In the article, we will consider the symptoms and treatment of acute tubo-otitis.
Among a number of diseases of the auditory organs, there are those that many people know, for example, inflammatory processes in the outer ear or otitis media. But there are pathologies that cover the deeper structure of the auditory system, and one of them is tubo-otitis. This disease in medicine is also called eustachitis or otitis media. Tubootitis treatment is aimed at eliminating its causes, which are inflammatory processes that develop due to the penetration of infectious particles into the ear area.

Diagnosis of the disease
In case of suspected tubo-otitis, the doctor finds out the anamnesis, since the development of this pathology is characterized by the precursor of an infectious disease of the nose and throat. A standard ear examination is mandatory. In this case, otoscopy is performed, and, in addition, the work of the auditory tube is examined by increasing the pressure on its opening. During the study, the process of blowing with a balloon is carried outPolitzer and apply physical tests. On otoscopy, doctors observe retraction along with hyperemia of the eardrum.
Other techniques
Other possible examination methods in the presence of tubo-otitis include:
- Taking a swab from the nasopharynx in order to identify one or another type of pathogen.
- Allergy tests and tests for specific immunoglobulins. Such a study is usually carried out with allergic tubo-otitis.
- Endoscopic examination of the nasopharynx.
- Performing tympanometry, which is a study of the motor functions of the membrane.

Treatment of tubootitis
In the presence of inflammation of the Eustachian tube, first aid drugs should be local remedies that are injected through the tube itself, this process is called catheterization. For treatment and procedures, the patient does not have to be in the hospital, because absolutely all actions are easily carried out by the otolaryngologist on an outpatient basis. As a rule, glucocorticosteroids in solutions are injected into the auditory tube. This helps to quickly relieve inflammation. In addition, proteolytic enzymes are also used in the treatment of tubo-otitis to help thin the edematous fluid.
Procedures and medicines
The following procedures and medicines are also prescribed:
- Vasoconstrictor drugs are instilled into the nose from swelling of the auditory tube in the form of "Nazivin", "Otrivin" and "Sanorin".
- Boric alcohol is instilled into the sore ear to reduceunpleasant symptoms and disinfection of the inflamed area.
- Performing ear blowing along with pneumomassage to remove serous fluid from the tube.
- Using nasal sprays with glucocorticosteroids to help treat inflammation in the nasopharynx, such as Nasonex, for the treatment of ear tubootitis.
- Treatment with antihistamines and desensitizing agents in the form of Diazolin, Tavegil and Claritin.
- Treatment of tubo-otitis with immunomodulators to increase the overall resistance of the body. In this case, funds are used in the form of "Taktivin", "Poludana", "Immunorix" and "Amiksin".
- Treatment with antibiotics for a severe form of the disease with a tendency of the disease to go into suppurative otitis media. In this case, doctors usually prescribe either macrolides or drugs of the penicillin group.
- Physiotherapy with microcurrents, magnetotherapy, UHF, electrical stimulation and laser exposure.

Chronic form
In the event that the therapy of acute tubootitis was started at an early stage, then the patient will be able to fully recover in six days. In the presence of chronic tubootitis, treatment and its effectiveness directly depend on the degree of hearing loss, and, in addition, on the timely elimination of factors that provoke the disease. Such factors can be, for example, sanitation of the nasopharynx, correction of the nasal septum, removal of adenoids, and the like.
Antibiotic treatment
Decide how to treat such a pathology as tubo-otitis,only a doctor should. Any drugs in this case are selected individually, depending on the symptoms and characteristics of the course of this disease. So, as a rule, such types of drugs as anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictive and antipyretic drugs, as well as antibiotics are used. Let's dwell on antibiotics.
Antibiotics in the treatment of tubo-otitis in adults are prescribed when severe pain, fever and purulent discharge from the middle ear appear. Usually these are drugs with a wide spectrum of effects. But in order to enhance their effectiveness, it is advisable to perform an analysis on the microflora in order to select the most suitable drug. Most often, for the treatment of tubootitis, Amoclicillin is prescribed along with Amoxil, Gentamicin, Biseptol, Ceftriaxone, and so on.

Standard rate
The standard course of therapy is usually five to fourteen days. It is very important that the patient goes through it to the end. It often happens that pain symptoms and severe inflammation against the background of complex treatment disappear on the third day, but this does not mean at all that a complete recovery has come. In case of self-cessation of the drug, a relapse can be caused, which can lead to serious complications. Antibiotics for tubootitis are not considered a mandatory component of therapy; very often you can get by with conventional anti-inflammatory drugs.
Now let's find out which folk remedies are suitable for the complex treatment of tubo-otitis.
Applicationfolk remedies for tubootitis
At home, immediately after a medical consultation, tubo-otitis can be treated with folk remedies. But it is important not to forget about the prescribed medications, since in such a case there is a risk of the disease becoming chronic. Recipes for the appearance of inflammation of the auditory tube should recommend the following:
- Preparing a collection of yarrow, where lavender, dandelion roots and eucalyptus leaf are added. A spoonful of the collection is brewed with one glass of water. The resulting remedy is taken orally 50 milliliters three times a day.
- Crush the garlic head into gruel and pour the product with 120 grams of vegetable oil. Leave the remedy for one day in warmth, then the prepared medicine should be dripped into the ear three drops. It is best to do this at night. Treatment of tubootitis with folk remedies is not limited to this.
- In a spoon with olive oil you need to drop four drops of tea tree juice. Next, cotton turundas are moistened in the product, after which they are inserted into the ears for the whole night.
- Calendula tincture is diluted with water one to three. The resulting medicine is dripped into the affected ear three drops up to two times a day.
- Infuse two tablespoons of lingonberry leaves in 300 milliliters of boiling water and leave for an hour. It is recommended to drink the remedy 100 milliliters three times a day before meals.
Treatment of tubootitis with boric alcohol
Boric alcohol is a proven, and at the same time widely used remedy among folk recipes for the treatment of tubootitis. He is capableeffectively relieve pain. This remedy is used as follows: three drops of warm alcohol are instilled into the ears, and then the ear is closed with a cotton swab.
Treatment with boric alcohol should begin with cleaning the ear canal from accumulated sulfur. This will enable the drug to better penetrate the sink, in order to subsequently effectively act on the focus of inflammation. Against the background of inflammation, a person can shoot in the ear and there is also severe pain. In order to clean the ears, you should use hydrogen peroxide at a concentration of 3%. After the instillation procedure, excess solution is removed from the ears with a cotton swab.

But not every person can use a solution of boric alcohol without damage. Below we consider a list of contraindications, in the presence of which this remedy should be excluded from your treatment:
- The presence of individual intolerance.
- The period of gestation or feeding.
- Presence of kidney dysfunction.
- The patient is less than one year old.
The use of this drug implies that certain consequences are likely, by the way, this is also confirmed by the reviews that people leave on the Internet about this remedy. Thus, adverse reactions may occur in the form of clouding of consciousness, muscle cramps, dizziness, kidney problems, nausea or vomiting.
Next, we will learn how to treat pathology in children.
Rulestherapy for children
In childhood, this disease can occur with a significant increase in body temperature, especially when it comes to infants. The most common cause of the development of the disease is the use of nasal sprays with a powerful jet, and, in addition, improper washing of the respiratory organ against the background of bacterial rhinitis or otolaryngological diseases.

Treatment of bilateral tubootitis should always begin with the elimination of edema by instillation of vasoconstrictor drugs. Very often, pediatricians recommend that children use local antibacterial drugs in the ear, for example, Polydex. Without fail, children need to be given antihistamines, which will help to cope with swelling and reduce the production of transudate. Following the subsidence of the acute phase of the disease, it is necessary to blow out the auditory tube, and a number of various physiotherapeutic measures are also carried out.
Prevention of tubo-otitis
In order to prevent the development of this disease, the following recommendations must be observed:
- Strengthen immunity.
- Regularly harden the body.
- Blow your nose alternately, for example, first with the right and then with the left nostril, but not with both at the same time.
- Children's noses should be rinsed according to medical advice.
- You can use nasal sprays in children only from the age indicated in the instructions.
- It is necessary to sanitize the foci of infection in the area of otolaryngological organs.
- Under no circumstances should the ear be injured.
- We must try to reduce the likelihood of infection with otolaryngological diseases and other infectious pathologies.

Thus, this disease is best treated in a complex manner using drugs and folk methods, but before the course of therapy must be agreed with the doctor.