Many of us find ourselves in difficult situations, and they can arise out of nowhere: twisted his leg on the stairs, got a splinter on the railing, cut his leg on the glass. “I pierced my leg with a nail, what should I do?” - such a question can often be found on various forums and blogs, and we will devote this article to it.

If someone pierces the foot with a nail, you should disinfect the wound as soon as possible. When decontaminating your wound, carefully examine it and try to consider how deep the nail went into your leg. In the event of a deep penetration of the nail, you should immediately go to the hospital or the nearest emergency room, where you can get qualified and more professional help.
Don't put off going to the hospital! In the case of deep penetration of the nail, the wound can fester and thereby develop into such a terrible disease as gangrene. If the nail damages the tendon, then in the future this can significantly affectmotor functions of the leg. What does first aid involve when someone pierces their foot with a rusty nail?
If the nail was small (no more than 2 cm), then you should carefully examine the wound, wash it and bandage the leg. If you feel a headache, your temperature rises, and your leg becomes noticeably swollen, see your doctor right away. Do not put off going to the specialists, because this can lead to rather sad consequences.

Deep puncture with a rusty nail
I pierced my foot with a nail - what to do first? First, treat the wound with a disinfectant solution (iodine, brilliant green, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, etc.), then apply a bandage. Next, you should carefully monitor changes in your he alth: if you are vaccinated against tetanus, then you practically do not need to worry, but if not, then you should immediately consult a doctor. What for? And then, in order not to replenish the statistics of the unfortunate who neglected medical care. Keep in mind that one in four patients die from tetanus!
Tetanus: what is the danger
I pierced my foot with a nail - what to do? This question was answered in the above paragraphs. Now we should consider such a disease as tetanus. First of all, it is dangerous for its toxins, which very quickly penetrate the body along with the bloodstream. Within 5-7 days, tetanus can cause damage to neuromuscular synapses.

Symptoms include seizures, changes in bone and muscle tissue. Among other things, cardiovascular activity is disturbed, and spasms of the respiratory tract may occur. Also, the symptoms of the disease include muscle weakness and pain in the spine.
Now you are savvy in the question: "I pierced my foot with a nail, what should I do?" If this has happened to you, don't fret. All in your hands! Knowledge, supported by practice, has never interfered with anyone. But it's best not to get into such unpleasant situations.