Diseases and conditions 2024, October

The joint of the foot hurts: causes, diagnosis and treatment methods

The joint of the foot hurts: causes, diagnosis and treatment methods

The human foot is an important element of the musculoskeletal system. It is designed to move and maintain the body in an upright position. This part of the leg bears a colossal load of a static and dynamic nature, which is supported by stable joints, developed soft tissues, strong muscles and ligaments. Inflammation of the joints of the foot occurs as a result of injuries, infections, severe overload, wearing uncomfortable shoes

Main periods of fevers: description

Main periods of fevers: description

Basic periods of fever. Symptoms of periods of fever. How to alleviate the patient's condition at a certain stage of fever?

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis with drugs and folk remedies. What is dangerous chronic tonsillitis

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis with drugs and folk remedies. What is dangerous chronic tonsillitis

In medicine, the term "chronic tonsillitis" refers to an infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract. The formation of an inflammatory focus occurs in the tonsils. The main starting factor for the development of pathology is the long-term effect of pathogens on lymphoid tissue

Sore throat: how to treat and what to do

Sore throat: how to treat and what to do

Pain in the throat, swelling of the larynx, a slight rise in temperature are signals of the development of the inflammatory process. The question immediately arises: how to treat? A sore throat can be for the following reasons - tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis. Therapy of these ailments is recommended to begin immediately, since if left untreated, there is a high risk of serious consequences

Lacunar angina: photos, symptoms and treatment

Lacunar angina: photos, symptoms and treatment

Lacunar tonsillitis is a complex disease that, if not properly treated, can provoke various complications. Treatment is carried out mainly with the help of antibacterial drugs, as well as local agents. Only complex therapy guarantees a successful recovery

What are lymph nodes: location, structure and size. Causes of enlarged lymph nodes

What are lymph nodes: location, structure and size. Causes of enlarged lymph nodes

What are lymph nodes? You will find an exhaustive answer to the question asked in the materials of the article. In addition, we will talk about the structure of the presented organ, as well as the causes of its inflammation, possible consequences, etc

Swollen lymph nodes in the neck: possible causes, symptoms and treatment features

Swollen lymph nodes in the neck: possible causes, symptoms and treatment features

Often, with colds, the patient complains that, in addition to sore throats, he has swollen lymph nodes in his neck. In this case, the doctor should prescribe an examination, because there are a lot of reasons for hypertrophy. Some of them are very dangerous and require immediate qualified treatment

Total pneumonia: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Total pneumonia: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

With total pneumonia, the pathological process extends to the entire lung (unlike subtotal lesion, in which only part of the organ is affected). In this case, inflammation can be present both on one and on two lobes of the organ. The results of treatment and the prognosis for recovery will depend on the degree and severity of lung damage, which is due to the volume of tissue damage

Gestational diabetes in pregnancy: causes and consequences

Gestational diabetes in pregnancy: causes and consequences

Gestational diabetes during pregnancy is quite rare, but it is very dangerous for its complications, which is why it is important to undergo examinations in a timely manner, strictly follow all doctor's instructions, control your weight and monitor nutrition

Morton's syndrome (Morton's neuroma): causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Morton's syndrome (Morton's neuroma): causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Morton's neuroma - what is this disease? Morton's syndrome: causes and symptoms of the disease, methods of diagnosis, treatment of pathology. Treatment with folk remedies. How to choose the right insoles?

Cysticercosis: symptoms in humans, treatment, prevention

Cysticercosis: symptoms in humans, treatment, prevention

One of the most terrible helminthic diseases is cysticercosis. His symptoms at first after infection are insignificant, and when they become apparent, death often occurs, and it is quite difficult to diagnose cysticercosis. Treating it with pills is dangerous, and surgically difficult. What to do if the infection did occur? How to avoid it?

Diagnosis of MARS in a child: causes of the disease, methods of diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Diagnosis of MARS in a child: causes of the disease, methods of diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

The human heart is laid at the end of the third week of pregnancy, develops throughout the entire period inside the womb. In the process of its formation, not only the myocardium (heart muscle) is formed, but also the connective tissue that creates the fibrous "skeleton" of large vessels (pulmonary artery, aorta, inferior and superior vena cava, veins of the lungs) and the organ

All the muscles of the body hurt: the reasons for which doctor to contact. How to treat muscle pain

All the muscles of the body hurt: the reasons for which doctor to contact. How to treat muscle pain

In medical practice, muscle pain is commonly referred to as "myalgia". Such unpleasant sensations are familiar to many people. Muscles can hurt not only with tension, but also at rest. It should be noted that in most cases, myalgia does not pose any danger to the patient's life, but it significantly complicates his life

Keratoma is Symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Keratoma is Symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

There are different types of benign neoplasms. Each of them has its own nature of origin and is formed from a certain type of tissue, and also has its own place of localization. Any person will be justifiably worried about neoplasms on the skin, not only in terms of functional inconvenience and aesthetically unattractive appearance, but also in terms of possible malignancy of the tumor and its degeneration into cancer

Psoriasis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Psoriasis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Psoriasis is a chronic relapsing disease. The main symptom of the disease is abundant rashes of scaly papules. Psoriasis, the causes of which are quite problematic to reliably determine, most often manifests itself in young people under the age of thirty years

How to treat diaper rash in a patient?

How to treat diaper rash in a patient?

Diaper rash is an inflammation and skin infection caused by a fungal or microbial infection, which also occurs in adults, but more often in young children. The article tells about the causes and symptoms, how to treat diaper rash with the help of pharmaceutical preparations and medicinal plants, some recipes are given

How to treat sinusitis at home with folk remedies? Effective methods and reviews

How to treat sinusitis at home with folk remedies? Effective methods and reviews

How to treat sinusitis at home is of interest to so many patients who want to quickly get rid of this disease and not carry out a puncture. There are many traditional medicine recipes that help to quickly eliminate inflammation, swelling and remove accumulated mucus

High blood pressure and temperature in an adult: causes and treatments

High blood pressure and temperature in an adult: causes and treatments

Why is there a simultaneous increase in temperature and pressure in an adult? Causes and treatments for this condition

Hernia of the lumbar spine: signs, causes, treatment and exercises

Hernia of the lumbar spine: signs, causes, treatment and exercises

Among the numerous complications of osteochondrosis, lumbar intervertebral hernia is most common. What are the reasons for its development? How does it manifest itself? What is the danger of an intervertebral hernia? Is it possible to recover without surgery and what are the methods of treatment?

Throat treatment at home - the first line of defense

Throat treatment at home - the first line of defense

In this article we will look at the main symptoms of pain in the larynx, and also recall some time-tested remedies that can save you from the disease at the initial stage

Waldenström macroglobulinemia: symptoms, causes, prognosis

Waldenström macroglobulinemia: symptoms, causes, prognosis

Hereditary blood diseases are quite rare, but they pose a great danger to humans. One such disease is Vandelström macroglobulinemia

Leptospirosis (Weil's disease) in humans: transmission routes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Leptospirosis (Weil's disease) in humans: transmission routes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Modern man coexists with the animal world and can no longer imagine his diet without meat products. Unfortunately, such "proximity" is fraught with many dangers. Rodents and livestock are carriers of many diseases. One of these is leptospirosis or Weil's disease. This is a serious infectious pathology, leading to severe complications and even death

I wonder what herpes is

I wonder what herpes is

Ask anyone what herpes is, and everyone will answer you that this thing is rather unpleasant. It is necessary to treat as quickly as possible to save yourself from discomfort

Gooseberries. Diseases and pests of northern grapes

Gooseberries. Diseases and pests of northern grapes

Gooseberries are tasty and very he althy, and thorny branches allow the crop to be used as a hedge. With good agricultural technology, you can get up to 15 kg of berries from one bush, so gooseberries can be prolific. Diseases and insects significantly reduce the yield, so it is important to provide the plant with good care and protection from pests during the growing season

Subclinical hypothyroidism: symptoms in women

Subclinical hypothyroidism: symptoms in women

Increase in overall body weight, fatigue, skin deformities, hair loss - such signs can become ordinary for every woman. Many patients suffer from subclinical hypothyroidism in the initial stage, that is, a disease that can cause life-threatening symptoms. Some experts still cannot unequivocally decide whether treatment is required in this case

How to get rid of muscle cramps?

How to get rid of muscle cramps?

Surely, everyone or almost everyone knows what convulsions are. This phenomenon is especially well known to athletes and pregnant women. At best, the cramp will disturb us at night and will pass just as it began, without causing harm. At worst, she will grab, for example, while swimming. And then there is a direct threat to life

Payr's syndrome: causes, symptoms, treatment

Payr's syndrome: causes, symptoms, treatment

Payr's syndrome is a congenital anomaly, which is a narrowing of the lumen of the large intestine due to its inflection in the region of the splenic curvature. With this pathology, there are pains in the abdomen, heart, under the shoulder blade, nausea, vomiting, constipation. Such symptoms are characteristic of many diseases, which is why a misdiagnosis is often made. How to define Payr's syndrome? How to cure it without surgery? What's the forecast?

Can there be a temperature with allergies?

Can there be a temperature with allergies?

Fever in a child is an indisputable symptom of an inflammatory process in the body. The higher the thermometer reading, the more actively the body fights an infection or virus. Is it possible to have a fever with allergies? Doctors answer this question ambiguously

Treatment of heel spurs with folk remedies: grandmother's advice

Treatment of heel spurs with folk remedies: grandmother's advice

In the fast-paced modern world, the number of diseases of the musculoskeletal system among urban residents is noticeably progressing. The heel spur is one of them. The fast pace of life, overweight, physical and sports activities, stiletto heels - this is just a small list of the causes of the disease. You need to start treatment at the stage of "starting pain", while it is still possible to treat a spur on the heel with folk remedies (without surgical intervention)

First aid for carbon monoxide poisoning - knowledge that saves lives

First aid for carbon monoxide poisoning - knowledge that saves lives

The probability of CO poisoning in closed garages and hangars with engines running, fires or neglecting the rules for using heating and household gas appliances is very high. First aid for carbon monoxide poisoning should be provided correctly and in a timely manner

Arthritis of the foot: treatment and causes

Arthritis of the foot: treatment and causes

Pain in the legs, swelling and redness of the skin of the foot - all this can be symptoms of a disease such as arthritis. The disease significantly impairs a person's ability to work, because walking becomes painful. There are many reasons why foot arthritis occurs. Treatment of the disease should be started immediately, as there is a risk of complications that require surgical intervention, and can also lead to disability

Solitary kidney cysts: symptoms, treatment and prevention

Solitary kidney cysts: symptoms, treatment and prevention

Solitary kidney cysts are common. They tend to go unnoticed for a long time. But if a person has suspicious symptoms, then he should immediately consult a doctor and undergo an examination. After all, if the treatment of the cyst is not started on time, then there is a risk of developing dangerous complications

Papillary thyroid carcinoma: causes, symptoms, stages and features of treatment

Papillary thyroid carcinoma: causes, symptoms, stages and features of treatment

Papillary thyroid carcinoma is a dangerous disease, but in most cases it can be completely eliminated. The main method of treatment is surgery, after which it is necessary to resort to radioactive iodine therapy

Acute and chronic pyelonephritis: symptoms in men. Treatment

Acute and chronic pyelonephritis: symptoms in men. Treatment

Pyelonephritis is a disease characterized by an inflammatory process in the kidneys. It has always been considered a "female disease", but sometimes pyelonephritis is diagnosed in men. Symptoms and treatment depend on the form of the disease, as well as comorbidities

Hyperprolactinemia - what is it? How does hyperprolactinemia manifest itself? Treatment

Hyperprolactinemia - what is it? How does hyperprolactinemia manifest itself? Treatment

In medicine, there is the concept of "hyperprolactinemia". What it is and how it manifests itself, not everyone knows. But in recent years, such a diagnosis is being made more and more often. Therefore, it is important to know the symptoms of this disorder, methods of treatment, as well as possible complications, so as not to miss the moment and contact a qualified specialist in time

White fever in children: emergency care, treatment. Why is white fever dangerous in a child?

White fever in children: emergency care, treatment. Why is white fever dangerous in a child?

White fever in children is a dangerous condition that requires special attention. Parents should know all the symptoms and ways to help their child. After all, white fever threatens with dangerous consequences

Prolapse of the gastric mucosa into the esophagus: symptoms, causes, treatment and consequences

Prolapse of the gastric mucosa into the esophagus: symptoms, causes, treatment and consequences

Prolapse of the gastric mucosa into the esophagus is a fairly common disease, especially among patients over 50 years of age. They regularly begin to suffer from such dangerous and unpleasant symptoms as belching, nausea after eating, heartburn. These pathological manifestations in official medical terminology are called gastroesophageal reflux. In this article we will talk about the causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences of this disease

Causes and symptoms of acute cholecystitis

Causes and symptoms of acute cholecystitis

Today, many are interested in the question of how the main symptoms of acute cholecystitis look like. After all, statistics confirm that almost every fourth patient of the surgical department is admitted to the hospital with this diagnosis

Batten's disease: possible causes, symptoms, treatment options

Batten's disease: possible causes, symptoms, treatment options

Not many people know what diseases of the nervous system exist and what exactly they are characterized by. However, many of them are very difficult and lead to irreversible consequences. These include Batten's disease, which progresses rapidly and affects the cells of the brain, skin, eyes and other organs. This pathology is genetic, it has severe symptoms and rather dangerous consequences, leading to the death of the patient

Pompe disease: symptoms and treatment

Pompe disease: symptoms and treatment

What is Pompe disease, how does it manifest itself in children and adults, what are the symptoms and how can you deal with this problem - all this information can be found in the presented article