Diverticulum of the stomach: causes, symptoms, treatment and diet

Diverticulum of the stomach: causes, symptoms, treatment and diet
Diverticulum of the stomach: causes, symptoms, treatment and diet

Diverticulum of the stomach is a pathology of the intestine, in which diverticula appear on its walls - hernial formations up to 2 cm in size. These formations protrude towards the abdominal cavity, can appear immediately after birth with the wrong diet of the baby.

Some statistics

There is an opinion that diverticula are a genetic feature of a particular person, but this happens very rarely. Under the age of 30, pathology is diagnosed very rarely.

The peak incidence occurs at the age of 80 years, at this age the pathology is detected in 8 out of 10 patients. 60% of people find this disease between the ages of 60 and 80, and only 30% of the population - between the ages of 30 and 60.

But the disease has not only age-related causes. Pathology is almost never diagnosed in countries where the basis of the diet is fiber, where the economy is at the stage of development. In Africa and Asia, almost no one is diagnosed with the disease. In European and other developed countries, gastric diverticulum is diagnosed veryoften. This is due to the fact that the population of these states is addicted to fast food, consumes a lot of bakery products, meat.

Russia is no exception. The number of patients in the country with such a diagnosis is almost equal to the number in European countries. At the same time, doctors note that the disease is rapidly “getting younger”, more and more often it is found in people over the age of 20.

Eating at fast food
Eating at fast food

Why is this happening?

Scientists in the field of medicine argue that a diverticulum of the stomach in humans occurs against the background of increased pressure of feces on the walls of the intestine. A person accumulates a huge amount of gases, which also put pressure on the walls of the intestine. And the reason for everything is an unbalanced diet, a small amount of fiber in the diet. People with this pathology eat a lot of food, which leads to the formation of a dense food lump, which puts pressure on the intestines. As a result, diverticula appear in "weak" places where the vessels are close to the surface.

It is natural that there are people with a genetic predisposition to the disease, but this is a very rare occurrence, for the disease to begin to progress, a person must have an unbalanced diet.

Risk factors

Provoking factors include chronic diseases of the digestive system: peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach. Equally important is the amount of food consumed by a person, if he passes, then he is at risk. Pervisceritis, flatulence and prolonged vomiting can also provoke the developmentgastric diverticulum.

Pain in the stomach
Pain in the stomach


Gastric diverticulum usually has no obvious symptoms, making it difficult to diagnose.

If there are several diverticula, the following symptoms may occur:

  • no stool for more than a day;
  • heaviness, and sometimes pain in the stomach with localization in the lower left;
  • increased gas formation and flatulence;
  • bleeding from the anus without any pain.

However, few people pay attention to all these symptoms, they are more associated with other diseases.

The acute form may be accompanied by severe pain and a pronounced violation of the stool.

Increased gas formation
Increased gas formation

Stages of disease

There are several forms of gastric diverticulum that occur against the background of different symptoms:

  • Latent form. Characterized by an almost complete absence of symptoms.
  • The pseudo-ulcerative form in its symptoms is very similar to the initial stage of peptic ulcer. The patient often has belching, nausea, frequent pain after eating, and dispensation may be observed. If diverticula form in the epigastric region, then pain appears behind the sternum and in the region of the left hypochondrium with irradiation to the scapula.
  • Pseudocarcinomatous form is characterized by emaciation, asthenia, pain of uncertain etiology. Some patients have an increase in subfebrile temperature.
  • Combination formsuggests that gastric fundus diverticula appear against the background of cholecystitis, gastric cancer, or other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Also distinguish dyspeptic or gastric forms.

Possible Complications

One of the most dangerous complications is bleeding, which can be fatal. Before the onset of bleeding, as a rule, there are pains in the epigastric region, which are given to the shoulder and shoulder blade. In a sitting position, pain may increase. If there is too much blood loss, then vomiting with bloody patches may occur. If the blood loss is small, but prolonged, then there is a chair with tarry feces, weakness and pain gradually increase.

Perforation or atrophy of the growth sheath may occur with further rupture. Some patients have torsion of the diverticulum pedicle with entrapment of the mesentery of the transverse colon. Against the background of a diverticulum, secondary gastritis, sarcoma, polyps and even cancer may appear.

Vomiting reflex
Vomiting reflex


Gastric diverticulum - what is it and how is it diagnosed? The "gold standard" for diagnosing this pathology is fibrogastroduodenoscopy. During the study, biopsy material is also taken.

X-ray contrast examination, ultrasound, computed tomography can be performed.

If the disease proceeds without complications, then laboratory tests are not required. If a peptic ulcer is suspected, blood may be taken.


Does not exist todaya unified technique for eliminating symptoms and treating diverticulum of the stomach. Dietary nutrition plays an important role in stabilizing the patient's condition. Antispasmodics and prokinetics are used during an exacerbation and only after a thorough examination of the whole organism.

In old age, conservative therapy is mandatory to prevent surgical intervention.

If the patient is constipated, laxatives may be prescribed, but self-selection of such drugs is not recommended.

CT scan
CT scan

Surgical treatments

If there are no complications, but the pain syndrome is clearly expressed, then a planned operation can be performed. Emergency operations are performed if there is a threat to life, bleeding, malignancy or perforation has begun.

Possible types of operation:

  • resection of a diverticulum with parallel two-row stitching of a defect in the gastric wall;
  • intussusception can be performed in the lumen of the stomach with simultaneous suturing of the mouth of the outgrowth;
  • gastric resection is performed if the diverticulum has formed in the pyloric area.

However, with timely access to a medical institution and full compliance with the recommended rules for the treatment of gastric diverticulum, the risk of having to undergo surgery is minimal.


Diet food

Correction of the diet is aimed at normalizing the volume and consistency of feces, at eliminating pain and spasms. Quite often, lifestyle correction is required, that is, an increase in physical activity.

In gastric diverticulum, the diet is based on the use of dietary fiber, fiber and foods that have a stimulating effect on the work of the lower gastrointestinal tract.

Recommended foods for daily consumption:

  • Any kind of bran. During the day, you need to consume 2-3 tablespoons.
  • Brown or "wild" rice, that is, unpeeled varieties.
  • From fatty foods, you can use sunflower and olive oil, butter.
  • A day you need to eat about half a kilogram of vegetables and fruits. They are best served with cheese. Vegetables should be steamed, mashed or mashed. Fruits are best consumed in the form of compotes, dried fruits, kissels and jelly.
  • You can use sugar, marshmallow and honey.
  • Flour products can only be those made from wholemeal flour.
  • Dairy products are allowed: kefir, cottage cheese, mild cheese, cream, curdled milk, sour cream.
  • Grains and cereals should be from crushed or whole grains. It is desirable that they are steamed or with milk, water.

It is mandatory to refuse all products that are of animal origin, excluding sour-milk products. Meat and fish are allowed, but in limited quantities - no more than 150 grams per day. Ideally, you should eat 1 part meat or fish and 4 parts fiber. Meat is best steamed andgrind on a grater or in a blender. You can not eat more than two eggs per day. They should be soft boiled or cooked in the form of an omelette, scrambled eggs.

Meals should be regular and even, 5-6 times a day.

Prohibited are:

  • s alty and smoked dishes;
  • muffin;
  • semi-finished products;
  • sweets: halva, chocolate;
  • canned foods;
  • seeds.

You can not use soups on "heavy" broths from chicken, other meat, fish, mushrooms. It is not allowed to eat sour cabbage soup and okroshka. You will have to give up carbonated drinks, coffee, kvass, alcoholic drinks.

Proper nutrition
Proper nutrition

Forecast and prevention

In most cases, the prognosis for recovery is favorable. However, if bleeding occurs, there is a high risk of recurrence in a few months or even years. There is a possibility of developing anemia. There is also a risk of developing peritonitis, penetration into neighboring organs. If a pathology is detected, the patient is registered with the dispensary.

Today there are no specific preventive measures. However, it is still possible to reduce the likelihood of developing the disease. First of all, you should eat right, eliminate any inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, prevent the appearance of diseases of the stomach and duodenum.

Of great importance in preventing the appearance of diverticulum in a child is the attitude of the mother to nutrition and lifestyle during pregnancy. If the mother-to-be wantsfor her child to be he althy, she needs to follow all the doctor's recommendations.
