Dilatation is, according to the medical encyclopedia, a term derived from the Latin word dilatatio, which means "expansion." So in modern medicine they mean a persistent increase in the lumen in the cavity of an organ, leading to an increase in its volume.
Today we will talk about cases of dilatation of the left ventricle of the heart and the lateral ventricles of the brain. Let's find out if these changes are dangerous and how to deal with them.
Dilatation is a result of the accumulation of a large amount of blood

The left ventricle of the heart is the chamber responsible for pumping blood in our body. It is this part of the heart muscle that performs the functions of a pump: either decreasing or increasing in volume, it lets in blood from the left atrium and delivers it to the largest artery - the aorta, in order to then carry it to all organs of the human body.
When the aorta or its valve is narrowed for some reason, a large amount of blood accumulates in the left ventricle, leading to its overload and causing stretching - dilatation.
This situation can also arise whensome heart defects, when too much blood enters the left ventricle.
Causes causing dilatation
Sometimes, dilatation of the left ventricle is caused by a previous inflammation of the heart - viral myocarditis. Often the cause of the expansion of the lumen is coronary heart disease or hypertension.
Expansion of the ventricle may appear in a patient in the post-infarction period, initially caused by stretching of the infarction area itself (due to the divergence of muscle fibers), and then neighboring areas. The reason for this is the weakening of the wall of the left ventricle and the loss of its elasticity, which provokes excessive stretching.

How is dilation detected
Minor dilatation is usually asymptomatic. Patients in this case do not make complaints that could make one suspect the presence of an extension. But if, as a result of this pathological process, the pumping function of the heart decreases, then the patient may show signs of heart failure: weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath, swelling of the limbs, etc.
Signs of dilatation can be determined by the results of the ECG, but it is impossible to identify it accurately, only with the help of this examination. The main method for this is an ultrasound of the heart. It helps to detect a previous heart attack or heart defects, and this, in turn, indicates the presence of an extension. With the help of ultrasound, the diameter of the ventricle is also measured (in other words, its end-diastolic size - EDD).
True, it should be noted that KDRis not an absolute indicator. With an average norm of 56 mm, it can vary depending on the height, weight and physical fitness of a particular person. If for a two-meter athlete weighing more than 100 kg, 58 mm can be the norm, then for a woman weighing 45 kg and reaching a height of only 155 cm, this figure is already a sign of dilation.
How serious are the consequences of dilation

The article has already mentioned that dilation is a possible trigger for the development of heart failure. In addition, some forms of arrhythmia, including life-threatening ones, may develop in the dilated ventricle.
Following the appearance of this pathology, the patient may experience an expansion of the diameter of the valve ring, which, as a rule, leads to deformation of the valve itself and, as a result, to the development of an acquired defect - mitral insufficiency.
Therefore, it is very important that the dilatation of the left ventricle of the heart is detected in time and its adequate treatment begins under the supervision of a cardiologist. This will help stabilize the patient's condition and significantly improve the duration and quality of his life.

What is mild lateral ventricular dilatation?
The human brain also has cavities called ventricles. There, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is produced, which is excreted through special channels. As a rule, the expansion of the ventricles is a sign that either the fluid is produced in excess, or it does not have time to be excreted normally,or there are some obstacles in her way.
Normally, the depth of the lateral ventricles of the brain is from 1 to 4 mm. At high rates, causing the disappearance of their lateral curvature, we are talking about dilation. But it should be borne in mind that this is not a diagnosis, but a symptom of some disease that doctors must identify and eliminate.
Is it always dangerous to have dilation?
Clinical practice shows that dilatation is by no means always a sign of the presence of some significant pathology. It is most often found in premature babies, due to the fact that the size of these ventricles is much larger than in babies who appeared on time, or is a feature of the structure of the skull of a particular child.
But nevertheless, the presence of a diagnosed dilatation of the lateral ventricles of the brain requires monitoring the dynamics of growth and development of the baby. If no violations are found during the control period, then the baby is considered he althy.
Don't get sick!