If a person suffers from pain in the throat, itching, discomfort and coughing, then such symptoms are considered quite familiar. As a rule, many believe that in this case we are talking about a standard viral disease. However, this is often a sign of pharyngitis. Complications after this disease are dangerous to he alth, and sometimes to human life.

This pathology is an inflammatory process that occurs in the mucous membranes of the pharynx. Pharyngitis can be chronic or acute. Such a disease is divided into several types, based on where exactly the inflammatory processes are localized. Pharyngitis can be in the nasopharynx, oropharynx and laryngopharynx. However, such a division in most cases is considered only conditional, since with the appearance of an acute form of pathology, a diffuse lesion of the mucous membranes is recorded. In addition, bacteria and viral infections migrate very often. Therefore, symptoms are usually characterized as descending. Only with the developmentchronic stage of the disease, inflammation is localized in only one zone.
Types of pharyngitis
When diagnosing this disease, doctors take into account the etiology of the lesion. Based on this, pharyngitis can also be viral, fungal, bacterial, allergic or traumatic. Sometimes the pathology manifests itself against the background of irritating factors.
Also, varieties of this disease are classified depending on the changes occurring in the mucous membrane. Based on this, pharyngitis can be catarrhal (simple), atrophic or hypertrophic.
Often in medical practice there are situations when several types of pharyngitis begin to develop at the same time. Complications after this form of the disease are much more serious. As a rule, this type of disease is called mixed.
Most often, adults and children suffer from a catarrhal form of pathology that occurs against the background of severe SARS. According to statistics, more than 70% of recorded cases of pharyngitis were caused by influenza viruses, parainfluenza and other seasonal ailments. However, it should be borne in mind that initially the infection can only lead to a primary disease. If a person starts his condition, does not turn to a specialist, then the situation will worsen. In this case, the complications of pharyngitis in adults and children will be even more serious.
If we talk about the symptoms of pharyngitis, then, as a rule, they are pronounced. First of all, a person begins a rather strong sore throat. Patients constantly complain of dryness in the oral cavity and generala state of discomfort. In addition, there are unpleasant pain during swallowing. As a rule, the so-called empty throats cause the greatest discomfort. In some situations, a person has a fever.
When it comes to acute pharyngitis, complications can manifest themselves not only in the form of serious inflammatory processes, but also in the form of pain in the ears. If the cervical lymph nodes are palpated, the patient will note their painful condition, as well as a clear increase in this zone.
In some situations, the development of hyperemia of the posterior walls of the pharynx is noted. However, pharyngitis is often confused with tonsillitis. It is very easy to distinguish these two pathologies. With pharyngitis, there is no inflammation of the tonsils characteristic of tonsillitis.

In some situations, this disease is a harbinger of pathologies such as scarlet fever, measles or rubella. It is also worth noting that in the case of chronic pharyngitis, complications are not so acute. As a rule, most patients do not complain of fever. Many do not even notice a deterioration in well-being. However, patients complain of dryness in the oral cavity, perspiration, there is a feeling as if there is a lump in the throat all the time. A person wants to cough all the time. Mucus may also appear in the throat.
Due to general discomfort, a person has a desire to make swallowing movements. This occurs against the background of the accumulation of mucus on the back wall of the pharynx. All this leads to general irritability, insomnia and distracted attention.
If we talk about hypertrophic pharyngitis, then in this case, foci of lymphoid tissues appear on the back walls of the pharynx. They may gradually increase. If the disease is neglected, is in the acute stage, or it is acute pharyngitis, the consequences will be in the form of hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membranes. If we are talking about the chronic stage of pathology in young children, then in this case there is a dry cough, as well as whistling and wheezing sounds during the baby's breathing. Very often, such conditions are confused with bronchial asthma, so you should immediately consult a doctor and take diagnostic measures.
Is the pathology contagious
Speaking about the symptoms and complications of pharyngitis, many are interested in how likely it is to get this disease when in contact with sick people. To answer this question, it is necessary to clarify the type of pathology. If we are talking about viral pharyngitis, which appeared in a person against the background of influenza, parainfluenza or other viral pathologies, then in this case, of course, this ailment can be transmitted from one person to another.
In this case, the infection will spread like any other virus - by airborne droplets. If a patient sneezes or coughs next to a he althy person, then the latter has every chance of getting this pathology.
Pathogenic microorganisms can be on the hands, clothes of the patient and any other objects with which he has come into contact. If a he althy person touches them, then he may well become infected. That is why experts recommend patientspeople to avoid contact with he althy family members. It is also recommended to use separate utensils and personal hygiene products. Wash your hands with soap as often as possible. This will help stop the spread of pharyngitis and complications after the disease.
If the pathology has developed on the background of an allergy, trauma, or due to the influence of certain irritants (for example, chemicals), then it is impossible to transmit this disease to a he althy person. However, if we are talking about those who have too weakened immunity, or pregnant ladies, then in this case viruses and bacteria can attach, so you should always be on the alert.
In order to establish that an adult or child is really sick with pharyngitis, you need to see a doctor. First, experts conduct a survey. In this case, it is necessary to clearly tell the doctor all the symptoms and what the patient is complaining about.

After that, an examination of the human oral cavity is carried out. The next step is pharyngoscopy. For this, a special laryngeal mirror and a forehead reflector are used, which is fixed on the doctor's forehead. The procedure is quite simple. The patient's tongue must be pressed with a special medical spatula and a mirror inserted into the oral cavity. In the process of how the product will turn slightly in different directions, the doctor will be able to see all parts of the pharynx. To reduce discomfort during the procedure, the patient's tongue is treated with a solution of lidocaine.
Based on this examination, the doctor will not be difficult to putnecessary diagnosis. However, he will also have to find out exactly why the development of pharyngitis and complications occurred. To do this, you must pass a general blood test and a smear of the mucous membrane.
If the doctor suspects chronic pharyngitis, he can refer the patient to a gastroenterologist or neurologist for examination. In quite rare situations, pharyngitis appears against the background of problems with the organs of the gastrointestinal tract or nervous system.
Adult treatment
Therapy is necessary not only to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, but also to eliminate the causes of pathology. As a rule, in this case, complex treatment is used. The doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drugs. Most often, these are lozenges or special sprays that are used for the throat.

If we are talking about chronic pharyngitis and complications after it, then in this case lubrication, special rinses and inhalations with the help of drugs will help. In order to relieve pain, not only sprays and tablets will help, but also warming compresses and foot baths. A person should consume as much warm drink as possible.
If, against the background of pharyngitis and complications, the patient suffers from severe pain, then it is allowed to take analgesics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Most often, patients take Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. However, these drugs are not always able to cope with the disease.
If we are talking about a severe stage of development of pathology andconsequences of chronic pharyngitis, then in this case antibiotics cannot be dispensed with. They help to get rid of the bacteria that caused the pathology. However, you should be extremely careful and do not use drugs of this type unnecessarily. Antibiotics have a lot of side effects. In addition, they disrupt the intestinal microflora. If the patient has severe coughing fits, the doctor may prescribe mucolytic drugs. They help to quickly remove phlegm from the body.
In order not to lead to complications after pharyngitis in adults and children, you additionally need to think about strengthening the patient's immunity. Most often, for this, experts prescribe vitamin A intake. Additionally, you can resort to physiotherapy methods, as well as take antiviral drugs. However, in addition to taking medications, a person must adhere to a certain diet. He should refuse spicy and hot food, and also exclude the use of alcoholic beverages. You need to lie in bed as much as possible. The room should be periodically ventilated.
In some situations, the doctor may prescribe surgery. Most often, such surgical intervention is necessary for the hypertrophic form of pharyngitis. In this case, laser coagulation can be performed. This method is considered the most reliable, painless and safe. Laser coagulation is performed daily for 10 days.
Cauterization with silver nitrate or cryodestruction may also be prescribed. The last way to get ridfrom pharyngitis means that the affected areas on the mucous membrane will be affected with liquid nitrogen. Viruses and bacteria are quickly killed in a cold environment, which heals wounds and relieves irritation.
If we talk about lozenges, which can be purchased at any pharmacy or some grocery stores, they help to quickly distribute medicines to the diseased area. The most popular remedy of this type is "Faringosept". These lozenges help to quickly get rid of staphylococci, pneumococci and streptococci. However, this tool is considered not very strong.
If a person suffers from the consequences of pharyngitis or a more serious stage of the disease, then in this case Lyzobact or Strepsils can help. The latter remedy is considered the most popular. It can be purchased at almost any store. Candies "Strepsils" can be used for complication of pharyngitis in children. They have different tastes and quickly alleviate the patient's condition.
If a person suffers from severe sputum production and cannot fall asleep at night from coughing fits, then in this case, mucosal drugs will be required.
Children's pharyngitis
If you look at the photo of the throat, pharyngitis can be identified on its own. However, if we are talking about a child, then diagnosing at home is not worth it.

If we are talking about such diseases in children, then, as a rule, they are much stronger. It is also worth noting thatcomplications after pharyngitis in adults and babies are very different. In the latter case, there is much more danger.
Children complain of severe sore throat, fever, lethargy, lack of appetite and drowsiness. The younger the child, the more pronounced symptoms he will have. If a baby under the age of one year suffers from pharyngitis, then there is a high probability that against the background of this disease, mucosal edema may develop, which can lead to a spasm of the throat. When an asthma attack occurs, it is fraught with very terrible consequences.
Children can develop pharyngitis, just like adults. This means that the child may suffer from acute, chronic and other forms of pathology. The most difficult to treat children under the age of 1 year. In this case, it is impossible to use rinsing, lozenge sucking and many other methods, as babies simply do not know how to perform such actions.
If the child does not suffer from fever and the parents consulted with a specialist, then it is allowed to put a mustard plaster with honey on the baby's throat. It is also necessary to give him as much water as possible. It is necessary to ensure that the child does not suffer from dryness in the throat. To do this, you can moisten the oral cavity with antiseptics, without alcohol or mint. If we are talking about older children, then you can give the child warm water with the addition of a small amount of alkali.

Don't give spicy, sour, sweet or s alty foods that can irritate the mucous membrane of the throat. NecessaryInclude as many natural fruits and vegetables in your baby's diet as possible. If the child suffers from an advanced stage of the pathology, then in this case antibiotics will have to be used. Some experts allow the use of this type of topical agent.
What complications does pharyngitis cause
In this case, we are talking about local and general problems. Most often, the complication is that a person develops purulent tonsillitis, pharyngeal abscess, acute otitis media, inflammation of the middle ear, swelling of the larynx, laryngitis and other pathologies. In some situations, even autoimmune diseases can develop. As a rule, this happens against the background of an allergic reaction of the human body.

Often, against the background of pharyngitis, patients develop rheumatism. This is a very dangerous disease in which the heart valve is damaged. Thus his vice develops.
Sick suffer from heart failure and kidney disease. Thus, we can say that this pathology can lead to very serious complications and even death.
Pharyngitis during pregnancy: consequences
When a woman carrying a child becomes ill, there is a danger not only for her, but also for the fetus. If the pathology develops in the first trimester of pregnancy, then it can even provoke a natural abortion. Also, this pathology in rare situations leads to fetal hypoxia, premature birth, the effects of toxins on the body of an unborn baby.
If we talk about pharyngitisappendages and complications of this type, then theoretically this is possible. However, this pathology develops in the nasopharynx. Inflammation cannot reach the organs located so far away. Therefore, with pain in the appendages, it is worth considering other causes of unpleasant symptoms.
In order to exclude the possibility of contracting this disease, it is necessary to adhere to several recommendations. It is important to strengthen the immune system. In this case, we are talking about a he althy and nutritious diet. Also, it will not be superfluous to start hardening procedures. A person should sleep well. It is recommended to stop smoking and frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages. It is also necessary to prevent hypothermia.
It is not recommended to contact people suffering from pharyngitis. It is also worth visiting a doctor in a timely manner and undergoing examinations.