with the help of ointments and alternative methods of treatment. In some cases, it is possible to pull out the root in one or two days, after which the swelling subsides, the pain goes away, and the tissues regenerate rather quickly.
Causes of neoplasms in the back
Furuncle (popularly known as a "boil") is a very large, painfully inflamed pimple with a large purulent rod inside. Often, having cured one boil, the patient breathes a sigh of relief. However, it is too early to rejoice: almost always, furunculosis forces the patient to treat jumping boils again and again.
Why do boils appear on the coccyx? The fact is that the back, in particular the lower back, is an area of the body that is often exposed to drafts. As a result of a decrease in immunity, a person may suffer fromfurunculosis, which requires complex treatment. A bruised tailbone during a fall is another factor that can lead to damage to the skin and the subsequent appearance of boils.
One should distinguish between forms of dermatological pathologies. Some patients complain about the appearance of acne on the coccyx. Sometimes this happens due to insufficient hygiene of the tale. A furuncle is a kind of small but deep hole on the coccyx that is filled with a purulent rod. Until it is removed, the tissue will become inflamed and the patient will suffer from pain, swelling, and burning. However, sometimes the condition can be defined by a specialist as a fistula or other pathology.

What is dangerous
The main danger of furunculosis is that if the pus does not find a way out, it can go inside. If the pus on the coccyx rushes inward, and the boil does not “break through” the skin from the outside, then the patient can expect many complications: from sepsis to problems with the nervous system.
The easiest way to protect yourself from the possible consequences of furunculosis is to visit a dermatologist surgeon. With the help of a disinfected scalpel, he made an incision and completely removed the purulent root with a special spoon. After treatment, it will be necessary to drink immunomodulatory drugs in order to prevent the recurrence of furunculosis. And treat the wound with medical alcohol or Chlorhexidine. If the patient has had a severe tailbone injury from a fall, treatment should also include an X-ray or CT scan to helpmake sure the spinal cord is not damaged. Also, the pictures are good in the sense that they make sure that the pus from the boil has not gone into the bone tissue.

Rules for the treatment of neoplasms
Often, patients do not want to see a doctor, they are afraid of surgery. Despite the fact that a small operation to remove a purulent root (the intervention does not even require anesthesia, but often doctors meet the patient halfway and inject the area with painkillers) is the fastest and safest way to get rid of the boil, patients prefer treatment with ointments.
Rules that must not be violated when trying to treat a boil on the coccyx at home:
- hands during procedures should be thoroughly washed with soap and dried with a clean towel;
- all instruments used for dressing procedures must be clean;
- pharmaceuticals used in treatment must be of high quality - not expired, packaging must not be damaged;
- if there is no result of treatment after two or three days, you should still consult a doctor.
List of anti-inflammatory and antibiotic ointments
The most popular pharmacy ointments that are inexpensive, but do not lose their effectiveness:
- Ichthyol ointment.
- Heparin ointment.
- Vishnevsky's ointment.
- "Hyoxysone".
- "Levomekol".
Which ointment to choose - withan antibiotic in the composition, with hormones or a conventional anti-inflammatory agent? The main goal in the treatment of a boil on the coccyx is to "pull out" its core completely as soon as possible, while avoiding inflammation and suppuration of nearby tissues. Therefore, it is advisable to use both antibacterial and anti-inflammatory ointment in turn. In addition, many patients, in parallel with pharmacy products, use traditional medicine recipes that have been proven for centuries. Such an integrated approach allows you to get rid of the boil in a couple of days and prevent the subsequent formation of abscesses.

Compresses from a boil with "Dimexide"
"Dimexide" - a solution that is used for burns, festering wounds, boils. It provides a local warming effect, and also promotes deeper penetration into the tissues of the therapeutic components of the compress. Step-by-step instructions for using the product:
- Wash your hands before applying the compress. Prepare honey, "Dimexide" and a clean cotton pad, as well as a piece of adhesive tape.
- Blot a cotton pad with Dimexide. Wipe the area of skin on the coccyx with a boil. Apply a thin layer of honey - this will help reduce the degree of inflammation, reduce the severity of pain and burning, and also speed up the process of bringing the purulent root out.
- Cover the boil with a soaked cotton pad, fix with adhesive tape.
- Leave the compress for half an hour. Control well-being: in some patients, the solution provokesoccurrence of a burn. If the skin is sore, it is better to immediately wash off the remnants of the compress with warm water and do not try this method again.
Ichthyol ointment
Ichthyol ointment is an inexpensive remedy that has anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, analgesic effect. Also, compresses with this ointment will help pull out the purulent rod faster.
Cons means - a sharp unpleasant odor, which is due to the presence of sulfur in the composition. A bandage with ointment can be done three times a day, you can alternate the use of ointment with antibacterial agents. Children under six years of age are not recommended to use ichthyol ointment. The drug costs from 90 to 130 rubles.

Heparin ointment
Heparin ointment has a very versatile effect. With regular use, it prevents the formation of blood clots, relieves local inflammation, eliminates pain. When using compresses on the boil area, it accelerates the ripening period.
The furuncle on the coccyx in men, as a rule, matures in time as much as in women - 3-6 days with no treatment and 1-3 days with regular complex treatment.
The use of heparin ointment is well combined with the use of antibacterial ointments (tetracycline, "Levomekol"). You can even combine them directly together, since the action of heparin ointment improves the absorption of antibiotic components of other ointments.
Heparin ointment is not used in the presence of ulcerative processes, reduced blood clotting, forpregnant women.
Using Vishnevsky's ointment
How to quickly cure a boil on the coccyx in men or women? It is worth trying Vishnevsky's ointment (full name - "Liniment balsamic according to Vishnevsky"). The composition of this tool includes tar and xeroform. These components help to relieve puffiness, provide a slight anti-edematous effect, accelerate the maturation of the boil, regardless of its location.
Dermatologists recommend applying a thin layer of ointment to the affected area around the boil two to three times a day. In this case, it is not necessary to make a compress or bandage, the ointment is quickly absorbed by the tissues. Contraindication for use - allergy or intolerance to tar.

Ointment "Gyoksizon" with a hormonal component
"Gyoksizon" - ointment with combined action, which includes the hormone hydrocortisone and tetracycline antibiotic oxytetracycline. The ointment should be applied to the area of the boil up to 3 times a day, in a thin layer. The duration of treatment is individual for each patient. As a rule, the root of the boil comes out in two to three days from the start of the moment the ointment is used. It is not necessary to put it under a compress - it is enough just to apply a thin layer on the boil and the skin area around it.
Contraindications to the use of "Gyoksizona" - the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding. Also, the ointment is undesirable for people with chronic liver diseases, especially in the acute stage.
"Levomekol" - ointment with antibiotic action
"Levomekol" - cheap (about 90 rubles) and effective pulling ointment from boils with an antibiotic. This is a drug for external use, has a complex effect. Effectively fights inflammation, destroys pathogenic microflora, quickly pulls out the root of the boil, promotes better wound healing (due to the content of methyluracil).
"Levomekol" is best used two or three times a day, under a compress. You can use a medical bandage for this purpose, you can use a cotton pad. You can fix the compress with adhesive tape.

Tetracycline ointment
The antibiotic tetracycline, which is part of the ointment, actively fights pathogenic bacteria, prevents inflammation in the boil hole. In dermatology, it is customary to use tetracycline ointment after the root has come out. The purpose of use is to prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the hole and avoid the recurrence of furunculosis.
If the hole from the boil is large, then the dermatologist puts a surgical "blotter" soaked in a tetracycline preparation. At home, it is quite difficult to carry out such a procedure.

Folk methods of dealing with boils
If a furuncle jumped up on the coccyx, what should I do? Try to use folk remedies that have proven themselves from the best side. They will help the rod with suppuration come outin just a couple of days. You can alternate alternative methods of treatment using pharmacy ointments. After the course of treatment, you should drink a vitamin-mineral complex and think about strengthening immunity.
The two most popular methods of dealing with boils are a compress with baked onions and s alt warming at home. Details of their use are described below. Before use, consult a specialist.
Baked onions as a means to pull out the purulent core of the boil
Peel the onion from the peel, cut off a piece and bake over the fire, strung on the tip of a knife. If the apartment has an electric stove - it does not matter, you can bake a piece of onion in the oven.
When the bulb cools down a bit, attach it to the boil, secure with a bandage and adhesive tape. After half an hour, change the bandage to a fresh one. This method, judging by the feedback from patients, helps to quickly pull the root of the boil out. Our great-great-great-grandfathers used this method at a time when there was no question of any ointments and products with antibiotics in the composition.
Heating a boil with s alt at home
Heating with a saline compress will help reduce pain, relieve swelling. True, not all patient reviews are positive. Some people note that the furuncle on the coccyx after warming up began to hurt more. So this method is quite individual. Step by step instructions:
- Heat a small amount of s alt in a frying pan.
- After the s alt has cooled slightly, pour it into a bag of naturalfabrics. It is important that there are no holes in the bag, otherwise you can burn your hands.
- Apply the bag to the lumbar region so that the coccyx and boil on it are completely covered.
- After the s alt has cooled, remove the bag and lubricate the boil with any of the above ointments. You can also alternate heating with baked onion compresses.