Oncology… To date, this is the most terrible word that a person can hear from a doctor. However, oncology does not always carry a life-threatening tumor. Each of us has moles. Often, some formations appear on the skin. This is a verrucous nevus - a special formation on the skin. Simply put, it's a mole. Its strange appearance on the skin often scares people. Many people believe that every stain can provoke cancer. Is it so? What causes verrucous nevus and should it be treated? Let's take a closer look.
Verrucous nevus: what is it?
These are benign growths on the skin that are easily recognized by one external factor: a bumpy surface. Outwardly, it resembles a garland or a head of cabbage, which is covered with cracks and folds.
Verrucous nevus (photo below) tends to bleed and cause ulcers.

In most cases, such formations occur at an early age, sometimes they can be congenital. In adulthood, such a dermatological phenomenon occurs only in 0.5% of the total number of cases. The most dangerous age for the onset of this disease is puberty, precisely at the onset of puberty.
This disease has alternative names: keratotic, warty, linear, melanoma safe.
Verrucous nevus is more commonly diagnosed in women. However, the predisposition to the appearance of this type of education is formed in utero.
Localization of education is different. It usually forms on the legs and arms. However, it can also appear on the face. The size of education can reach 2 centimeters.
Verrucous nevus: causes of occurrence
The exact causes of this disease have not yet been established. However, guided by a number of studies, doctors came to the conclusion that all patients with such a diagnosis have a feature of the gene structure. It is this gene that is responsible for the functioning of skin cells. For this reason, moles are laid during the prenatal state and fetal development.
There are a number of negative factors that provoke the appearance of the disease:
- a sharp change in hormonal levels (mainly in pregnant women);
- the course of an infectious disease of the genitourinary system;
- genetics;
- diseases of the endocrine system;
- negative influence during embryonic development;
- autoimmune pathologies;
- exposure to ultraviolet rays;
- skin injury;
- bad ecological environment.
All of the above circumstances can lead to impaired development of melanoblasts. They accumulate in areas of the skin, and then transform into benign formations.
Specialists distinguish several classifications of nevi. It is immediately necessary to consider the division of moles by size:
- small nevus - from 0.5 cm to 1.5 cm;
- medium nevus - up to 10 cm;
- large nevus - more than 10 cm;
- a giant pigmented formation can occupy a large area of the body (the entire limb or more), in rare cases - half of the face or neck.
Nevuses differ in shape:
Pigmented papillomatous nevus appears immediately after birth. Education noticeably rises above the skin. In appearance, it resembles a papilloma. In rare cases, papillomatous formation is malignant

- Blue nevus.
- Limited Dubreu's melanosis.
- Pigmented borderline nevus.
- Nevus Ota.
- Intradermal pigmented nevus (photo below) refers to a benign formation. Almost never transforms into melanoma. In most cases, this is a congenital skin defect.

Melanocyte-dysplastic is a dangerous type of warty mole. Outwardly, the formation looks like a blurry spot rising above the surface of the skin

An important factor in the emergence of this type of education is heredity. It has been scientifically proven that solarium and ultraviolet rays have a negative effect on the skin. Their abuse can lead to malignant transformation into melanoma.
A distinctive feature of each formation is its individual structure, localization on the body and morphological features. The main decisive factor is the ability to degenerate (malignancy and transformation into melanoma). Conditionally verrucous nevus is a precancerous disease. However, some doctors classify nevi differently: melanoma-prone and capable of metastasis.
Classification according to ICD-10
ICD is an international classification of diseases. Verrucous nevus according to ICD-10 has its own species variety. Directly pigmented nevus is usually divided by localization.
In the ICD, the nevus is divided into forms. The first of them is melanoform (D22). The affected area is defined: the scalp, eyelid, ear, other parts of the face, upper and lower limbs. Species classifications include the following:
- non-neoplastic nevi (I78.1, exception - some forms of class D22);
- congenital non-neoplastic nevi.
Also, in the ICD-10, acquired warty nevus is distinguished under the code Q82.5. Pathology usually manifests itself in childhood. Warty spots are located in those places where the skin is constantly injured. A warty nevus has a bumpy surface. Outwardly, it resembles a large birthmark. Herises above the skin and has a dark brown or black tint. Warty nevus is not cancerous. Therefore, it does not bring much danger.
Each of the forms and types has its own characteristics. Moreover, the method of treatment is radically different. Some species are only surgically removed, others are physically removed, and others are not subject to any treatment.
Malignancy: signs of a nevus
Nevus can transform into melanoma. Verrucous nevus can be dangerous if damaged under the following conditions:
- large size nevus;
- nevus is located on an open area of the skin;
- nevus is localized in natural folds (in the collar area, on the feet);
- when causing injury: cut, prolonged friction.
Transformation of a nevus appears in color. There are qualitative changes. The color of native brown is approaching deep black.

The spot rises above the surface of the skin and begins to bleed. The border of the spot is usually fuzzy, blurred. An accelerated growth of a nevus is noticeable with accompanying painful symptoms: itching, tingling, pulling pain, induration, suppuration, peeling, hair, change in color and structure. If you feel one of the symptoms, you should immediately consult an oncologist.
Verrucous nevus is examined necessarily with a preliminary collection of anamnesis (aggregate information about the patient and the form of his disease).
With this datait is possible to establish at what age education began to develop and when it stopped growing.

The presence of a malignant tumor is established by the method of biopsy and histology. Typical fresh items are selected for the first study.
Histological examination is carried out after the tumor has been removed. Thanks to him, the doctor can clarify histogenesis, the depth of the lesion and the presence of transformations.
Treatment methods
Depending on the specific form of education, the doctor will prescribe removal. Otherwise, accidental trauma may cause more growth and infection.

There are other forms of treatment:
- Radio wave removal is considered less traumatic. If the formation is large, then after the procedure it will be necessary to suture. With this method of treatment, the cells evaporate. The operation is painless. Puffiness and redness are almost non-existent.
- Laser removal - non-contact elimination of education. This method can be used to remove small formations that are localized on the face, neck and chest.
- The classic surgical technique is considered the most relevant if the verrucous nevus is large. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, adult patients are given local anesthesia.
This type of education is considered safe.
Verrucous nevus is usually treated withgood quality education. Since this disease only in rare cases can be transformed into a malignant form. In 80% of cases, the prognosis is more than favorable.
In some cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor if the mole appeared in old age, its size is large and their number has changed dramatically.
Permanent damage, friction of the skin at the site of the nevus negatively affects its structure. Therefore, in order to avoid terrible consequences and complications, you must immediately consult a doctor to remove the formations.