What to do if your ears hurt

What to do if your ears hurt
What to do if your ears hurt

You never know what's going to happen. For example, an ear can hurt at any time. And what to do? The best solution is to go to the doctor. But it is not always possible to find time for this. You will have to heal yourself. So, what to do if your ears hurt? Let's review our action plan.

what to do if your ears hurt
what to do if your ears hurt

First you need to figure out why your ear hurts. The most common cause is otitis media. In other words, inflammation. Click on the protrusion in the ear in front of the hole. If the pain intensifies, unfortunately, it is otitis media. It is accompanied by "shooting" in the ear, discharge of pus, fever. So, what to do if your ears hurt? With a mild form of otitis media, you can get rid of a compress (cut the onion into a fine gruel, heat it, wrap it in gauze, put it on top of the ear, warm it with a scarf or scarf), but self-medication does not always help, and sometimes even harms. In any case, you need to visit a doctor, especially when pus appears.

Another possible cause is tooth decay. Pain in the tooth can be quite sensitive to give to the ears. Usually it is not constant, pulsating. If you press on the tooth, the pain will become even stronger. What to do if your ears hurt due to caries? You can only get rid of itone way: to cure a tooth. Which means you need to go to the dentist. But it's easy to ease the pain. You can not eat cold and hot food, as well as too hard. Don't press on the tooth. In no case do not make a compress on the jaw or ear. Do not eat potentially dirty food (seeds, unwashed fruits), it can cause infection. If the ear hurts too much, you can take painkillers, but it is better not to overdo it with it. Another couple of ways to relieve pain is to rinse your mouth with a solution of soda (1 teaspoon to 1 glass of warm, but not hot water and a couple of drops of iodine) or anoint the tooth with onion and garlic gruel.

ear hurts a lot
ear hurts a lot

If you catch a nerve, it can affect your ear too. It is easy to determine this cause: the pain appears when you eat, brush your teeth or touch your face. It occurs suddenly, does not last long, looks like an electric shock, is accompanied by muscle spasms. In this case, it is necessary to calm the nerve. Vitamin B will help. But if the pain does not stop, you need to urgently visit a neurologist.

Sometimes pain comes with a cold. What to do if your ears hurt on the background of SARS? First you need to drip into the nose a medicine that narrows the blood vessels, while slightly tilting the head towards the affected ear. Also, special anti-inflammatory drops can be poured into the ear.

Sometimes you get stuffy in your ears after visiting the pool. The feeling is the same as when a cork forms. In such a situation, drop hydrogen peroxide or petroleum jelly into your ear. Try to surround the ear with warmth. If a sulfur plug has formed, you need to buy drops at the pharmacy that softenher, and drip them according to the recipe.

why does my ear hurt
why does my ear hurt

Excessive amount of wax in the ears is a problem. But its lack is also a problem. In this case, the ear canal is too dry, which can cause fungus, followed by itching. For such problems in the pharmacy there are special antifungal drops. However, remember that it is better to find time to visit a doctor than self-medicate.
