The term "mycotic eczema" refers to a disease of a dermatological nature, the course of which is accompanied by weeping and severely itchy rashes. Pathology is a combination of an allergic reaction and a fungal infection. With a timely visit to the doctor, the prognosis is favorable, but it is important to understand that the treatment of the disease is long and involves an integrated approach.
Development mechanism
Mycotic eczema is not a common fungal infection. The mechanism of its development includes two processes at once that occur simultaneously: the active life of a pathogenic microorganism and an allergic reaction. It is their combination that leads to a disease that is characterized by pronounced symptoms.
The causative agent of mycotic eczema is a fungus. In total there are more than 500 species. However, most often, mold fungi and the genus Candida, epidermophyton, trichophyton, and alsocausative agents of trichosporia nodosum and versicolor.
According to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), mycotic eczema is assigned the code L30.3 "Infectious dermatitis".

In order to start the process of disease development, the usual penetration of the fungus into the human body is not enough. The defeat of the skin occurs only when a specific reaction of the defense system to the infection appears. It can occur under the influence of many provoking factors.
The main ones are as follows:
- Genetic predisposition.
- Diseases of the endocrine system. First of all, the risk group includes people suffering from diabetes.
- Tendency to develop atopic reactions.
- Various pathologies of a chronic nature.
- Frequent cold episodes.
- Deficiency in the body of vitamins and other vital substances.
- Long-term use of antibiotics, corticosteroids, immunomodulators.
- Hormonal disorders.
In the presence of one or more provoking factors, the body's sensitivity to the pathogen increases and antibodies are produced. When the fungus penetrates, the process of forming a very strong immune response starts. In this case, the defense system attacks the pathogen and affects the cells of its own body.
Regardless of the causes, the treatment of eczema on the hands, feet and other parts of the body should be started in a timely manner. Diseaseprogresses quite quickly. At the same time, it is accompanied by pronounced symptoms that contribute to a decrease in the quality of human life. Even after recovery, relapse episodes are not uncommon.

Fungal eczema is a disease during which the following stages can be traced:
- Initially, there is a formation of red spots of a rounded shape with clear boundaries. Gradually, papules and vesicles filled with pathological contents form on them. In a short period of time, they open up, and a weeping surface remains in their place, cracks appear on the skin. During this period, patients complain of severe pain and itching.
- Gradually weeping areas dry up and become covered with crusts of pink or yellow. Over time, they separate from the skin and disappear. In this case, new rashes appear, and the lesions become larger.
Most often, microbial mycotic eczema is found on the palms (mainly between the fingers) and feet. Less often, the disease affects the skin in the area of the elbow and knee bends, shins. If the patient already has eczema of a different nature, when a secondary infection is added, the pathological focus occurs in the place where the primary development of the disease occurred.

When the first warning signs appear, you need to contact a dermatologist. During the appointment, the doctor must provide informationregarding the symptoms present, their severity, as well as the existing diseases. After the interview, the dermatologist conducts a physical examination. Already at this stage, the doctor can establish the presence of mycotic eczema, which is due to specific signs of pathology.
In order to confirm the diagnosis, the specialist scrapes skin cells from the affected area. Analysis of the biomaterial allows you to identify a specific pathogen, which is important for drawing up the most effective treatment regimen for mycotic eczema. If necessary, additional studies may be prescribed, based on the results of which one can judge the presence of certain provoking factors.

Drug therapy
Regardless of the identified causes, the treatment of eczema on the hands, feet, and other areas requires an integrated approach. It is necessary to simultaneously fight the disease, carry out symptomatic therapy, and also implement measures aimed at improving the whole body. Even after successful treatment for the purpose of prevention, a person needs to make adjustments to the daily routine and nutrition.
The drug regimen for the treatment of mycotic eczema includes the following items:
- Antifungal therapy. As a rule, doctors prescribe the following drugs: Ketoconazole, Itraconazole, Terbinafine. The disease can affect the skin even in the scalp. In this case, dermatologists recommend using special medicated shampoos. If the size of the hearthpathology is small, external preparations are prescribed. With mycotic eczema, doctors recommend treating the skin with Ketoconazole, Terbinafine and Clotrimazole. If the patient has candidiasis as the main disease, other antimycotic agents are prescribed: Nystatin, Amphotericin B, Levorin.
- Antiallergic therapy. Reducing the body's sensitivity to the pathological process is an important step in the treatment of mycotic eczema. The weaker the immune system reacts to the growth of the pathogen, the easier the person will endure the disease. In order to reduce the severity of allergies, the following drugs are prescribed: Claritin, Erius, Suprastin, Zodak, Tsetrin. If the adverse reaction is manifested with high intensity, the drugs are administered to the patient intramuscularly or intravenously. For this purpose, doctors use Calcium Gluconate and Tavegil.
- Anti-inflammatory therapy. It involves the use of creams and ointments. As a rule, dermatologists recommend using the following external agents: Hydrocortisone, Prednitop, Elocom, Sinaflan, Laticort, Advantan. After stopping the acute inflammatory process, combined drugs are prescribed, for example, Pimafucort.
Against the background of drug therapy, the patient also needs to make adjustments to the diet.

Features of the diet
In the presence of any kind of eczema, it is necessary to completely revise the daily menu. It is necessary to completely exclude from the diet:
- fatty meats;
- spicy and fried foods;
- coffee;
- garlic;
- nuts;
- confectionery;
- tomatoes;
- muffin;
- smoked products;
- citrus;
- honey;
- milk;
- beets;
- strawberries;
- wheat;
- melon;
- garnet.
In addition, you need to minimize the consumption of cranberries, apricots, buckwheat, rice, peas, rabbit meat, broccoli, peaches, fatty fish, duck, corn and lingonberries.
The diet for mycotic eczema should include the following foods:
- mutton;
- horsemeat;
- watermelon;
- plum;
- any greens;
- pumpkin;
- turnip;
- apples;
- gooseberry;
- bananas;
- lean fish;
- kefir;
- offal;
- cucumbers;
- zucchini.
All dishes are recommended to be boiled or steamed. The duration of the diet is determined by the doctor. As a rule, the standard period of its observance is a time period of 3 weeks. It is important to understand that a diet is not starvation. The patient's diet must be balanced so as not to cause even more harm to the body. After stopping the acute process, it is allowed to consume the minimum amount of products that are potential allergens 2-3 times a week.

Folk remedies
The use of non-traditional methods does not eliminate the needvisits to a doctor. Only after his permission is it allowed to use folk methods. This is due to the fact that most medicinal products are potential allergens and can worsen the course of the pathology.
The most effective recipes for mycotic eczema:
- In the presence of weeping rashes, chop viburnum berries and prepare a decoction from them. With the help of the received funds, it is necessary to make lotions on the affected areas.
- For better healing, it is recommended to treat the skin with sea buckthorn oil. In addition, the tool helps to eliminate swelling, peeling and itching.
- Take equal amounts of string, yarrow and aloe. Fill them with water and boil for 20 minutes. With the help of the resulting decoction, make compresses on the areas affected by the fungus.
Regular use of traditional methods reduces the duration of the disease and improves the quality of life.

Advice to patients
Mycotic eczema is an insidious disease, because even after recovery, relapses can occur. Patients need to adhere to a therapeutic diet, avoid overeating and getting into stressful situations. If psycho-emotional instability occurs against the background of excruciating symptoms, the doctor selects mild sedatives.
The outcome of the disease directly depends on the timeliness of seeking medical help. In most cases, the prognosis is favorable, but even after recovery, relapse episodes do not occur.excluded.
To prevent the development of mycotic eczema, it is necessary to constantly protect the body from the appearance of provoking factors. To do this, you need to wash your hands regularly, treat identified diseases in a timely manner, and wear gloves when cleaning. In addition, it is recommended to avoid skin contact with vegetable and fruit juices.
In conclusion
Mycotic eczema is a pathology, the development of which is based on two mechanisms at once: an allergic reaction and a fungal infection. If you have any warning signs, you should consult a dermatologist. The doctor will carry out diagnostic measures, based on the results of which he will draw up an effective treatment regimen.