Heels are cracking. How to treat and how to prevent the disease

Heels are cracking. How to treat and how to prevent the disease
Heels are cracking. How to treat and how to prevent the disease

About a third of women and men of different age groups regularly experience the problem of cracked heels. Such an unpleasant phenomenon can cause a lot of inconvenience and trouble, and in some cases very painful sensations. If the skin on the heels cracks, then there is a high probability that an infection will get into these same cracks, which will lead to an inflammatory process. Moreover, it looks very unaesthetic.

cracked heels how to treat
cracked heels how to treat

Causes of cracks

For many, the problem is becoming more and more urgent: the heels are cracking. How to treat them? First of all, it is necessary to understand the reasons that lead to such an ailment. And they can be the following:

  • excess in the body of any trace elements or vitamins;
  • seasonal beriberi;
  • disturbance of metabolic processes;
  • various fungal diseases;
  • wrong foot skin care.

And if the heels crack, the causes and possible methods of preventing such a problem can only be accurately established by a dermatologist who will carry out all the necessaryexamination and prescribe a complete and effective treatment.

cracked heels causes
cracked heels causes

What can be done for cracked heels

Most of the people who are faced with such a problem are trying by all possible methods to get rid of the cracks themselves, and not to eliminate the main cause of their appearance. On the one hand, this is a natural and normal desire, but do not forget that if the cause is not eliminated, the question: "If the heels crack, how to treat them and how to prevent such troubles?" - will constantly arise. It is for this reason that dermatologists recommend starting treatment by identifying factors that contribute to the recurrence of cracked heels.

Methods for treating cracked heels

1. Pharmaceuticals. Modern pharmacology provides a wide selection of all kinds of creams, ointments and gels, which guarantee that the problem when the heels crack (what exactly to treat - the pharmacist will tell you) will disappear if used correctly for 7-10 days. To enhance the effect, you can pre-make a hot foot bath and use a pumice stone. This procedure will allow you to get rid of dead skin particles, which contributes to a deeper penetration of the ointment and the rapid healing of cracks in the heels. As a rule, such ointments are used in the morning and at night.

cracked skin on the heels
cracked skin on the heels

2. Folk remedies. If the heels crack, how to treat them, many do not know, but you can use very effective folkmeans. You can steam your feet in potato broth and apply warm mashed potatoes directly to the cracks. Such a procedure after 5-7 days will give the desired effect. You can also prepare a homemade ointment from the leaves of the golden mustache and petroleum jelly. To do this, it is necessary to grind the plants and mix them in a ratio of 2: 3 with petroleum jelly. Such an ointment should be kept in the refrigerator and used 2 times a day.

In addition to all the above means, you should also adhere to basic hygiene rules, minimize the use of synthetic socks and tights, unnatural and tight shoes. Nutrition also needs to be monitored. After all, cracked heels require complex treatment. Only this approach will help to completely eradicate the problem.
