The article will discuss in detail the treatment and diagnosis of diabetes. This disease is one of the varieties of metabolic disorders in the human body, which is characterized by an increase in blood sugar levels. The disease occurs, as a rule, with defects in the production of insulin in the body, as well as a violation of its functions. There are cases when both of these factors occur in diabetes mellitus.

In addition to the fact that the level of sugar increases, this disease is characterized by its excretion in the urine, disorders of fat, mineral and protein metabolism, increased thirst.
Timely diagnosis of diabetes is very important.
Disease types
There are the following varieties of this disease:
- Type 1 diabetes, when there is a death of beta cells in an organ such as the pancreas. These cells are known to produceinsulin.
- Type 2 diabetes, when tissue resistance to insulin develops or there is a defect in its production.
- Gestational type that can occur during pregnancy.
Clinic, diagnosis, treatment of diabetes are of interest to many.
The second type of disease is characterized by:
- Overweight. A common cause of the disease is a tendency to obesity, physical inactivity, smoking, dietary errors and overeating.
- Hereditary predisposition. Type 2 diabetes can often be inherited from immediate family members. If with type 1 the lack of insulin is of paramount importance, then with type 2 it is relative. Often there is enough insulin in the blood, and sometimes its indicators are even higher than normal. But tissues lose sensitivity to it.
- Hidden symptoms in the early stages. This is the main risk of developing severe he alth consequences. The person may even suddenly fall into a coma.

Other varieties
Other types of diabetes may occur for the following reasons:
- diabetes, which is caused by various infections;
- genetic anomalies;
- diabetes caused by drugs or other chemicals;
- pancreatitis or injuries of the pancreas, its removal, thyrotoxicosis, Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome.
Diagnosing diabetes is often difficult.
Diabetes mellitus can manifest itself in the following conditions:
- general weakness;
- appetite increase;
- thirst and copious urination;
- vitiligo and other skin lesions;
- decrease in visual acuity.
Success of treatment will ensure:
- identifying a specific form of diabetes;
- assessment of the general condition of the body;
- detection of all complications and pathologies.

Differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes
Characteristic signs of type 1 diabetes:
- frequent urination;
- dry mouth, constant thirst;
- weight loss.
Symptomatology develops quickly. The onset of the disease by the patient is determined exactly. People get sick more often at a young age.
In the second type of the disease, the symptoms are hidden in the early stages. The patient can consult a doctor about the treatment of pathologies such as:
- retinopathy;
- cataract;
- ischemic heart disease;
- impaired cerebral circulation;
- damage to blood vessels in limbs;
- kidney failure, etc.

Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus - detection of the level of glycated hemoglobin
If a person has the above symptoms of diabetes, and blood sugar levels are significantly elevated, the doctor will start testing to confirm the diagnosis.
First thingThis is a special blood test for glycated hemoglobin. Methods for diagnosing diabetes mellitus do not have to be carried out on an empty stomach, and the results obtained do not depend on the presence of inflammatory processes in the body, alcohol in the blood, and other factors. However, it may be difficult to analyze an anemic patient when the level of total hemoglobin is significantly reduced. This study concerns all categories of patients, excluding pregnant women. They require glucose tolerance testing. If, as a result of the analysis, it is revealed that the glycated hemoglobin in a patient is 6.5% or more, he is diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, since in he althy people this indicator usually does not exceed 5%.
What else is the diagnosis of diabetes?

Diagnosis of prediabetic conditions
In pre-diabetic conditions, this figure can be 5.5-6.3%. This means that the patient has an increased risk of death due to the presence of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, chronic complications develop, which are provoked by diabetes.
Prediabetes is easy to manage with specific treatments that are used for type 2 diabetes. In this case, the patient must follow a strict diet and take medications, and, if necessary, give insulin injections.
Diagnosis of type 2 diabetes is very common.
Determination of sugar level
The disease of the second type characterizes primarily high glucose levels. This indicator may be more than 7 mmol / l. In this case, there is a violation of the susceptibility of tissues and their cells to insulin. With this type of diabetes, one blood test will not be enough to make an accurate diagnosis. It is carried out in 2 stages. The first sampling of material for analysis is carried out on an empty stomach, the second - after eating. Such a study is usually more informative.
Diagnosis depends on the type of diabetes mellitus.

Increased glucose levels cause serious damage to he alth, because as a result of this, chronic kidney damage develops, vision deteriorates, blood vessels and capillaries suffer greatly. These complications can occur already at glucose levels above 6.0 mmol / l, at a rate of up to 5 mmol / l.
Diagnosis of this disease in pregnant women is somewhat different from the usual, since blood glucose levels may be lower than in patients with this disease, which greatly complicates the process of making an adequate diagnosis. Differential diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is important.
Other tests are: blood for creatinine, blood biochemistry, general and daily urinalysis and others.
Diabetes Treatment
Most patients who comply with the instructions of the attending physician, the parameters of laboratory tests, as a rule, are normal. In addition to diet, diabetics are shown regular exercise and weight control.
Diet nutrition for all types of diabetes provides for the normalization of fat and carbohydrate metabolism in the body.
Treatment of this disease can be carried out with the help of insulin preparations, which are divided into 4 groups:
- Ultra-short-acting drugs that already 10-20 minutes after taking have a therapeutic effect lasting 3-4 hours;
- quick-acting drugs that start working in 20-30 minutes and last up to 8 hours;
- medium-acting drugs - work up to 20 hours, and begin to work approximately 1-2 hours after taking;
- long-acting drugs - up to 26 hours, with the onset of action - after 3 hours.
Insulin preparations with dosage instructions should only be prescribed by an endocrinologist in each particular case of the disease.

Insulin administration
A fold of skin needs to be created at the injection site for the correct insertion of the needle. It should not be injected into the muscle tissue, but under the skin layer. Such a fold should be wide, the angle of insertion of the needle should be approximately 45 °. In this case, areas of skin induration should be avoided.
There are also differences in the administration of insulin preparations depending on the duration of their action. So, drugs with a shortened effect are injected into the fatty tissue of the abdomen, about half an hour before a meal. Long-acting insulin is injected under the skin of the thighs or buttocks.