Enlarged tonsils: photo, what to do

Enlarged tonsils: photo, what to do
Enlarged tonsils: photo, what to do

At the moment, the problem of enlarged tonsils is very common. Almost 15% of the world's population has a chronic form of tonsillitis. This is a sore throat, during which the tonsils become inflamed. This disease is quite difficult. The temperature rises, severe pain appears, breathing and swallowing processes may be disturbed. Children often suffer from this problem. In this article, we will analyze the causes of inflammation, photos of the affected oral cavity and what actions to take.


Structure and purpose

Before discussing what to do with enlarged tonsils and how to treat, it is necessary to consider what they are for and what function they perform in the body.

The pharynx is the junction of the esophagus, larynx, mouth, nose and ears. It contains six tonsils. There is a pharyngeal, reed, as well as a pair of palatine and tubal. They are made from lymphatic tissue. It is she who produces the protective substances necessary for the body.

Due to the correct location of the tonsils, a kind of pharyngeal “ring” appears. Thanks to it, bacteria do not enter the body, but are excreteddirectly through the mouth.

The palatine tonsils are usually the first to be affected during acute or chronic illnesses. They are on the right and left of the pharynx. They can be seen in the mirror if you open your mouth wide. As a rule, due to the fact that they are the first to become inflamed most often, a painful sore throat occurs in a person.

Pipe - located deeper. The oral cavity with the nasopharynx are connected and protected by the pharyngeal tonsil.

The closing link should be called the language, which is located at the base of the tongue. Ideally, the tonsils fully cope with the resulting infections, delaying them.

As a rule, with inflammation, the tonsils are enlarged in adults and children due to the fact that immunity begins to deteriorate. Lymphocytes and other important cells could not resist the infection, so it began to develop. The tonsils are the first to react to this inflammation.

Throat examination
Throat examination

Causes of inflammation

Inflammation of the tonsils is caused by an infection. It can enter the mouth or nose in many ways. As a rule, the disease develops in one of the following ways.

The disease can appear due to dental caries or a constant runny nose.

Tonsillitis often occurs with hypothermia, if a person has a weak immune system.

Microorganisms often affect. They can be pneumococci, streptococci, and so on. First, they infect the oral cavity and the throat itself, and then they penetrate the body.

May happeninfection from a patient who suffers from enlarged tonsils. In this case, the symptoms and, in principle, the process itself will proceed similarly in both cases.

If we consider tonsillitis by the nature of the pathogen, then there are viral, fungal, herpetic and bacterial species.

Catarrhal angina

Catarrhal angina is considered the mildest form of inflammation of the tonsils. This disease is quickly tolerated by adults, but the same cannot be said about children. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that if there is a serous plaque on the tonsils, then we can talk about the development of scarlet fever.

The most common causative agent of this disease is group A streptococcus. This inflammatory process is considered initial. It easily passes into follicular, lacunar or phlegmonous tonsillitis.

If we talk about symptoms, then fever may appear, intoxication of the body occurs, an increase in the tonsils in a child is observed. Treatment should be carried out immediately in order not to start the disease. Also, sometimes there may be a sharp pain, fever in the throat and general weakness. It is necessary to observe a sparing daily routine. Often, adults feel almost no symptoms and tolerate catarrhal tonsillitis quite easily.

Enlarged tonsils
Enlarged tonsils

Treatment of catarrhal angina in children

Speaking about the treatment of catarrhal angina, as a rule, we are talking about a disease in a child. Most often, children tolerate this inflammation severely. There is a high fever, weakness and severe pain. As soon as the first symptoms appear,you need to call a doctor. Angina can be the cause of the development of diphtheria and scarlet fever. After an examination by a doctor, you must immediately follow all the instructions. This will completely get rid of enlarged tonsils. A photo of sore throat is given in the article.

As a rule, penicillin antibiotics are used to treat a child, bed rest and vitamins are prescribed. You can also additionally rinse your mouth with decoctions of chamomile, celandine, or any other medicinal herbs that are suitable for maintaining oral he alth. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the child drinks a large amount of liquid. It should be warm.

Catarrhal angina in adults

If we are talking about the treatment of adults, then it completely depends on the state of he alth and the clinical picture. In order for a person to recover quickly and enlarged tonsils return to normal, antibiotics are prescribed. You can use a spray, lozenges, and rinses. They will help relieve inflammation. If the disease does not recede, then in order to prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to observe bed rest.

Sore throat
Sore throat

More severe forms of inflammation

If you ignore the treatment of enlarged tonsils, then you can allow the appearance of severe forms of the disease. The disease begins to progress into lacunae. These are the deeper parts of the glands. White plaque or purulent follicles may appear. In this case, the sore throat will already be in severe form, respectively, a high-qualitytreatment.

There are two types of disease. There is follicular and lacunar inflammation. They differ from each other in characteristic features. May leak simultaneously on different sides of the throat.

This condition is very dangerous for the heart and kidneys. That is why the main thing is to properly cure the disease and prevent the transition to a chronic form.

Lacunar tonsillitis is accompanied by inflammation of the tonsils, the symptoms are a bit like the follicular type. A distinctive feature will be a white coating and a very sharp sore throat that occurs quite suddenly. Also during the day, a person may not feel that his tonsils are enlarged. However, by the evening all the symptoms will be there.

Among additional manifestations should be noted constipation, vomiting or diarrhea, general weakness, cough. There is also a tickle and constant thirst.

Treatment of follicular and lacunar tonsillitis

Treatment of enlarged tonsils, especially if purulent inflammation has already begun, should be quite serious and only under medical supervision. There are two methods. This is medical and surgical. If a person likes to use folk remedies, then with their help you can reduce not only inflammation, but also relieve symptoms. The doctor will usually prescribe antibiotics. Often used penicillin options - "Sumamed" and "Erythromycin". If we are talking about a viral lesion, then it is necessary to take, respectively, drugs that act on this pathogen. The prescription can only be carried out by a doctor. It reveals the nature of the disease, andas well as the state of the human body. In addition to antibiotics, local injections, suction of pus, vitamins and stimulants that help improve the immune system, physiotherapy, follicular lavage of the throat, and treatment of the tonsils with a special oil solution should also be prescribed.

Treatment of children

We need to pay special attention to inflammation in children. In this case, the symptoms and methods of treatment will differ from those described above. It is imperative to drink antibiotics, otherwise tonsillitis cannot be cured. You also need to know that this disease leads to complications, including heart disease. Therefore, you should be as careful as possible. Penicillin antibiotics are considered the safest, they are prescribed even for newborns. The child needs to constantly drink warm water and eat soft mashed potatoes or cereals. Now you should not worry if the child has enlarged tonsils. What to do - described above.

Throat problems
Throat problems

Phlegmonous inflammation of the tonsils

Phlegmonous tonsillitis is accompanied by purulent inflammation. It is localized near the tonsils. Very often this disease occurs as a complication of tonsillitis. Often occurs in just a couple of days and the palatine tonsils begin to inflame.

This angina is unilateral. Quite rarely, it occurs on two tonsils at once. There is acute pain when swallowing, the temperature rises, there may be increased salivation. There is weakness in the body. When the tonsil is enlarged on one side, it becomes larger and begins to shift towards the centerlarynx. It may feel like it is being pulled down.

If you slowly treat this disease, then an abscess occurs. It is he who is one hundred percent confirmation of the diagnosis.

Symptomatology and treatment

If we talk about the symptoms and treatment, they are completely similar to those described above. The main rule is to quickly start taking medication. The doctor will prescribe antibiotics, prescribe immunostimulants and special anti-inflammatory drugs. The first few days the patient needs to lie in bed. If an abscess begins, then only surgical therapy is used, in which the tonsils are opened. Then they are washed and removed, if there are appropriate indications. In this way, complications can be prevented.

Doctor's examination
Doctor's examination

Inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsil

The nasopharyngeal tonsil is quite important. It protects the body in the event of an infection in the nasal cavity. As soon as the slightest signs of the development of the disease appear, it immediately increases in size. If a cold often occurs and the interval between outbreaks is no more than a week, then the tonsil does not recover. Therefore, the temperature can be noticeably increased, the tonsils are enlarged. It eventually becomes chronic.

Very often this problem occurs in childhood. As soon as a person turns 13-15 years old, the tonsils decrease in size, and inflammation is practically not found.

As a rule, frequent runny nose can provoke problems. If it is protracted, it is difficult to treat, there is a constantmouth breathing, especially at night, colds occur at intervals of 1.5 weeks. Or, on the contrary, nasal breathing is difficult, but there is no runny nose, then we can already talk about inflammation of this tonsil. Infections can also provoke this disease. For example, measles, influenza or scarlet fever.

Most often, parents do not even know that their child has problems with the pharyngeal tonsil. If a chronic process begins, complications with the heart, kidneys, and musculoskeletal system may occur.

Labored breathing
Labored breathing

Treatment of adenoiditis

Currently, there are two approaches to the treatment of adenoids. We are talking about surgical and conservative. First you need to use physiotherapy, immunotherapy, anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as nasal lavage.

If the adenoids do not decrease in size, but continue to grow, then you will have to resort to their removal. However, one should not think that a person will stop getting sick after this. As a result of the removal of the tonsils, inflammation begins, so the infection enters the body. Thus, this disease will be replaced by tonsillitis or otitis media.

Strongly enlarged adenoids will have to be treated anyway. After all, they pose a threat. Therefore, enlarged tonsils should never be ignored. What to do? Due to respiratory failure, they will have to be removed anyway.
