Diseases and conditions
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Appendicitis is usually diagnosed in young people. The reasons for the development of the inflammatory process are still unknown. Doctors express various assumptions and hypotheses. Regardless of the cause of appendicitis, appendectomy is the only treatment option
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If the stomach hurts from above, it is not easy to independently determine the root cause of the phenomenon. Pain can be provoked by organs located in this zone, but sensations can spread here and from another part of the body. To understand exactly what causes them, it is recommended to visit a doctor who will examine the patient and prescribe tests and various instrumental studies
Treatment of joints with s alt. The deposition of s alts in the joints: treatment with folk remedies
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There are quite a few reasons for joint pain. These can be diseases such as arthrosis, arthritis, contracture or inflammation of the joints. As well as rheumatism, polyarthritis and s alt deposits. It is often difficult even for doctors to determine the cause of joint disease, and medications help only temporarily. That is why many people begin to resort to traditional medicine
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Many people sooner or later may notice various white spots or pimples on their lips. A white spot on the lip can appear for various reasons, which should be repelled during treatment
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If the tumor that has arisen on the back is benign, it can very rarely be reborn and practically does not harm the body. But any neoplasm can cause moral discomfort, and sometimes pain due to pressure on the nerve endings
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Sinusitis is a very serious disease, and therefore its treatment must be approached responsibly. And first you need to find out which is better - a puncture, which the doctor will undoubtedly prescribe, or nevertheless antibiotic treatment
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Everything you need to know about agranulocytic angina: a description of the features, causes, clinical symptoms in adults and children, diagnostic methods, treatment, as well as possible complications and preventive measures
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Viral angina most often occurs as a result of exposure to the body of an enterovirus infection, namely the Coxsackie virus. This disease is spread by airborne droplets. It is contagious. Therefore, the spread occurs in sudden outbreaks, quickly covering large groups of people
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The causes of many diseases can be explained by psychosomatics. Herpes on the lips may be the result of understatement or discontent in relation to someone
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What is scleral icterus? You will find the answer to this question in this article. You will also learn about what diseases this phenomenon is typical for and how it should be properly treated
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Every mother wants her child to be he althy. But often babies with weakened immune systems are affected by childhood infectious diseases. It is better not to allow this, but if it does happen, it will be useful to know what measures should be taken to eliminate the infection as soon as possible
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Salmonellosis is a very common foodborne infection affecting children of all ages. The disease responds well to medical treatment, but in some conditions it can lead to the development of dangerous complications
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Everyone has experienced diarrhea, even a he althy person. There are a huge number of reasons for its occurrence, ranging from foods that are incompatible with each other and ending with very serious infections. In this article, severe infections accompanied by excruciating diarrhea, such as cholera, etc., will not be considered. This is a separate issue
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Several recent years in the media you can find unflattering reviews from people vacationing on the Black Sea. The reason for such conversations is the incidence of intestinal infections among tourists. Is it really?
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Long-term or short-term failures in venous circulation can be observed in any person, regardless of gender and age. Quite often, such violations occur when making any everyday ordinary movements, for example, when coughing, when performing fairly light physical exercises, as well as when suddenly turning the head
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Hemorrhoids are a disease of the veins of the rectum, in which they become inflamed and increase in size. There is a formation of so-called cones - vascular nodes, which in especially advanced cases can fall out of the anus
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Hypertensive crisis is fraught with many serious dangers and serious consequences for the whole organism. Complications of a hypertensive crisis can affect a variety of organs, which will adversely affect both the sick person and his well-being. How to determine the complications of this type of disease? How to provide emergency care when primary or secondary signs are detected? And what is the best way to choose a method of treating complications of a hypertensive crisis?
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Many people complain about knee swelling. After all, do not forget that it is on the knee joint that the main load falls during walking. Swelling and pain can be caused by completely different reasons, from injuries to infectious diseases
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Rupture of the anterior cruciate ligaments is a rather complex pathology that requires not only high-quality treatment, but also subsequent rehabilitation. You can't fix an injury on your own
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Sideroblastic anemia, like other types of this disease, is dangerous to human he alth. About what causes the disease can be caused and how to treat it, this material will tell
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Of particular importance both in the diagnosis and in the subsequent choice of therapy are factors provoking pathology. Etiology is a field that just explores causes. Later in the article we will analyze this term in more detail
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Polyneuropathy is a multiple lesion of the peripheral nerves, which is accompanied by such serious symptoms as flaccid paralysis, impaired sensitivity, disorders of the vegetative-vascular nature, etc
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Many people regardless of age and gender experience dizziness in the morning. Often this symptom is accompanied by nausea, darkening of the eyes, in some cases - loss of consciousness. Why this condition occurs, and how to treat it, you will learn from this article
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Sooner or later, many people think about how to remove weakness after an illness. Most often, asthenia worries because of the flu, the most common disease that is difficult for the human body to tolerate. However, similar problems can torment against the background of other diseases. Weakness occurs in both adults and children. Consider the features of such a state
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A cyst is a fairly common diagnosis in medicine. It can form in the ovaries, in the maxillary sinuses, in the brain, and in any organ of our body. The patient, having heard about this from the lips of a doctor, is perplexed: “A cyst? What is a disease? And, most importantly, how dangerous is it? This is exactly what we will talk about today, trying to dispel fears and understand the essence of the problem
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What is PCOS? Causes, symptoms and methods of treatment of the disease. Possible complications and prognosis of pathology. Polycystic during pregnancy
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Today, cystitis is the most common pathology among diseases of the urinary system. Those who have experienced it know how excruciating its symptoms are. This article describes how acute cystitis is treated
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It's very easy to get hurt by accidentally pouring hot liquid on yourself. What to do with a burn with boiling water? How not to cause even more suffering? What medicines can be used for burns with boiling water?
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HIV infection is a contagious disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This virus affects to a greater extent blood cells (immune system), on the surface of which CD4 receptors are present (macrophages, monocytes, T-helpers, as well as Langerhans cells, microglia and dendritic cells)
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Shingles is a dermatological pathology caused by the varicella-zoster virus. The disease is accompanied by severe pain. The disease affects nerve cells and skin. If therapy is not started on time, this viral infection can lead to the development of complications
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Osteochondropathy of the hip joints is increasingly common in pediatric practice. Pathologies belonging to this category usually occur in a severe form. One of these is Perthes disease. In today's article, we will dwell in more detail on the causes of its occurrence and the main symptoms. It will also talk about the methods of treatment used
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The article describes the echocardiography of the heart, indicates the indications for this examination, as well as the features of this procedure
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Staphylococcus - what is it? This is a fairly serious infection that causes a number of serious diseases. Read more about staphylococcal infection in this article
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This microscopic mite lives in the skin of almost every person near the sebaceous glands. According to experts, he can live there throughout a person’s life, without showing himself in any way. However, under the influence of certain factors, the tick wakes up one day, gradually deepens into the skin, thereby causing inflammation. It is this kind of processes in medicine that are officially called demodicosis
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Dementia is acquired dementia, which in most cases is associated with the age of the patient. How to recognize this disease, whether it can be cured, read in this article
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Colds do not always pass without a trace, sometimes after them an inflammatory process develops in the maxillary paranasal sinuses - sinusitis. If the disease is not treated, it will become chronic. How to choose the best remedy for sinusitis? Read about it in the article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Probably, for many owners it will be a pleasant message that it is easy enough to understand if a cat has worms, as well as completely eliminate parasites. This article will be devoted to how to identify the presence of helminths in the body of your pet and correctly diagnose
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Why did the mole become convex? The causes depend on many factors, including the type of skin formation and its location. Most often, convex moles appear on the eyelids, neck, face, back, and décolleté. Neoplasms can bring significant discomfort, and patients seek help from specialists
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What if the child vomits? What to do first? How to help your baby? Such questions are of great concern to parents already at the first symptoms of the disease
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Diaper rash is a non-infectious or microbial inflammation of the skin that occurs anywhere on the body. Very often, diaper rash occurs in the area of u200bu200bfolds of the skin, due to the fact that there is friction of the contacting surfaces in those places where excessive sweating is observed, as well as with a lack of air and overheating of the skin