Small pimples on the forehead in medicine are called acne, in the people - blackheads. Almost everyone in adolescence goes through pimples. For many, this problem remains unresolved for a long time.

Small pimples on the forehead. Reasons
- Hereditary factor. The appearance of rashes on the face can be inherited. And if your parents had them, there's a good chance you will too.
- Hormonal failure. In adolescence, there is a big jump in hormones, as a result of which the sebaceous glands work more actively, and the pores on the face do not have time to remove excess fat.
- Using cosmetics that are not suitable for this skin type.
- Poisoning by various substances.
- Allergic reactions to drugs, etc.
- Disease of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Stressful situations, reduced immunity.
- Hyperkeratosis - an increase in the upper layer of the skin (horny).
- Violation of metabolic processes (mainly lipid metabolism suffers).
- Some products: coffee, confectionery and flour products, some dairy products, animal fatsorigin, nuts (almonds, pistachios, etc.).

Small pimples on the forehead. Types of rashes
- Comedones (white with inflammation). They appear due to disruption of the sebaceous glands and the accumulation of products of their activity in the skin. The bacteria that they contain begin to increase in number, which leads to inflammation of nearby tissues.
- Milium (white pimples without inflammation). The principle of their formation is the same as for comedones, but without inflammation.
- Red pimples. They are a manifestation of various allergic reactions or skin inflammations.
- Water pimples. Appear with various infections, allergies.
How to get rid of small pimples on forehead
- Diet. Avoid highly s alty, spicy, fried foods. Reduce the consumption of alcohol, confectionery, soda, chips. Do not eat food rich in proteins. You need to diversify your diet with vegetables and fruits, it is advisable to use lean meats, fish, poultry.
- Exclude the cause of the rashes. To do this, you need to see a doctor, and possibly several.
Beautician will help if the problem is improper skin care. Dermatologist - if there are skin diseases. He will determine the cause after the examination. An endocrinologist and a gynecologist will prescribe treatment for hormonal disorders, an allergist - if the cause is allergic

reactions. If the gastrointestinal tract is affected,the gastroenterologist will help. You can not self-medicate, as it will be difficult to determine the cause of the disease on your own. The consequences of such treatment may adversely affect he alth.
Small pimples on the forehead. Prevention
To avoid the above skin problems, you need a proper balanced diet and proper skin care. Cosmetics should suit your skin. Do not use products that contain alcohol. Also, do not abuse exfoliating products, they destroy the protective layer of the skin. And don't touch your face unnecessarily, especially with dirty hands.
If you do not contact a specialist in time, you can start the treatment of a serious illness. After all, even small pimples on the forehead can indicate the development of the disease.