Is eczema contagious? Is eczema transmitted from person to person? How to treat eczema?

Is eczema contagious? Is eczema transmitted from person to person? How to treat eczema?
Is eczema contagious? Is eczema transmitted from person to person? How to treat eczema?

Eczema is an extremely unpleasant disease that affects a person's quality of life. Therefore, many are wondering if eczema is contagious. Can it be transmitted from person to person, and how? More recently, doctors assured that eczema is based on bacterial and fungal infections. But after much research, scientists have proven that eczema, along with dermatitis and neurodermatitis, is part of the group of autoimmune pathologies and cannot be transmitted from a sick person to a he althy one.

Eczema definition and predisposing factors

how to cure eczema permanently
how to cure eczema permanently

Eczema is a skin disease that is characterized by the appearance of foci of inflammation of a recurrent nature, manifested by rashes of various kinds. They may be in the form of a small rash or large vesicles. In addition, cracks, weeping foci, peeling, and itching are formed on the skin. These symptoms may be present in combination oralone.

The following factors contribute to the development of the disease:

  1. Emotional loads.
  2. Using household and other chemicals.
  3. Sudden temperature change.
  4. Endocrine disorders, etc.

What do the experts say?

Eczema is not contagious to others, it develops against the background of impaired immunity. The disease can be genetic in nature, but it is impossible to get infected from a sick person or after using his things.

If, as a result of the lack of treatment, an infection has joined the eczema, in this case the person may be contagious.

When not to worry?

Pathology is divided into many forms that only specialists can distinguish. For a general overview, it is worth listing them:

  1. True eczema, also called idiopathic, initially occurs in the face. Then it goes to the arms, legs and feet. At first it is a small rash consisting of blisters with a watery filling. When they are opened, erosive areas are formed. Often the disease is chronic and is characterized by long relapses.
  2. Allergic eczema is the body's response to external stimuli if there are internal system failures. Often, such eczema is hereditary, manifesting itself in the first years of a child's life. For adults, professional costs become a trigger.
  3. Varicose eczema. It develops against the background of venous outflow disorders.
  4. Tylotic view is one of the forms of trueeczema.

Are these types of eczema contagious? All these species are non-infectious and develop as a result of systemic disorders in the human body, therefore they are not contagious.

Eczema that is transmitted from a sick person

is eczema transmitted by contact
is eczema transmitted by contact

Is eczema transmitted by contact? It can be said that the disease itself is not contagious, but if infectious components join, then yes.

  1. There is a form of the disease called microbial eczema. It first develops along the edges of a wound or ulcer. The reason lies in the violation of blood microcirculation, increased sensitivity of the body to microbes or fungi. Microbial eczema can develop against the background of a weakened immune system or with endocrine disorders. Is this type of eczema contagious? It is not contagious itself, but germs living on its surface can spread from person to person.
  2. Seborrheic eczema is formed in places where the sebaceous glands accumulate. For example, on the scalp. The impetus for the development of the disease is an internal failure in the body, as a result, seborrheic fungus is activated, which is present on the skin of many people in an inactive state.
  3. Herpetic eczema. It develops against the background of the activation of the herpes virus, often in childhood. Is eczema sexually transmitted? The herpes virus itself is considered contagious and is transmitted mainly by contact. Such eczema is not sexually transmitted, but the herpes virus can be transmitted through sexual intercourse.

Disease pattern

how is eczema transmitted
how is eczema transmitted

First, the skin is dry and flaky. As the disease progresses, the following characteristic signs of eczema appear:

  • itch;
  • blistering rash with exudate inside;
  • erosive formations;
  • a scab will form later in place of pimples;
  • appearance of pink scars and spots;
  • more and more rashes develop on the inflamed areas.

Eczema treatment

is eczema sexually transmitted
is eczema sexually transmitted

How to cure eczema forever? To cure eczema completely and irrevocably, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause of the disease, and this will require diagnostics.

It is known that the disease is chronic. Therefore, during exacerbations, one should adhere to a certain regimen not only in lifestyle, but also in nutrition.

Doctors recommend keeping a special diary, which records all the products that the patient used, especially those tried for the first time. This is done in order to identify foods that can cause flare-ups.

During this period, skin contact with water and chemicals is limited, baths and saunas are excluded.

The basis for the treatment of many types of eczema is the following scheme:

  1. Taking antiallergic medicines.
  2. Calcium products.
  3. External Therapy.
  4. Prescribing enterosorbents that remove not only allergens from the intestines, but also toxins.
  5. In moments of severe exacerbations, externalcorticosteroid agents. All these ointments and solutions are applied in a short course. For example, the Flucinar ointment, the instructions for use of which must first be read.

Causes of autoimmune diseases

is eczema contagious
is eczema contagious

Autoimmune diseases appear due to such circumstances:

  1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, even in history.
  2. Climate change, especially moving to the subtropics.
  3. Varicose disease in advanced stage.
  4. Neuroses.
  5. Prone to allergies.
  6. Eating errors.
  7. Contact with chemistry.
  8. Fungal diseases.

All these factors contribute to the development of eczema. Be sure to follow a diet if you have skin problems.

Eczema often appears on the background of alcoholism and drug addiction, as a result of these bad habits the liver and pancreas suffer. The risk of developing eczema also threatens with disorders of the nervous system, when there is a tendency to neurodermatitis.

What should I do to avoid getting sick (especially if there is a hereditary predisposition)?

effective ointment for eczema
effective ointment for eczema

If a person feels itching and redness of the skin, you should definitely see a doctor, especially if close relatives have had cases of eczema. The doctor will prescribe a course of treatment, which mainly includes corticosteroids and anti-inflammatory drugs. Flucinar is considered an effective ointment for eczema. It is an anti-inflammatory drug withantibacterial action. Be sure to read the instructions for use of the Flucinar ointment beforehand.

Do not be afraid of this disease, it is well corrected by hormonal drugs with anti-inflammatory action, which are aimed at eliminating the main symptoms of eczema. After removing the exacerbation, the doctor selects the necessary diet, excludes factors leading to allergic reactions of the body, which may result in the development of the disease.

Given that eczema can still be contagious if fungi or germs are present, it is worth protecting yourself, especially in public places:

  1. When visiting public baths and saunas, use only personal utensils, towels, slippers, etc.
  2. People with a predisposition to eczema and working in hazardous industries will have to change their profession.
  3. Those who abuse spicy, s alty and fatty foods need to reconsider their diet.
flucinar ointment instructions for use
flucinar ointment instructions for use

Thus, answering the question of whether eczema is contagious, we can safely say that it is not. For a person with a good immune system, this disease is not terrible, even with a hereditary predisposition. But given the factor that in the modern rhythm of life, not many can boast of good immunity, and with the tendency of eczema to turn into a microbial variety, it is worth taking care of preventive measures and observing the rules of personal hygiene. Eczema can become severea problem for a person, because it looks aesthetically unsightly. This circumstance, in turn, leads to problems at work and in personal life.
