People of all ages develop pain in the knee joint. Treatment at home will be effective only after determining the cause of this phenomenon. For pain in the knees, you should contact an orthopedist, rheumatologist or arthrologist. With self-medication, there is a risk of worsening the condition. The reasons and principles of treatment are described in the article.
Feelings of pain are a sign of the pathology of the musculoskeletal system or the result of injuries and injuries to the legs. Only an experienced doctor can determine what caused this condition. One of the reasons is the consequence of injuries. Related to:
- knee bursitis;
- dislocation, fracture;
- meniscus tear;
- stretch tendons or ligaments;
- shift of the patella.

When injured, a person has to recover for a long time. The reason for this is that it is difficult to ensure the immobility of the joint. Even after a month, there may be pain in the knee when walking, squatting. Usually the painful place is localized in the area below the knee (behind). Atthis pain is sharp, aching, pulling and constant.
Pain in the knee occurs with diseases of the musculoskeletal system:
- Baker's cyst. A sign of this disease is a swelling under the knee. With the growth of the cyst, the pain becomes stronger, while it is difficult to squat, move. Pain in the knee when walking, squatting becomes very strong.
- Dissecting osteochondritis. A person has discomfort even with a slight attempt to move his leg, as well as when walking and squatting.
- Osteoarthritis. With the disease, there is periodic pain in the knees. It subsides after warming up and at rest.
- Osgood-Schlatter disease. There is pain below the knee when moving, which gets worse after squatting.
Many people do not see a doctor for a long time, believing that mild pain will disappear. The problem is hidden not in the strength of unpleasant sensations, but in the negative factors that lead to discomfort. But even with minor pain, you need to see a doctor.

There are many causes of pain in the knee from the inside or from the outside, but in any case, treatment should be carried out in a complex manner. Examination usually reveals that the discomfort is due to a recent injury, a complication of a chronic condition, or an illness that the person may not be aware of.
Types of pain
The nature and intensity of pain are:
- aching;
- sharp, strong;
- pulsing;
- drilling;
- stupid;
- burning;
- shoot through.
Discomfort may occur when walking or at rest. In any case, it is necessary to treat him.
First, the sore spot is examined by an orthopedist, motor tests are performed, an anamnesis is collected to make a diagnosis. The doctor also conducts examinations:
- Instrumental. This requires X-ray, ultrasound, CT, MRI or densitometry.
- Laboratory. General, biochemical tests, a smear and a blood test are taken. A serological examination, a puncture of the bone marrow and joint fluid are being carried out.
- Invasive. In this case, artoscopy is performed.

According to the data obtained from tests and examinations, a specialist establishes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment.
Therapy Methods
There are several ways to treat knee pain conservatively:
- physiotherapy;
- taking anti-inflammatory drugs;
- use of ointments, gels with analgesic action;
- massage and self-massage;
- bandage toe;
- exercise complex;
- use of homemade ointments, compresses, rubbing;
- use of herbal decoctions for healing from the inside;
- proper nutrition.

It is desirable to treat knee pain using different methods. Many doctors confirm the beneficial properties of folk recipes. To do this, use rubbing, ointments, tinctures,lotions with natural ingredients that reduce discomfort. It is also necessary to eliminate excess weight, as it negatively affects the joints. And with pain, it slows down recovery.
Gymnastics and massage
Physical exercises and massage treatments can eliminate pain. Gymnastics should be performed if the person is not very painful and if the doctor has allowed. Exercise should be done slowly. For severe pain, it is better to use simple exercises. Weekly load should be increased.

In the prone and sitting position, flexion and extension of the legs, half turns, pulling the knees to the stomach, abduction of the legs to the sides are performed. After exercise, rest is required, after which massage can be performed. It is desirable that a specialist kneads his knees. The session lasts no more than 20 minutes. It is important that the person is not hurt.
Traditional medicine
Although the treatment of knee pain can be performed with folk remedies, it is still necessary to consult a specialist before using them.
- Tincture based on a golden mustache. This is an effective method of treating diseased joints. Pour vodka (500 ml) into the jar, add 6 large and 10 small sheets, put in a cool place. The tincture can be used after a week. Every day you need to rub the liquid into the knee, you can use it to rub the lower leg, upper part of the feet.
- Rubbing with cologne and iodine. The drug has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect. In the container you need to add a triple cologne and iodine (50 ml each),crushed tablets "Analgin" (10 pcs.). The mixture must be stirred, after which it must be infused for a day. Rub it on the affected area daily. Protective equipment must be used for hands, as bright traces remain from the mixture.
- Compress with gelatin. They can treat pain from the knee to the foot. Saturation of cartilage with a natural component that creates elasticity is useful for such problems. Gelatin (2 tsp) is added to warm water. After swelling, gauze should be dipped in hot water and squeezed a little, and then put into a gelatin mixture. The knee should be wrapped with gauze, covered with cling film, and wrapped on top with a terry towel. Activities can be performed in the evenings, and in the morning you need to wash your feet. The course lasts 2 weeks.
- Decoction based on nettle. The tool helps to purify the blood, as well as maintaining the condition of the joints. If thrombophlebitis, varicose veins or increased blood clotting is detected, then another plant should be chosen, for example, chamomile. Every day you need to prepare a fresh decoction: boil water (500 ml), put nettle (1 tablespoon), boil for 2 minutes, remove from heat. After 40 minutes, the remedy is ready. 20 minutes before eating, you should consume 0.5 cups 3 times a day.
Other effective recipes
Pain in the legs from the knee often disappears with the use of proven traditional medicine. Other recipes can be used for this:
- Compress with honey and aloe. This is an excellent tool for detecting inflammation. It is advisable to treat the sore spot in the evenings. You will need an agave sheet,which must be washed, select the pulp (2 tablespoons), add thin honey (1 tablespoon) and mix. The mass is applied to gauze and applied to the diseased area, bandaged a little, covered with cellophane. Warm up with a towel. In a few days, the first results will appear.
- Compress with cabbage and camphor oil. It is necessary to choose a large leaf of a vegetable, wash it, beat it off a little. Honey and camphor oil (1:2) are added to the container. The mixture is spread on a cabbage leaf, placed on the affected area and not tightly bandaged. The compress should act from evening to morning. Such a remedy allows you to eliminate pain in the knee when bending.
- Ointment. It is prepared on its own. You will need to grind the yolk, add apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon), turpentine (1 teaspoon), mix. Sore spots are lubricated with a mixture, rubbed, covered with gauze, and then with a woolen scarf. Feet should be washed after an hour. Activities should be performed every day for 2 weeks.
- Ointment with horse chestnut. It is necessary to peel the fruits, get the contents, chop with a blender. Then camphor oil is added. The remedy can be applied to a sore spot, and a thin slice of black bread can be applied on top. The design is bandaged, covered with a soft material. Keep the compress for 2 hours, and then wash your feet with soap, moisten the affected area with a decoction of chamomile. It is necessary to perform sessions every day, the whole treatment lasts 2 weeks.

Pain when extending the knee, as well as when bending it, can be treated with drugs thatprescribed by a doctor. The following remedies are effective:
- Ointments, gels. Medicines based on bee and snake venom help, with a warming, cooling effect. There are many ways to improve blood circulation. The drug should be chosen by the doctor due to pain and contraindications. Usually prescribed drugs such as "Apizartron", "Viprosal", "Troxevasin".
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Indomethacin, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen are often prescribed. These medicines can relieve pain behind the knee or in front. But for eliminating inflammation, they are considered not very effective compared to pills. Voltaren-emulgel, Fastum-gel will help get rid of discomfort.
- Chondroprotectors. Means with chondroitin and glucose are able to maintain the functionality of cartilage, maintain tissue elasticity, restore metabolism in the affected area. Such drugs as "Struktum", "Don", "Artra" are in demand.
There is an instruction for any of these medicines, which indicates the duration and rules of treatment. It is important to follow the recommendations and not self-medicate.
It will not be possible to exclude knee injuries and the impact of certain ailments on the musculoskeletal system, but it is possible to minimize the risks. Many people suffer from knee pain for many years. Preventing negative manifestations is simple:
- Physical activity should be moderate, do not overload the ligamentous apparatus. Swimming, walking, gymnastics, walks are necessary for he althy legs.
- In active sports, when the legs are subjected to heavy stress, it is necessary to use protective equipment, as well as wear comfortable and high-quality shoes.
- The menu should include dishes and foods rich in magnesium, calcium, phosphorus. In a week, 1 time you need to eat jellied dishes with gelatin.
- Muscles, bones and cartilage require vitamins and minerals for normal development. After consultation with a specialist, you can use dietary supplements, vitamin and mineral complexes. Often used tools such as "Chondro Strength", "Chondro Capsules", "ArthroStop Plus".
- It is important to control your weight. Obese people often develop diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as chronic ailments that negatively affect the joints.
- You should not be without movement for a long time, and also overload your legs. If the work is sedentary, then the blood circulation in the legs worsens, the elasticity of the cartilage tissue worsens.
- If you experience discomfort, pain in the knee, you should consult a doctor. An orthopedist, rheumatologist or arthrologist will check the he alth of bones, muscles, cartilage, and prescribe treatment.
- In case of chronic pathologies of the joints, ligamentous apparatus, reducing the load on the legs, orthoses (protective equipment) should be worn. The doctor will choose a bandage, bandage, designs based on individual characteristics.

Knee pain is common. It is important to follow the recommendations of rheumatologists, orthopedists, herbalists. It is important to use proven tools, as well as follow the measuresprevention. Only an integrated approach will eliminate pain.